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Bledsoe > Brady


Persecution Complex
NBA has a huge competitive balance problem, basically by design. If you cap max contracts, guys who would get more than that (superstars) have to take other things into consideration.

But maybe it's good for the league's business? I don't know.

It's simple.

I went to the Lute Olson, University of Arizona basketball camp in 7th and 8th grade.

I was in a room with Richard Jefferson as he told us dedication is the game and you have to commit yourself to Basketball 24/7 if you truly wanted to succeed.

And even then 1/2,000,000 are making the summer team of the NBA, if that.

The Basketball camp was a recruiting tool but you also had guys like Richard Jefferson and Luke Walton teaching you the fundamentals.

I'll never forget my 6'5 lanky ass taking point guard, doing a crossover on homeboy, while Lute Olson was watching, breaking his ankles and going in for an easy layup.

Football is a much easier sport to make professionally especially if you have the size.

After those camps I practiced 6-8 hours a days whether it was dribbling or working on my jumpshot.

But going into High School I knew Football was the game I loved and played so I gave up basketball.

Point being in this rambling you have far higher odds making it into the NFL than you do the NBA especially given the roster's.

The game of Football is changing from how I grew up playing and taught myself to play. There was no concussion protocol and if there was and you stars were rung you get the fuck up.

I anticipate the Kickoff return being outlawed by the NFL within the next 5 years after a player inevitably gets paralyzed or killed. We used to practice kickoffs on game week SMH

That's why I defend players like Suh, Donte Hitner, Vontaze Burfict etc. They're playing the game of football how they were taught to play and as defensive players you're not going to change the instinct of a defender.

And you're not going to change that, concussion protocol or not. They play for the love of the game and the rush it gives you that nothing else on this planet gives you.


That's how the game was taught to us and a lot of these NFL players who play like this are from California.

It's beautiful, IMO, but they're the last of a dying breed. Enjoy it while it lasts, even if the players unwarrantedly get suspended.
Happy Independence Day, brothers!

It's been a while since I posted but I wanted to see if any of you guys checked out the All or Nothing series on Amazon? I thought it was really well done and it offers a lot of insight you just don't get from the fans pov during the season. In particular discussions that happened between Bidwill (owner) and Keim (GM) or those two and Arians. It was also interesting to see for myself what players stepped up into leadership roles as opposed to just reading a beat writer's opinion and who shied away from the responsibility which likely factored into letting them go this off season (Powers). A lot of different perspectives on display and worth a watch regardless who your team is. It's good enough that I'd check it out for other teams in the future. I bet EZ is enjoying watching Arians tear new assholes each episode ha R.I.P

Caught this while I was browsing prime the other night, haven't watched yet, but I'll probably run through it at some point. Wonder if anyone else has finished watching it.

I have, well worth it. I'd be particularly interested in your opinion of it as someone that really watches the sport and the processes involved.

Edit: Also, thank god we ended up with David Johnson instead of Ameer. I'm not saying Ameer can't or won't be a stud but David already is. The kid is talented in every facet of a RB's game- running, catching, taking blitzes. He has the size to take the punishment Ellington can't and be a real bell cow for us this season. With Evan Mathis added to the line, I can't wait to see he run down everyone's throat this year!


Persecution Complex
Stafford is the truth
To lead Detroit to the promised land
Y'all that doubted him will see the hand
Colin Kaepernick, Mark Sanchez it doesn't make a difference fam
Stafford will lead Detroit to the promised land

Book of Matthew 9:15


Stafford is the truth
To lead Detroit to the promised land
Y'all that doubted him will see the hand
Colin Kaepernick, Mark Sanchez it doesn't make a difference fam
Stafford will lead Detroit to the promised land

Book of Matthew 9:15
Who's taking credit for this load of shit?


Same with Roethlisberger
Ben never came out and supported the Donald.

He said he wanted to stay out of politics and declined to speak at the convention.

There is only one scumbag in the NFL that I know of that supports trump...

Even fucking Ditka can't support him!


Ben never came out and supported the Donald.

He said he wanted to stay out of politics and declined to speak at the convention.

There is only one scumbag in the NFL that I know of that supports trump...

Even fucking Ditka can't support him!
When Tom Brady stands on that stage in Cleveland, I expect a mass exodus from the Cheating Pats. Bread has already left. He anticipated all this.
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