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Sio Moore hosted a football camp called Reach Four Moore here in Holly Springs today. My youngest, 16, is about to start playing football for the first time, so he registered for the camp. Had a great time, got some swag, including a photo with Jamie Collins, a shirt signed by Sio, and most importantly a full day of education (morning sessions on leadership and other topics) and play (7-on-7 scrimmages in the afternoon).

Got it all in just before the thunderstorms are about to roll in.

Good to see he got to get a picture with the best linebacker in the league, love how your kids are Pats fans and how you're so open about it. You're a great father.


We came to the beach (I fucking hate NJ beaches).

The people here are the worst. Also the traffic, the drivers, everything. Fuck this place.

Also Ninja watch your back you lying sack of shit!

PA drivers always fuck up everything in the summer at the shore
you know what, I'm out

Well work was.. Whatever.. Now I have hw.. Kill me

That was an example of the world famous German sense of humor.

That being said, the Pats are actually the NFL team closest to any places I've ever lived! Basically my hometown team.

Real reason is I fell in love with Maine and the rest of New England a few years before I discovered football.
I see.. God y'all have terrible humor. I blame the language

It's more fun to clown on gophers.

But we have more stake in shitting on Illinois though.

It don't matter. It's college so who gives a shit. Cheer for all of them if you want!
Except for Michigab Dega... And Notre Dame

Fuck Rutgers.. I hope the university burns to the goddamn ground.


Is that better?
Ez was right about Bears fans.


Just finished some chorizo tacos and now I got a 12 pack and am about to watch a live stream of a show from The Gorge
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