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Says the t swift stan

Hello friends. I want to talk briefly about being right, and being wrong.

In life, some people are right about almost everything, and some people are wrong about almost everything. But the important thing is being honest.

One of the rare things I was wrong about: Taylor Swift and defending her to yall. I apologize sincerely for this mistake. It will not happen [again]. I'm sorry to you all, and I'm sorry to Kanye. He may be wrong about almost everything...but he was right here.

Pablo still sucked tho

What the fuck have I done

For some reason I keep thinking you're a 9'ers fan :(

I like you too much for a Ravens fan (tbh I also like Larry and Nakazoto, why you guys gotto root for such a rotten team).

For Some reason I keep thinking you're a 9'ers fan. It makes me like you more, so I'll keep thinking it.

No, I like Niner fans, friend! He's a dirty Ravens fan though, but as long as I think he's a Niners fan, I can like him.

Fun disrespect is fine. I draw the line at being constantly taken for a goddamn Jed York fan.

The horror...
Why does cheating get internet nerds all up in a ruffle? One dick pic on an ipad is generating 3000+ post threads over night.

It's a good thread but like half of the replies are outright stupid. Then there is the haughty holier than thou posts with awful advice. It's generally hilarious though. I would have been out of that apartment within three hours of finding the shit though.
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