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What's weird is that of the top 50 on Spotify, I legitimately hate around 95% of the songs.

Most top 50 charts were always garbage.

It is worse now because rock is dead (meaning not as popular as it used to be) so you don't even get
the occasional kick ass group that hits it big on there.


you don't have to be an old to hate 100% of them
I am old and I can say that top 50 was almost always shit.

The one thing that is strange for me as an old is how little relevance music has in today's culture. In the 80s I feel like rock stars were at least on the level of movie stars, if not on a higher level. You would gladly pay 30 dollars for a pink floyd album and listen to it non stop on your walkman or discman.

These days it feels like in terms of national relevance music is on the same level as shit games on your iPhone. People still play and listen to it, but it doesn't have the same cultural impact that it used to.

That said, if you are a real fan of good music it is probably the best time to be alive. You can get all the old stuff and even stuff you like today far easier and cheaper than ever before.


NFL rookies start reporting for camp in 4 days!

Time for Dega to prepare for the season:



I am old and I can say that top 50 was almost always shit.

The one thing that is strange for me as an old is how little relevance music has in today's culture. In the 80s I feel like rock stars were at least on the level of movie stars, if not on a higher level. You would gladly pay 30 dollars for a pink floyd album and listen to it non stop on your walkman or discman.

These days it feels like in terms of national relevance music is on the same level as shit games on your iPhone. People still play and listen to it, but it doesn't have the same cultural impact that it used to.

That said, if you are a real fan of good music it is probably the best time to be alive. You can get all the old stuff and even stuff you like today far easier and cheaper than ever before.
back then you had the gate of production costs and labels, so you didn't have much of a choice... but now it's open season with all the platforms and distribution available to artists

the market is trash, and the saturation might give you the impression that music is in a sad state, but as a listener it's absolutely the best time to be alive if you have the time to dig


I am old and I can say that top 50 was almost always shit.

The one thing that is strange for me as an old is how little relevance music has in today's culture. In the 80s I feel like rock stars were at least on the level of movie stars, if not on a higher level. You would gladly pay 30 dollars for a pink floyd album and listen to it non stop on your walkman or discman.

These days it feels like in terms of national relevance music is on the same level as shit games on your iPhone. People still play and listen to it, but it doesn't have the same cultural impact that it used to.

That said, if you are a real fan of good music it is probably the best time to be alive. You can get all the old stuff and even stuff you like today far easier and cheaper than ever before.

Just like everything else, the internet opened the floodgates. Now anyone can make music, which means the hits stay hits for shorter amounts of time. There's always something new. But if you're a listener and do a bit of digging you can find tons of good shit off the beaten path.

That's a scary thought

I find it comforting


back then you had the gate of production costs and labels, so you didn't have much of a choice... but now it's open season with all the platforms and distribution available to artists

the market is trash, and the saturation might give you the impression that music is in a sad state, but as a listener it's absolutely the best time to be alive if you have the time to dig
I agree with that.

It is just amazing how fast the cultural relevance of music faded.

Taking talent and everything else out of it, I don't think we will ever see anything like the impact of when Thriller, Appetite of Destruction, Nevermind, etc. again unless the pendulum shifts back the other way.

Music went from being one of the biggest and most important forms of entertainment to a disposable commodity with the advent of the internet. It seems like the same thing might eventually happen to other forms of entertainment too now that the barriers of entry is zero and the amount of entertainment options we have today are infinite.
Let's get him down to Sam Bradford chances of winning and then I can feel comfy about America not pulling a UK and fucking up historically

Me too. I got into an argument with my sister-in-law about her intention to vote for Julie Stein. I will literally look into foreign rotations at my company if Trump is elected. Fuck that guy.


Me too. I got into an argument with my sister-in-law about her intention to vote for Julie Stein. I will literally look into foreign rotations at my company if Trump is elected. Fuck that guy.

Foreign rotations won't escape nuclear war. Which I try not to be hyperbolic, but I sincerely think that's a possibility if Trump gets in. Luckily minorities and women will prevent white men from fucking up the world


Let's get him down to Sam Bradford chances of winning and then I can feel comfy about America not pulling a UK and fucking up historically
Sometimes you need fuck ups to move forward.

But the US is such an important world player that fuck ups have consequences to billions of people so it is scary as fuck.
Foreign rotations won't escape nuclear war. Which I try not to be hyperbolic, but I sincerely think that's a possibility if Trump gets in. Luckily minorities and women will prevent white men from fucking up the world

I don't think that he would go that far but I would expect him to start rolling up the carpets and closing the doors. I'm really hoping that Hillary's lead among minority groups really fucks Trump's chances in November.

It's one thing to be behind in the polls among those groups but completely another for those people to get out, vote and encourage others to vote. Especially when the Democrats aren't nominating an inspiring candidate like Obama.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Trump's chances of winning the presidency is effectively the same as any Super Bowl participant. Hopefully it won't be a repeat of 2015 or 2007 except the underdog is the bad guy.


I honestly think Trump is going to hurt the rest of the world and especially some of our allies as much or more than he will hurt Americans.

If he wins and they control the house and senate they will certainly repeal Obamacare ASAP. This will hurt people who have gotten insurance as a result of it, but at the same time it will also save millions of people and thousands of businesses money on premiums and probably further enrich insurance companies (I don't think that is a good tradeoff but someone usually gets hurt and someone else usually benefits when you enact these laws). Beyond that I don't know if the Republicans really have a plan.

Fuck the gays and dark skinned people is a nice theory but it is a little harder to enact legislation and carry it out along those lines. Trump's idea to get tough with every other country and have the fix everything will never get anywhere. Hopefully he doesn't start any more wars (which will make the problem of terrorism even worse). But beyond the huge fuck you to all the minorities in the country (which is a huge deal), I think most of the huge negatives from Trump are going to be with our allies and with the selection of the SC justices.


I don't think that he would go that far but I would expect him to start rolling up the carpets and closing the doors. I'm really hoping that Hillary's lead among minority groups really fucks Trump's chances in November.

It's one thing to be behind in the polls among those groups but completely another for those people to get out, vote and encourage others to vote. Especially when the Democrats aren't nominating an inspiring candidate like Obama.

Normally I wouldn't think he would either. But I look at how thin-skinned he is, how he never lets anything go, and the hatred in his rhetoric and I wouldn't be surprised if he tried nuking a Middle Eastern country.

And I'm not too worried about people not showing up. Black Women have steadily been rising as the most consistent voting demographic and they are quickly becoming the largest demographic too. And they are overwhelmingly enthusiastic about Hillary. Not enthusiastic about Obama and going for his successor, but just flat out passionate in wanting Hillary to win. Then you add in Latinos/Hispanics registering and getting citizenship in record numbers to vote against Trump and I breath easy.

Although given how these communities might save Hillary's nomination, the Democrats really have to cash in on the goodwill they've gotten from black and Hispanic people. They need to make the reforms these communities have been begging for, it's not enough to say we aren't the Republicans so vote for us anymore.
Trump's chances of winning the presidency is effectively the same as any Super Bowl participant. Hopefully it won't be a repeat of 2015 or 2007 except the underdog is the bad guy.

The problem this year is that both candidates are the bad guys. I hate that we are in a situation where both parities have nominated terrible people.
I honestly think Trump is going to hurt the rest of the world and especially some of our allies as much or more than he will hurt Americans.

If he wins and they control the house and senate they will certainly repeal Obamacare ASAP. This will hurt people who have gotten insurance as a result of it, but at the same time it will also save millions of people and thousands of businesses money on premiums and probably further enrich insurance companies (I don't think that is a good tradeoff but someone usually gets hurt and someone else usually benefits when you enact these laws). Beyond that I don't know if the Republicans really have a plan.

Fuck the gays and dark skinned people is a nice theory but it is a little harder to enact legislation and carry it out along those lines. Trump's idea to get tough with every other country and have the fix everything will never get anywhere. Hopefully he doesn't start any more wars (which will make the problem of terrorism even worse). But beyond the huge fuck you to all the minorities in the country (which is a huge deal), I think most of the huge negatives from Trump are going to be with our allies and with the selection of the SC justices.

I can't imagine the type of assholes that Trump would nominate for the SC.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
The problem this year is that both candidates are the bad guys. I hate that we are in a situation where both parities have nominated terrible people.

Except it's basically Bill Clinton with all his shady shit versus the second coming of George Wallace.

Like yeah Clinton wasn't a pillar of honesty but come on.

I've said it a million times but if Romney was actually the candidate this time around, the republicans would have a much better chance of winning.


Except it's basically Bill Clinton with all his shady shit versus the second coming of George Wallace.

Like yeah Clinton wasn't a pillar of honesty but come on.

I've said it a million times but if Romney was actually the candidate this time around, the republicans would have a much better chance of winning.

They would probably be the favorites in that case. The left is finally returning after 30 years of being dickless pussies, but they're still really unorganized. Couple that with the fact that Democrats haven't had 3 consecutive terms in going on 60 years now and Hillary Clinton being probably the most universally hated person in politics, and Romney would be a slam dunk.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
So apparently I'm way better at Overwatch when I play at an actual desk instead of playing off my big tv with the mouse on a couch cushion. Huh.

Just resigned from my job.

Couldn't take the working conditions any more.

Nice, sometimes the money isn't worth it. That's why I always try to keep 6 months of savings handy because you never know when you're just going to get the urge to quit via taking a dump on your boss's desk.
Normally I wouldn't think he would either. But I look at how thin-skinned he is, how he never lets anything go, and the hatred in his rhetoric and I wouldn't be surprised if he tried nuking a Middle Eastern country.

And I'm not too worried about people not showing up. Black Women have steadily been rising as the most consistent voting demographic and they are quickly becoming the largest demographic too. And they are overwhelmingly enthusiastic about Hillary. Not enthusiastic about Obama and going for his successor, but just flat out passionate in wanting Hillary to win. Then you add in Latinos/Hispanics registering and getting citizenship in record numbers to vote against Trump and I breath easy.

Although given how these communities might save Hillary's nomination, the Democrats really have to cash in on the goodwill they've gotten from black and Hispanic people. They need to make the reforms these communities have been begging for, it's not enough to say we aren't the Republicans so vote for us anymore.

Well I hope you're right. I can't fathom a Trump presidency. I honestly think he is a fascist and I'm not one to throw that term around easily.


Well I hope you're right. I can't fathom a Trump presidency. I honestly think he is a fascist and I'm not one to throw that term around easily.

Considering this literally happened at the RNC, you may be right:

But scroll to the bottom of this page until you get to the branching tree graph where you select which way the battleground states go under "Donald Trump's Difficult Path to the White House".


Whenever I start freaking out I look at that, and realize the staggering number of ways Hillary can win, and the staggeringly few ways Trump can
Except it's basically Bill Clinton with all his shady shit versus the second coming of George Wallace.

Like yeah Clinton wasn't a pillar of honesty but come on.

I've said it a million times but if Romney was actually the candidate this time around, the republicans would have a much better chance of winning.
Kasich should have been the nominee this year. I truly believe that had he come out of the primaries as the nominee, he would win in November.

Trump is a walking disaster right now and we haven't even gotten to the debates. You aren't winning a national election on the back of white males in 2016. That is the reason I don't think Trump has a chance.

But scroll to the bottom of this page until you get to the branching tree graph where you select which way the battleground states go under "Donald Trump's Difficult Path to the White House".


Whenever I start freaking out I look at that, and realize the staggering number of ways Hillary can win, and the staggeringly few ways Trump can

Pretty much. Hilary wins Florida and Ohio and we're done here. With Kasich all but telling Trump to go sit on a pike and spin - winning Ohio won't be an easy task for him.
Kasich should have been the nominee this year. I truly believe that had he come out of the primaries as the nominee, he would win in November.

Trump is a walking disaster right now and we haven't even gotten to the debates. You aren't winning a national election on the back of white males in 2016. That is the reason I don't think Trump has a chance.

Pretty much. Hilary wins Florida and Ohio and we're done here. With Kasich all but telling Trump to go sit on a pike and spin - winning Ohio won't be an easy task for him.

The debates are going to be great, can't wait for him to go off script, question about how to fix the racial tensions in American should be classic..

Hunter S.

. Luckily minorities and women will prevent white men from fucking up the world

Most of the young men I know well, vote liberal, or not at all because democrats are not liberal enough. All white including myself. The true Olds I know are the ones that vote red.


Most of the young men I know well, vote liberal, or not at all because democrats are not liberal enough. All white including myself. The true Olds I know are the ones that vote red.

Yeah you're right young people are excluded. Young people in general don't vote but those that do break blue. Old white men are the dominant demographic and they for the most part go Republican. So I should've specified old white men. Though young white men sitting out aren't helping things either.

Hunter S.

Cool, I know how GAF is. Especially political GAF last election. The blanket statements about white men and conservatism get annoying HERE due to frequency for me.
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