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Damn that was a hell of a night. Booker brought the house down and Michelle set off a nuke in Philly. Bernie gave a hell of a speech and endorsement and Warren went right for Trump's throat


Hard to believe she is 52. Pulled a Julia Louis-Dreyfus

NFL teams now face fines, loss of draft picks if they violate concussion protocol

Under the new policy, when a team's medical staff or other employee is determined to violate the concussion protocol, the team could be subject to discipline -- either fines of anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 for a first violation, or loss of draft picks.
There are additional penalties if the violation involves aggravating circumstances, and the commissioner may impose more severe financial penalties and require clubs to forfeit picks if it's determined that a club's medical team ignored protocol for competitive reasons.

To enforce the new policy, the league and the players union will each designate a representative to monitor teams' implementation of the protocol and investigate potential violations. The league and union's joint statement said the investigation will not make medical conclusions, but will only determine whether the protocol was followed. An arbitrator will handle cases where the league and union disagree and report to the commissioner.

Photo of the arbitrator:

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Can't wait for a team to get fined even though players are hiding their concussions to keep playing...or flat out ignoring the doctors and jumping back in the game.

Hunter S.

The 2015 season for the Broncos was a strange one. As the best offense became the best defense.

Still, some offensive stars shined like Emmanuel Sanders.

The greatest gift the Pittsburgh Steelers have given us in a long time.

Thanks, dude



Michael Vick: Former Falcons Quarterback Says He Feels Bad About 'Dominating Too Much' Early in Career
"Some guys tore their ACLs, sprained ankles. It wasn't the prettiest situation," Vick, 36, said on "The Dan Patrick Show."
Welp, the NX is a hybrid.
I'm not sure how to feel about this....but gives me better vibes then the first info leak for the Wii U.

I've been saying this was going to happen for years. It's the next evolution in gaming. Japan doesn't care about the TV box anymore, and the Americas are following right behind. Look at the massive popularity of Pokémon - portability is its bread and butter.

Also, Nintendo had to cut off the dead flesh - let's face it Nintendo's consoles are DOA in their current incarnation as 3rd parties won't bother to touch them.


Welp, the NX is a hybrid.
I'm not sure how to feel about this....but gives me better vibes then the first info leak for the Wii U.
Mobile GPU and CPU and strong enough for most games these days. They can't handle shit like Uncharted or the stuff that maxes out a PC or PS4, but you could easily put out a FIFA or NBA2k that is going to be pretty damn close to what you get on a console.

This move makes perfect sense for Nintendo and I hope it succeeds. They still have to execute and it has to be able to look good enough at home and also have good battery on the road (not an easy thing to pull off, most mobile devices burn through battery for intensive games).
Hello everyone

This is floyds fault
You can't put that evil on me.

BREAKING:Breadstream executive DMczaf has been arrested after multiple women accuse him of breaking into their residences and attempting to spread peanut butter on,around and between their buttocks.
Gata... This.. Yeah. Jeez.

it's all been down hill for DM ever since he shut down AssBiz to work at Breadstream full time
Who says you can't go home?

Floy could learn something from you and Bread, you guys are great Cleves
I'm trying friend.. I really am.

Remember when Nate Silver was an analyst and not a hack pundit?

Yoo that new FFXII remake footage looks flame emoji!! *sweats

Hue gotta be kiddin!! Are hue serious!!

My boy GATOR is becoming a helpful young man, this is great for America
I'm so excited for 12.. Chris, friend... I'm hyped :)

Floy you better not let Trump win. I'm watching you!
I'm in VA friend.. Unless nova gets hit by a scud middle... I will have done my part..

Gata... Your shit state better not fuck it all up..
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