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That just means Rick is going to work with O'Brien some more. That whole concurrence decision making thing. I'd say it'll probably make Rick not be stupid in the draft as much anymore.

He's going to wake up naked on the other side of the wall!
With Degu licking his face.

Shamelessly lewd.


finally good news for mech

Texans GM Rick Smith signed 4 year extension. Counting this season, his new deal goes through 2020.

I was down on Smith but the last couple years he has changed for the better. BOBs doing? Maybe

Rick Smith is gangsta now. Respect it!

EDIT: also add that this will be the first year under O'Brien that this will be his team, with the players he wants here. Old guard is pretty much gone at his point. Not including rookie deals there is only like 8 players next year with guaranteed contracts.


How much would it cost to get DMX to make an NFL GAF theme song?
Could probably scrape it together pretty quick. Media relations. Get me in contact please.
lol @ Belicheats press conference when they asked him if Tom will be starter if Jimmy G plays well

Ironic thing was, he was doing great when he was playing with the team. I think when players are suspended, they should still be able to practice and be at the facility. Isolation is counterproductive for substance abuse imo. NFLPA should address it in the next CBA.

That said I think the Raiders are giving up on him at this point. They drafted Shilique Calhoun for this exact scenario.

he was doing great with the niners during the season(s) as well. all of his shit happens in the offseason because he can't help himself. the niners tried to help him (and believe me, i give our front office no credit in any regard and i fucking hate them, but in aldons case we went above and beyond) but some people you just can't help.

i do feel bad for aldon in some regards. he is still young and is an addict. but there also comes a point where you have to acknowledge that he's not an 18 year old anymore. it is time to grow up and he just can't.

i'll never understand why players in the various pro sports leagues can't just leave weed/alcohol/etc. alone for 5-10 years, retire before the age of 30 as a multimillionaire, and then smoke/drink/whatever all you want afterwards!


I'm scared to imagine what Weeden would be like given 16 starts in one season in Houston.

He is like Texans legend TJ Yates. Only excels vs one team but man he will stab that team right in the heart with no remorse.

Entire city of Cincinnati and EZ lay awake at night wondering when TJ will strike again


PSA: the only difference between Jack Daniels and Evan Williams is the liquor store expects you to like Jack twice as much.
I'm stuck in a backwoods, redneck infested hell while our first round picks are dropping dead in Spartanburg sigh

My 24 hour L-less streak comes to an end

For real for real if yall dont hear from me again I probably got strung up by the Klan


You people are the worst.

You never told me about Hyper Light Drifter. This shit looks like the bombest, most diggity, ride till I die shit ever.
after the day I had I'm about to pull a :jak and drink till Monday.

Dega's already ahead of you.
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