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By dust.. Does he mean cocaine? Because that would explain a lot.

How much would it cost to get DMX to make an NFL GAF theme song?
Could probably scrape it together pretty quick. Media relations. Get me in contact please.
Minimum wage.. He's desperate.

CFL game but still no NCAAF game.

Fuck this Earth.
Fuck everything.. :( I miss it too CDY :(

Next gen ncaa games sucked
Listen.. Just because the Gatas sucked shit doesn't mean the game sucked.. It just means your team is dogshit.

Unless they can break off some of that $$ to the players I'm glad there are no NCAA games.
I'm not drinking for a couple weeks in an effort to shed a couple pounds I put on since my trip to Japan.

I'm already enjoying the superiority that comes along with telling people you won't be drinking.


Road trip to Lock'n bro let's do it

wish I was 20 and had no responsibilities or bills again :(

Man I was so pumped to go to lockn when they first announced the lineup. And that Phil and Friends lineup is just killing me because I love Joe Russos shit too. But just as I'm about to buy my ticket my parents tell me my cousin who I never see is getting married that weekend :( so I gotta go to that instead but at least my friends are able to go. But man that's like my dream festival with a few additions
Man I was so pumped to go to lockn when they first announced the lineup. And that Phil and Friends lineup is just killing me because I love Joe Russos shit too. But just as I'm about to buy my ticket my parents tell me my cousin who I never see is getting married that weekend :( so I gotta go to that instead but at least my friends are able to go. But man that's like my dream festival with a few additions

Most of my festy friends have either grown up or moved away. It's kind of a bummer but it saves me money.
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