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Literally everyone in wcw was in the nwo

Not Mongo. He was #WCW4Life



You fucks once ended a presidential candidate for yelling weirdly, yet Trump is at a point where he has 2-3 incidents PER DAY and he still has a chance.

America, America, America


Just realized I bought two packs of sliced ham for sandwiches instead of one pack of ham and one pack of salami.

Fuck me.

Is there anything you can do right, cdy. ANYTHING

My flatmate is starting her morning with some jazz. I'm listening to some Tomorrowland shit.
Never felt so unsophisticated before.

Then again, I got coffee.


Is there anything you can do right, cdy. ANYTHING

My flatmate is starting her morning with some jazz. I'm listening to some Tomorrowland shit.
Never felt so unsophisticated before.

Then again, I got coffee.

I had a No-Li Wrecking Ball Imperial Stout tonight, so there's that.

Apparently Jerruh's boy Rolando McClain got popped for that sizzurp. Staying winning, Cowgirls.
Good morning everyone..

You fucks once ended a presidential candidate for yelling weirdly, yet Trump is at a point where he has 2-3 incidents PER DAY and he still has a chance.

America, America, America
Dean was already capsizing before the scream.. That scream was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Still like 100 days to go. America will have forgotten everything because I dunno, Hillary wore the wrong dress.
It would eventually if Trump could let things go.. Like the Khan scenario.. But the man is incapable of doing that.

Also his campaign is hemorrhaging cash and its GOTV is nonexistent. When you are beatable in Utah and Georgia and have to defend those.. You are in deep shit.

Relax, it will be okay.. He has only one electoral path to the White House while Hillary has dozens.. It'll be fine Milch.

I heard it's Floy's fault
Howard screwed Howard


Fuck that guy

I already removed my Brady avatar!
Good for you.

Speaking of Trump. As scary as a facist demagogue being nominated to be president of my country and having control over several thousands nukes is, it is way fucking scarier that probably 20-30% of my neighbors still support him. They are ok with the world burning as long as some brown people get shit on along the way. Fucking racists are the worst. Glad that you saw the light and moved away from the Patriots towards the side of good.
Good for you.

Speaking of Trump. As scary as a facist demagogue being nominated to be president of my country and having control over several thousands nukes is, it is way fucking scarier that probably 20-30% of my neighbors still support him. They are ok with the world burning as long as some brown people get shit on along the way. Fucking racists are the worst. Glad that you saw the light and moved away from the Patriots towards the side of good.
Why are you surprised? America is the most racist country on earth.


Why are you surprised? America is the most racist country on earth.
While I think this is a normal thought to have if you are a fan of a Boston sports team I don't know if that is necessarily true.

America definitely has a problem with racism but there are other places a lot worse than the US. I am not even sure how you measure racism. And as Michelle Obama and the rest of the DNC tried to point out, this is a pretty amazing country. The fact that Obama could become president despite being black, poor and coming from a single parent household in Hawaii is a testament to that.
While I think this is a normal thought to have if you are a fan of a Boston sports team I don't know if that is necessarily true.

America definitely has a problem with racism but there are other places a lot worse than the US. I am not even sure how you measure racism. And as Michelle Obama and the rest of the DNC tried to point out, this is a pretty amazing country. The fact that Obama could become president despite being black, poor and coming from a single parent household in Hawaii is a testament to that.
Yeah it still is amazing but it's still very racist.


Yeah it still is amazing but it's still very racist.
We have slaves like 150 years ago. Jim Crow was alive in the 60s.

That shit was never going to be fixed overnight. It probably takes at least 20-30 years for society to catch up to the laws and there is always going to be a group of old white people who are going to be fucking pissed to see anyone of color doing well in life. It doesn't help that we have politicians who pander to those shitbags.

Luckily the demographics are shifting. Hopefully the Republican party just abandons the shitbags and moves on to some other evil strategy to fuck over poor people that is not overtly racist.


Why are you surprised? America is the most racist country on earth.

On the one hand, yes, on the other hand, it's also one of the most diverse countries in the world. A lot of different cultures and races clash in the US that don't in places like Europe for example. And I don't think it's a coincidence that we're seeing the rise of right wing white nationalism in Europe just as the Syrian refugee crisis is pushing all these brown people into their country for the first time.


If America doesn't want Mexicans, they should come over here.

My breakfast took me way too long to make, and while it tastes awesome, I'd much rather spend money on the real stuff!

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