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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait

MS also has a bunch of exclusives though and it gets exclusive content, even if it is just timed exclusives, MS has much better marketing as well, and they have features like cross game voice chat that are huge. Custom soundtracks work for all 360 games as well, unlike PS3. It doesnt surprise me at all that 360 sells better in the US. Sony ha more exclusives but Halo and Gears are bigger then the Sony exclusives except for GT.
Uncharted and Gears are on the same level.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Its the future dude. Maybe not steambox. But an open box that will play games will kill the old style console business.

The only question is when we get to that point and who figures out how to do it. Gabe is the closest but he hasn't done it yet.

I agree 100%.
Define huge? It tooks MS 7+ years to sell 70 million Xboxes. It takes Apple like 1 year to sell that many iPads at a much higher price and they also play games (albeit shitty but it is good enough for most people). Do you really think the Xbox brand is going to be global this time around? I don't. MS is so North America focused I can't see them really succeeding outside of NA and UK like they did last gen. Dudebro moved units last gen, I have never seen a gen where what was popular the gen before was the defining aspect the next gen. It will be something different that will carry the industy forward, what that is who will deliver it is the question. For PS2 it was open world games, and last gen it was PC-centric first person games. Gamers need something new this gen. Halo and Call of Duty won't be it. How many more hardcore gamers can MS reach this gen that they did not get last gen?

I mean your argument for the Xbox's huge success is that it plays really expensive games, gives you a shittier and more experience than the Roku, and will have mid tier PC level graphics in 2013. Obviously a huge jump from last gen, but I don't think that will be enough to make this a mainstream console. Nor will Kinect.

You are looking at this from a gamers perspective. If you want an upgraded Xbox then you will be very happy. But if you look at this from a wider perspective and from people who are not hardcore gamers it is a lot harder to see the value, especially at 400-500 dollars.

Honestly if the graphics demos I saw last year are any indication, I was not that impressed with those demos. It was not the same leap from last last gen to last gen.

The 360 is selling like crazy still now. It is long past slling to hardcore gamers. It has sold like 76m consoles so far and will probably hit 90 by the time it is done. I think the next Xbox will wind up selling even more, I doubt it will be big in Japan or Europe outside of a few places, but it is going to do even better in the US. I have no idea why you are comparing ipads to 360s but they sell to toally different people for totally different reasons. The 360 is crushing the other consoles in the US, the 3DS included, even though there hasnt been any big releases for it so far this year. Kinect has sold amazingly well for them, the next Xbox will have an all new kinect that works much better in it, and it will have all the same features that people love now plus even more. I believe the # of XBL subscriptions is almost at 50m, those people are going to want to keep their CoD achievements and also play the new prettier versions with their friends, and they will only be able to do that on the 720. I get that consoles are not your thing aymore but I think there is still a huge audience for them. The 360 struggled to sell at first but once people saw Gears and saw what was possible it did much better. All MS needs is a game that really shows what is possible graphically and they will do fine again. We also dont know what the price will be but it seems like their will be a cheap subscription model available. I bet that will let a lot of the more of the "casual" type gamers jump in earlier.
Its the future dude. Maybe not steambox. But an open box that will play games will kill the old style console business.

The only question is when we get to that point and who figures out how to do it. Gabe is the closest but he hasn't done it yet.

I agree that opening them up is the future, but Steambox is a false idol.


The 360 is selling like crazy still now. It is long past slling to hardcore gamers. It has sold like 76m consoles so far and will probably hit 90 by the time it is done. I think the next Xbox will wind up selling even more, I doubt it will be big in Japan or Europe outside of a few places, but it is going to do even better in the US. I have no idea why you are comparing ipads to 360s but they sell to toally different people for totally different reasons. The 360 is crushing the other consoles in the US, the 3DS included, even though there hasnt been any big releases for it so far this year. Kinect has sold amazingly well for them, the next Xbox will have an all new kinect that works much better in it, and it will have all the same features that people love now plus even more. I believe the # of XBL subscriptions is almost at 50m, those people are going to want to keep their CoD achievements and also play the new prettier versions with their friends, and they will only be able to do that on the 720. I get that consoles are not your thing aymore but I think there is still a huge audience for them. The 360 struggled to sell at first but once people saw Gears and saw what was possible it did much better. All MS needs is a game that really shows what is possible graphically and they will do fine again. We also dont know what the price will be but it seems like their will be a cheap subscription model available. I bet that will let a lot of the more of the "casual" type gamers jump in earlier.
This sounds like the post of every console fan of the console that won the preceding gen. Just do the same thing but improve it by x% and you will be even more successful.

Only time I remember it working was for the PS2.

We will see dude. I still like games, I am not against consoles they just don't have games that appeal to me anymore. I was always japan-centric in my taste and their showing outside of Nintendo on consoles was total garbage last gen. I am not a dudebro guy. I basically got the PS3 for sports and I will get a Xbox or PS4 nextgen for the same reason and hope there are some good games I want to play on them as well.

You might be right, but I am very, very pessimistic about next gen. And I never felt that way about gaming prior to new consoles launching before. I might just be old and very wrong, but we will see. It is not too much longer now.
I don't know why you guys think dude bros are suddenly going to drop off the map. Better graphics and possibly frame rates are going to make them shit their pants and FPS will be as popular as ever. The only way it will cool down is if the developers really drop the ball with their respective series and people abandon them for that reason. It's hard to see that happening because despite all the shit talking I hear on BLOPS and how much more of the same or bad changes are made, COD still sells more than just about any game out there. Just like blind and devoted fans leaped for Wii U, so too will MS and PS equivalents. By making the new consoles media centers, you get the casuals to still buy it because they don't know what the fuck Roku or WD Live is but they probably have a kid or buddy at work talking up what the durango or PS4 can do.

MS is in a great starting position for this next gen and it's theirs to lose. If they truly become arrogant and implement some of the features nerds are raging about then I can see them taking the same fall and hits Sony did when the PS3 first launched. They would be stupid to not have learned from Sony's experience. Sony on the other hand, has a great opportunity to assume the lead as well as the humble pie they were served this gen will hopefully wake them the fuck up and get them back on track. If MS drops the ball by doing shit like no pre-owned games (and Sony doesn't follow suit) it would be easy for Sony to overtake them. We will get a better picture once we get the official announcements instead of reacting to rumors alone. It will be interesting to see how similar their services will be because one of you guys had the good point of durango and PS4 being too similar in what they are trying to do. You might not find so many gamers owning multiple systems like they always have in the past. Will exclusive series have the same draw power they did this gen and before? If the prices are reasonable, there might not be as much change as we think in this regard.
Microsoft couldn't fend Sony off with a year lead and complete dominance of the largest territory on Earth, along with Sony completely forfeiting the formative years of the PS3's life. Their control of the market is not assured.
I actually still have a launch Japanese 360. The Xbox had amazing Japanese support at the start of the gen but sadly it couldnt maintain it. Bionic you could definitely be right but I just think MS has done an amazing job making people think of Xbox when they think of gaming, and I dont see that going away any time soon. I think the PS4 is going to do great in the regions it already does great in, and I even think the Wii-U will turn things around and still have a respectable gen. I think all these predictions about the demise of console gaming are just way to soon. We dont even know the price or features of Sony or MS' next console, and Nintendo hasnt announced most of their big games yet. E3 we should have a much better idea how things will go.


Microsoft couldn't fend Sony off with a year lead and complete dominance of the largest territory on Earth. Their control of the market is not assured.
Sony was in the strongest position ever with the PS2 and shit it all away within the span of two years.

Never underestimate the capacity for failure in the console market!
Microsoft couldn't fend Sony off with a year lead and complete dominance of the largest territory on Earth, along with Sony completely forfeiting the formative years of the PS3's life. Their control of the market is not assured.

Sony dominated the previous 2 gens and MS was coming off a console that barely outsold the GC and then they had the RRD disaster. It is amazing that they are still ahead of the PS3 without Japan or most of Europe.
The only way it will cool down is if the developers really drop the ball with their respective series and people abandon them for that reason. It's hard to see that happening because despite all the shit talking I hear on BLOPS and how much more of the same or bad changes are made, COD still sells more than just about any game out there. .
Plastic guitar games sold like mad for a very long time. There was a time when JRPG's were big time sellers in the market. Things evolve and you can only milk a franchise so much before people move on.

..and yes I'm saying that the Call of Duty gravy train will eventually falter.
Sony dominated the previous 2 gens and MS was coming off a console that barely outsold the GC and then they had the RRD disaster. It is amazing that they are still ahead of the PS3 without Japan or most of Europe.

That's my point. This is the best MS could do.

Let's be honest - the next XBOX will be nothing in Japan, and Europe is no guarantee. XBOX is a US console. As I said before, based on everything we know of Orbis and Durango the difference between them is negligible. Unless MS completely blows Sony out of the water in NA there's no way they're coming out on top.
That's my point. This is the best MS could do.

Let's be honest - the next XBOX will be nothing in Japan, and Europe is no guarantee. As I said before, based on everything we know of Orbis and Durango the difference between them is negligible. Unless MS completely blows Sony out of the water in NA there's no way they're coming out on top. XBOX is a US console.

I see what you are saying but dont forget Sony wont have an advantage like Blu-ray next gen. It really will e interesting to see how the price and features between the 2 stack up, also who can launch first might go a long way this coming gen.


Obviously nobody in this thread (other than SNES) cares about who comes in number one. It's best if we have healthy competition in this space.
Obviously nobody in this thread (other than SNES) cares about who comes in number one. It's best if we have healthy competition in this space.

It really is a good thing snes is banned now. I cant imagine how hard the Wii-U sles must be on him. There is so much Nintendo trolling in the NPD thread, I cant even imagine how quickly he would be banned.


Ænima;47766108 said:
Are they really? I don't really keep up with sales, just always thought of Gears as a much bigger franchise.
I believe Gears peaked at like 6.5-7 million with GoW2.

Uncharted peaked at about 6 million with Uncharted 2.
Ænima;47766108 said:
Are they really? I don't really keep up with sales, just always thought of Gears as a much bigger franchise.

Just looked it up and they are much closer then I would have guessed. 17m for Uncharted and 19m for GoW.
'Channels EZ': There are no fanboys, only poors. Poors can only afford one system and therefore defend it to the death. The rest of us buy them all and simply have a preference.


I see what you are saying but dont forget Sony wont have an advantage like Blu-ray next gen. It really will e interesting to see how the price and features between the 2 stack up, also who can launch first might go a long way this coming gen.

Blu-ray was probably a disadvantage considering the price point they had to launch at with the inclusion of the drive.

Ænima;47766108 said:
Are they really? I don't really keep up with sales, just always thought of Gears as a much bigger franchise.

Everyone thinks the Xbox is dominating because of how much it's dominated the States.


'Channels EZ': There are no fanboys, only poors. Poors can only afford one system and therefore defend it to the death. The rest of us buy them all and simply have a preference.

This makes me sad but yeah he isn't worth $10 million. His agent makes it sound like he's done with Green Bay and will sign elsewhere for presumably more money than GB is willing to pay.

Sad to see Woodson go but oh well. Way too expensive for an old and slow safety.

Yeah, not really a surprise to anyone but still sucks to see him go :/

He did wonders for the Packers secondary playing safety this year.

I'll always maintain that the packers are better with him on the field. That defensive unit last year was soooooo fucking soft. It's nice having a player on the field that isn't scared of contact. Not that it mattered much against kap :/


I'm willing to bet that both Sony and Microsoft chicken out with banning used games though.

Will be interesting to watch. If one of them doesn't ban them, it will come down to whether publishers think that fact is worth a few exclusives, and if the impact on install base is small enough to make it possible.

If both ban them, I don't think some competitor will step up with physical releases to counter them.


come in my shame circle
All these Browns fans are making me nervous. Welp everyone knows Browns are gonna be offseason champs and the new DreamTeam so might as well hop on now. I guess Gata and the Jags are the new hipster team.

Me too

Nervous about what exactly? Are you nervous we may not do well this season and only win 3-5 games?

I for one would simply die if that happened. :jnc


Rob Parker's source was right:

Titus Young, the 2011 second-round draft pick who lasted less than two years with the Lions, has now lasted less than two weeks with the Rams.

Rams coach Jeff Fisher confirmed today that the Rams have waived Young, ten days after they picked him up off waivers from Detroit. Fisher declined to get into specifics, but he said that after spending a few days with Young at the team facilities, the Rams’ coaching staff decided he wasn’t a good fit.

“We felt Titus is better suited for another organization,” Fisher said.

Ænima;47766108 said:
Are they really? I don't really keep up with sales, just always thought of Gears as a much bigger franchise.
Yea. Also, I think Gears of War Judgment will bomb.The game comes out next month and there's no hype for it.
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