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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait


Fear of a GAF Planet
It's not that I am championing the idea, I just always find it strange this weird logic hole Apple and Nintendo occupy. People buy phones and iPads every few years but bleat about a $500 console that will last much longer

Consoles are game machines, iPhones are status symbols.
Yeah it's just so clear which way the wind blows here. And it's kind of funny. People get mad that Nintendo won't sell them catalog games on their 3DS, but get pissed at Sony and MS for not letting them play catalog games on new consoles for free

It's not that I am championing the idea, I just always find it strange this weird logic hole Apple and Nintendo occupy. People buy phones and iPads every few years but bleat about a $500 console that will last much longer

The people that have to rush out and get the newest iphone upon every release confuse and frighten me.


It's not that I am championing the idea, I just always find it strange this weird logic hole Apple and Nintendo occupy. People buy phones and iPads every few years but bleat about a $500 console that will last much longer

Consoles successfully becoming that 'entertainment center' is still a relatively new thing. Really only hit it's stride this gen. You have to convince the masses that they are no longer just 'video game machines'. That's hard to justify. I think it might be easier this upcoming gen.

In addition, depending on the device, upgrading after two years can be very low cost. Especially if you are getting a subsidized phone. I sold my unlocked iPhone 4 for $280 when the iPhone 5 cost me $200.


Yeah it's just so clear which way the wind blows here. And it's kind of funny. People get mad that Nintendo won't sell them catalog games on their 3DS, but get pissed at Sony and MS for not letting them play catalog games on new consoles for free

I think that has to do with the physical media used more than anything.


Fear of a GAF Planet
I'm not sure anymore. When my 60 year old mom and all her bridge club friends have iPads and iPhones, I think the cool is gone

It's a different discussion, but that's why Apple's making all time record profits and their stock keeps dropping. Pretty soon, phones/tablets will be powerful enough and commonplace enough that people won't feel the need to upgrade them twice a year. It'll be some new toy that takes over as the nerd peen and who knows what it'll be.


Consoles successfully becoming that 'entertainment center' is still a relatively new thing. Really only hit it's stride this gen. You have to convince the masses that they are no longer just 'video game machines'. That's hard to justify. I think it might be easier this upcoming gen.

In addition, depending on the device, upgrading after two years can be very low cost. Especially if you are getting a subsidized phone. I sold my unlocked iPhone 4 for $280 when the iPhone 5 cost me $200.

Apple products generally tend to hold on to their value very well. I fully expect to be able to sell my late 2010 MBA for around $750-$800 when the 2013 MBA comes out, effectively paying for two thirds of the upgrade cost.


That's not an E3 feature. It's something they would have built in to the firmware. I have no doubt that publishers demanded that from both of them. It's done. You need internet, and you can't play used games.

Backwards compatibility is also pretty shitty. I imagine Activision will want some fee for you to play older games. I'm sure this Sony Gakai thing will work for first party. But the publishers will want you to buy their catalog games b/c they can and you will
It doesn't look like sony is going yo block used games. So right now that leaves MS as the only console to block used games allegedly
Yeah it's just so clear which way the wind blows here. And it's kind of funny. People get mad that Nintendo won't sell them catalog games on their 3DS, but get pissed at Sony and MS for not letting them play catalog games on new consoles for free

It's not that I am championing the idea, I just always find it strange this weird logic hole Apple and Nintendo occupy. People buy phones and iPads every few years but bleat about a $500 console that will last much longer

People don't, in general, buy a new phone or tablet every year. That's a myth. And phones are for most people are much closer to a necessity and carry more versatility than a video game console. It's something people use everyday.


Hopefully if both companies have a no used games policy it'll mean better online sales like PC games. If not ill just wait till Black Friday sales to get most of my games.


People don't, in general, buy a new phone or tablet every year. That's a myth. And phones are for most people are much closer to a necessity and carry more versatility than a video game console. It's something people use everyday.

But the Day 1 crowd for new tablets and phones whine little to none at the cost of those devices, but will talk incessantly about the cost of a new console. Think of all the tech bloggers who snatch up the newest Macbook but still whine about the PS3's cost
But the Day 1 crowd for new tablets and phones whine little to none at the cost of those devices, but will talk incessantly about the cost of a new console. Think of all the tech bloggers who snatch up the newest Macbook but still whine about the PS3's cost

Tablets are the most overpriced product in history! Ok that's hyperbole but seriously what a fucking rip off they are


haha I was wondering why more people didn't post during the conference. I guess the Madden thread is the insular thread of the insular thread. What's the inner sanctum of that thread?


Is the used game thing really a problem?

Maybe I've just gotten used to PC gaming.

I think rentals are a bigger deal. I'm still not sold on his answer. All this social/upload/share stuff can always be tied to an online code. Sony can claim they don't block used games, while publishers lock out lots of stuff. If it's always online, they can always lock out large portions of games as "free" downloads for even single player games
But the Day 1 crowd for new tablets and phones whine little to none at the cost of those devices, but will talk incessantly about the cost of a new console. Think of all the tech bloggers who snatch up the newest Macbook but still whine about the PS3's cost

Because they offer more usage to your average person. To most people, a tablet or smartphone offers more value than a video game console.
Because they offer more usage to your average person. To most people, a tablet or smartphone offers more value than a video game console.

Not anymore! Because now, you can be super social and stuff!


I wonder if they are gonna do a worldwide release during the holidays or that if Urop has to wait. Wouldn't mind waiting an extra month, I need to save up for this.


The 8 GB of DDR5 is huge. The bottleneck for consoles always ends up being RAM. I know MS is bolting on some EDRAM, but they are behind in the specs game. And what do they have now that Bungie is gone? Good conference for Sony.

We are so far out that the games themselves aren't too important. I thought KZ looked very PS3.5. That's just not going to cut it now. No more corridor shooters, even if the corridors are wider. I'm curious how much they are really going to kill retail. Selling games online is neat, as is letting me play them as they download. But if it is still cheaper to go to Gamestop then nothing has changed.

btw if Sony was going to allow used games, or allow you to play offline, they would have beat their chests about it. They didn't, which means they are doing what MS is doing
rumors for the xbox 720 always had 8 gigs of ram. Also, almost all of the third party games but diablo 3 shown will be released for the xbox, including Bungie's destiny.

I agree about killzone. That was not impressive.

No one is taking away used games. This would be too complicated. Lol

Anywho, Everyone is totally forgetting that all of Microsoft's first party studios pretty much jumped to the 720 about two years ago. I expect MS to impress overall at their reveal. Book it.
I thought KZ looked very PS3.5. That's just not going to cut it now. No more corridor shooters, even if the corridors are wider.
I think Killzone 2 is one of the worst games ever made and the franchise as a whole a useless waste of resources but I don't know how you couldn't be impressed by that little KZ demo from a tech perspective.

No loading, tons of particle effects and NPCs, smooth frame rate.

If PS4 is PS3 but higher framerate and better animations and interactivity, I'm completely fine with that.

I think the games they revealed will be out in the launch window but they're more or less PS3.5 games as evidenced by the subtitles so it doesn't bother me at all. For an early showing, it looks great. It was 2 years before there was anything palatable on either 360 or PS3 so mehhhhh whatever.
Until I can get my Neogaf Shirtless™ app on my PS3 it won't truly be social.

My tech team is working on it.

I think rentals are a bigger deal. I'm still not sold on his answer. All this social/upload/share stuff can always be tied to an online code. Sony can claim they don't block used games, while publishers lock out lots of stuff. If it's always online, they can always lock out large portions of games as "free" downloads for even single player games

Sony has anounced that you will not need an internet connection to play PS4 games:

"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

I really wonder what is happening at MS right now. If all the rumors were true about them wanting to block used games, and be always online, they are in a terrible spot now. No way can they be the only company to limit that stuff, but it is really late to be making major changes to their console. E3 is going to be crazy this year.


It took me like 3 attempts before I figured out how to save those weak bitches in chapter 5. That shit was harder than Eznark's penis when he walks by the power tool section at Home Depot.


Sony has anounced that you will not need an internet connection to play PS4 games:

I really wonder what is happening at MS right now. If all the rumors were true about them wanting to block used games, and be always online, they are in a terrible spot now. No way can they be the only company to limit that stuff, but it is really late to be making major changes to their console. E3 is going to be crazy this year.

I think it comes down to what Sony will allow the publishers to do. If Sony will let Activision require an online connection and activation to play CoD, then that's what Activision will do.


It took me like 3 attempts before I figured out how to save those weak bitches in chapter 5. That shit was harder than Eznark's penis when he walks by the power tool section at Home Depot.

Are you going to get all the dlc? If a lot of it sells, Nintendo's sitting on a gold mine that they refuse to tap.


I wasnt too impressed with what has been shown but I'm considering a Ps4.
I don't really know why. I guess because it exists and I have money for it.


Are you going to get all the dlc? If a lot of it sells, Nintendo's sitting on a gold mine that they refuse to tap.

I bought it all but haven't really touched it. So much value in terms of replayability that I don't really know why you wouldn't spend a few bucks. That said I'm not touching the honey pot DLC until after I beat the game.


The gameplay is so great no one gives a fuck about the graphics.

You wouldn't underatand though. Your arms are probably sore and your hand is probably raw from rubbing one out to PS4 renders and an ad of Tammy modeling some Uggz or tampons or whatever the fuck she/he sells to you whores.

Edit: fixed

Do you use strawman arguments when arguing a case or just when you're lazy on here?


I find it kind of hilarious that the people most impressed by Ps4 are unable to afford one.
I go into gamestop and its always full of filthy poors pawning Call of Duty and Madden.


I find it kind of hilarious that the people most impressed by Ps4 are unable to afford one.
I go into gamestop and its always full of filthy poors pawning Call of Duty and Madden.

It's funny to make fun of poor people? I would get upset but I did that to jakncoke. Wouldn't want to appear to be a hypocrite because your guys opinions mean a ton to me!


Do you use strawman arguments when arguing a case or just when you're lazy on here?
All the time.

I am also pretty gifted at seeing when someone is trying to redirect the conversation over an uncomfortable subject. Usually because it hits a little too close to home...

I bought it all but haven't really touched it. So much value in terms of replayability that I don't really know why you wouldn't spend a few bucks. That said I'm not touching the honey pot DLC until after I beat the game.
Thats what I am going to do to.

Hopefully it will be compelling content and can extend the game a little bit.

I pulled an eznark last night and was up until like 2 trying to beat chapter five. I don't know how you do that on a daily basis. I need my sleep.


I wasnt too impressed with what has been shown but I'm considering a Ps4.
I don't really know why. I guess because it exists and I have money for it.

This pretty much explains most of my console purchase over the last 7 years. Though if I am being honest I really did think the PS3 was going to be more powerful than an atom bomb. It was still worth it for the FIFA sessions, but man that console did not come anywhere close to living up to the hype. It was marginally more powerful than the 360 at the end of the day.

For whatever reason I just like the games on portables more. The only question is whether my next purchase is a Vita or PS4 (and maybe a U after that 100 hero games or Pikmin comes out).


All the time.

I am also pretty gifted at seeing when someone is trying to redirect the conversation over an uncomfortable subject. Usually because it hits a little too close to home...

Thats what I am going to do to.

Hopefully it will be compelling content and can extend the game a little bit.

I pulled an eznark last night and was up until like 2 trying to beat chapter five. I don't know how you do that on a daily basis. I need my sleep.

Like I said, it's not by choice. I just don't need to sleep much so I generally don't. Though its been easier lately with two kids. So much more work!
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