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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait


According to HoustonTexans.com, it's "not outside the realm of possibility" the Texans use their first- or second-round pick on a quarterback.
"In this business, you better be looking for young quarterbacks you think have a chance to be a 10-12 year guy," coach Gary Kubiak said. "This year will be no different.'' Despite his comments, Kubiak insists he has faith in Matt Schaub and T.J. Yates. With Schaub in decline and Yates still a wild card, we don't doubt the Texans would pull the trigger on an early-round QB if they found themselves smitten. It's just very unlikely that kind of player emerges from this year's weak class. It's possible the Texans are simply trying to create a market for the 27th pick.
FraudDx come out and play


I get drafting a future qb before you actually need it, but drafting one in a really weak class is just punting a draft pick and wasted opportunity to pick up something that could help you more
I get drafting a future qb before you actually need it, but drafting one in a really weak class is just punting a draft pick and wasted opportunity to pick up something that could help you more
Ok I get that this class isn't what last years class was, but this weak Qb class thing is becoming a bit of a hyperbole, theirs still some guys in the class that have potential and can be pretty good starters given the right situations. Especially if some of them get to sit and learn for a bit.
Given the right situations and opportunities can be pretty good I think maybe even Bray if he can grow up and get a better Tattoo
Haven't really seen Nassib, and just because I'm talking Qbs I just want to take this time to remind everyone Landry Jones sucks.
No problem. Watching Sherlock now. Good stuff, but it's no Downton
I've had Sherlock, Doctor Who, Downtown Abbey and some other shows on my Instant que for awhile just haven't checked them out.
But since Downtown is the newest rage amongst us I gotta check that out first when i have time
I've had Sherlock, Doctor Who, Downtown Abbey and some other shows on my Instant que for awhile just haven't checked them out.
But since Downtown is the newest rage amongst us I gotta check that out first when i have time

I tried Doctor Who last week but was not impressed. Campy as hell


I am 100% positive that there is a ghost in my goddamn apartment. Even as i post this i can hear my rocking chair move from my bedroom. I talked to the landlord and nothing strange happened like a death or something.

I swear to god in the middle of the day and night a feeling come over me as if an angry dog is lurking and i just feel fear for a split second but it goes away. Anybody deal with this shit before?

I miss LJ.


Since 2011 the Steelers have allowed four game-winning touchdown drives of at least 80 yards, which is how many they allowed from 1990-2010 combined (21 seasons). In 2012 the defense allowed a game-tying, go-ahead, or game-winning drive in seven of the 16 games.

Sure, they can hold the Thad Lewis-led Browns to 10 points and shut them out in the fourth quarter, but when faced with tougher competition (namely better quarterbacks) the defense becomes a team weakness rather than the strength.


!BR Warning!

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