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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait


How are the jags changing their logo? They've been in the league 10 years it seems. Well, I'm sure gator is happy he gets to buy new clothes.


My least favorite. Mel Brooks film has to be The Twelve Chairs. It drags too long for too little payoff.

On the other hand, History of the World: Part I is absolutely required viewing. There are so many iconic scenes, so many iconic actors and hidden cameos, so many quotable moments, an incredible musical number.. it's fantastic and never fails to make me smile.

I think I'll watch it after this MST3K episode is over.


Fear of a GAF Planet
My least favorite. Mel Brooks film has to be The Twelve Chairs. It drags too long for too little payoff.

On the other hand, History of the World: Part I is absolutely required viewing. There are so many iconic scenes, so many iconic actors and hidden cameos, so many quotable moments, an incredible musical number.. it's fantastic and never fails to make me smile.

I think I'll watch it after this MST3K episode is over.

That's a great movie. Also, Spaceballs.
Speaking of logo redesigns, I like this panthers one better:


Where to begin? The problem with the Vikings is that very few people realize that as an organization, this team rarely stays down long. In the 51 years that the organization has been part of professional football it has reached the playoffs 26 times. The Vikings hold the 6th best regular season win percentage (all time). They are give or take a few games even with their two biggest rivals, the Bears and Packers. All told, an impressive wrap sheet, but the discerning eye might notice something missing: A championship.

Well shit, you cant get em all!

Anyway, back to my point. Despite having a shit image, the Vikings are poising themselves positively for an improved year toward rebuilding their team. After the better part of 6 years spent patching up leaks, the front office has decided to start from the ground up and it is well over due. The mantra for the Vikings in the coming years will be, "draft smart, acquire reasonable free agents, and build around our remaining stars (and why didnt we think of this sooner?)". The good news is that they have made some sound decisions and a couple steps in the right direction, with some luck The Vikings will be back at the big kid's table soon.

With that said lets take a look at the team as is:


Christian Ponder: The prodigal son. The reach incarnate. The intangible kid.

I'm not going to bother expanding on the others. The season and future starts or ends with Ponder.

The truth is that Ponder really does have potential. In his rookie year he showed equal parts flash and startle. Unlike his fellow draftees he had the honor of taking second string reps for the first half of the year behind Mister McRibb. When he was thrust into the starting position he struggled, and reasonably so. He rushed his reads, made bone headed throws, ran too soon, and looked completely shell shocked. He looked like a rookie. A rookie lacking an semblance of an offensive line, one wide receiver, and who took 30 sacks in 10 games.

He also made some good stuff too, enough for me to think he will surprise some folks with the positive additions made this offseason.

[O-LINE] The only returning linemen at the same position are Load"hold" and Sully at center. Fusco has impressed in camp, Charlie Johnson is back at his natural position, and Kalil has managed to hold his own against the best pass rusher in football throughout camp. This line is going to be MUCH better than it was last year. As a result I expect Ponder benefit

[TE] Kyle Rudolph is going to blow people away regardless of QB play. He has been absolutely astounding in camp, catching nearly everything in a bubble around him. His biggest weakness from last year, his route running skills, have been improved. He is the defacto starter and his statline will reflect that. Many have noticed that he has dethroned Percy as the go to target for the QB's at camp.

John Carlson will bring a level of maturity and skill at the position if he can stay healthy. If this can be managed the two TE set the Vikes want to copy so badly from New England may be feasible. So far he cant. Rhett Ellison, the rookie TE/FB, is looking to fill the void of the now retired Jimmy Kleinsasser. (I feel as though he will have a successful tenure with the Vikings as a role man)

[WR] One of the biggest weaknesses on the Vikings roster has only improved enough for me to tentatively call the group average until I can see some players in a game situation. Simpson has the potential to bring the desperately needed deep threat to this offense but he will be absent until week 3. Harvin will be good as usual but he needs to stay on the field. Greg Childs looked like a diamond in the rough before he blew out both of his knees last saturday. This group is a gigantic question mark.

[RB] By all accounts AP is coming back stronger than ever. He is a freak and a medical wonder at the rate his recovery is going. With that said, he had better take it easy for the first half of the season. He will be his old self but not if he gets himself killed. The development and success of Ponder rests on the shoulders of AP.

In the mean time Toby Gerhart will take the majority of the RB snaps in his more than capable hands. He finished last season with a 4.9 average per carry and could easily start on a lot of teams in this league. He will get his chance to show everyone his potential and the ridiculous shape he has gotten into.

[D-Line] One of our few bright spots. We have the sack record holder (He didnt get a freebie) and a number of talented and young linemen at each position. I expect good things.

[Linebackers] Thin and shakey. Greenway will play well, as is expected, but the middle and opposite side will have to come out in the wash. The younger henderson and brinkley have a lot to prove. There is also a dark horse with Everson Griffen vying for a role as a rushing LB. He is an athletic freak that needs to be on the field, I hope he does well.

[CB] Much improved but still unproven in almost every sense outside of Winfield. Cook showed promise but needs to keep his head on straight. We need that boy to step up to megatron, Jennings and Marshell so we dont get embarrassed as badly as we did last year. The new guys from the Bears and Ravens will have to contribute. Robinson, the fastest player in this years draft has impressed in camp and will see his way into the rotation. If he can clean up his game he can be dangerous.

If the group can stay healthy it will be 1000% better than the travesty we fielded last season

[Safety] Expect Sanford and the rookie Harrison Smith to start. I expect Smith to make a lot of plays on the ball if they unchain him. He has excellent vision and needs to make plays and strong tackles. The rest suck. Horribly.

[Special Teams]Harvin will score his usual 2-3 TD's on KR. PR is up for grabs but I'm hoping Robinson gets the job. He is absolutely electric quick.

Blair Walsh is the new placekicker, and has already cleaned up the technical issues that ruined his senior year. He has looked accurate and his leg has been incredibly strong. I loved Longwell but it will be nice to see some touchbacks.

Kluwe is still Kluwe.

[Random] Joe Webb needs to be on the field. Using him as a backup QB is an absolutely shameful waste of his natural abilities. I dont give a fuck what they do but they are leaving points on the field if he isnt out there is some capacity. He isnt cut out to be a QB, he has thrown a pick every day at camp. He'll confuse the hell out of Defensive coordinators that havent prepped for him but thats it.

[Conclusion] This is the year of Christian Ponder. This is his make or break. If this fails our team is taking a major step back, if he does well we keep moving forward. At this point nobody expects the guy to be an elite talent. What they expect is for him to make smart decisions and to show improvement over last year.

That sentiment really goes for the whole team but it all starts with him. I expect the Vikings to take a step forward and get back to standing up. A 6-10 or 7-10 season is the goal. Anything less is failing.



(Im not proof reading this, I probably said something stupid and I dont care)

I was pretty close.


Good job Jags, that logo is a huge step up over their old one. Completely retains their identity while improving it in nearly every way.

I'm terrified that the Dolphins are going to completely fuck up their look =/

It is impossible for the dolphins to mess up their look son. We look like Power Rangers/Semi-Pro/NFL Europe

We fit right in! We strike fear with that menacing dolphin with that stupid helmet on and no facemask. Or what about that menacing Aqua? Or the Terrifying Orange? Or the please don't get me dirty all White unis?

I'm ready dawg, I'm ready.



Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm curious. Is the "Flacco is terrible" thing people just fucking around like calling Allejandro a real gator and wanting to have Sancez instead of Schaub, or do people really think it's still 2011 when he was still pretty new and shitty? Because Flacco was pretty fucking good this year.


I'm curious. Is the "Flacco is terrible" thing people just fucking around like calling Allejandro a real gator and wanting to have Sancez instead of Schaub, or do people really think it's still 2011 when he was still pretty new and shitty? Because Flacco was pretty fucking good this year.



I'm curious. Is the "Flacco is terrible" thing people just fucking around like calling Allejandro a real gator and wanting to have Sancez instead of Schaub, or do people really think it's still 2011 when he was still pretty new and shitty? Because Flacco was pretty fucking good this year.
He had a great playoff run. His regular season was up and down. His protection in the playoffs was unbelievable. Maybe he turned a corner Eli style, but it's too early to tell.


He had a great playoff run. His regular season was up and down. His protection in the playoffs was unbelievable. Maybe he turned a corner Eli style, but it's too early to tell.

His numbers in the regular season are so pedestrian. It's such a tough decision for them. I just think you have to franchise tag him. It's not like he'll have even more leverage next year. How much better can he play?


I'm curious. Is the "Flacco is terrible" thing people just fucking around like calling Allejandro a real gator and wanting to have Sancez instead of Schaub, or do people really think it's still 2011 when he was still pretty new and shitty? Because Flacco was pretty fucking good this year.

Flacco isn't spectacular, but he is pretty good. Excellent game manager and has some of the best receivers in the game. I think what turns people off from him is his excessive bitching about how great he is and being disrespected on a weekly basis.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
He had a great playoff run. His regular season was up and down. His protection in the playoffs was unbelievable. Maybe he turned a corner Eli style, but it's too early to tell.

True, but I think it's also pretty dumb to be acting like he's Sanchez tier, too. I can't keep track of the memes and individual posters specific hated players, like Ez and that one tight end that can't block for shit.

It's early.


His value is the highest right now, it makes absolutely no sense for them to give him a huge deal. The only smart play is to tag him.

Their owner seems like an emotional douche though, so his agent is smart to make a big push right now while the guy is still swooning.


True, but I think it's also pretty dumb to be acting like he's Sanchez tier, too. I can't keep track of the memes and individual posters specific hated players, like Ez and that one tight end that can't block for shit.

It's early.

You're old, you've been up since 5 and seen 5 eps of Golden Girls already, dont lie :p


His value is the highest right now, it makes absolutely no sense for them to give him a huge deal. The only smart play is to tag him.

Their owner seems like an emotional douche though, so his agent is smart to make a big push right now while the guy is still swooning.
What? Biscotti's one of the best owners in the league.

Yes, his name is Biscotti.


Too much chocolate.

Fucking ZING!

Since the Detroit Lions have cut ties with receiver Titus Young, we all can move onto more pressing matters with this team.
Let us end the legacy of Young Sr. with this.
St. Louis Rams receiver Danny Amendola is an unrestricted free agent this offseason, and when the St. Louis Dispatch asked his agent how the signing of Young affected his client, he dropped this bomb:
“I don’t think it affects Danny one bit,” Amendola’s agent, Erik Burkhardt, said Tuesday. “Titus Young isn’t anywhere in the same ZIP code as Danny as far as a player goes. I’m sure Young may disagree with that because he thinks he’s better than Calvin Johnson.”
Drop the mic … walk off stage.


This really is a win-win for Steelers and Ravens fans. Ravens get their SB, much to the chagrin of the Steelers. But the Ravens are forced to sink 30% of their cap space into two players.

Then again, Ozzie Newsome > Kevin Colbert.
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