So when cooler heads prevail, do you think last night's play call will still be looked at as the worst in Super Bowl history?
What cooler heads though? I am legitimately trying to think of a worse call in Super Bowl history. You'd have to find a game losing decision, then you'd have to put that decision not in the best player on the field, but in the hands of a relatively young QB who had a 0.00 passer rating until late in the game, then you'd also have to run a severely dangerous play off that decision.
- Lynch is the best back in the league right now
- He'd been gashing their front line for short yard gains all night.
- Russel was having an okay night, but not when under pressure
- They had a potential mismatch on the right side if they threw a back corner fade
- Even if that pass didn't connect, it is far more likely to go out of bounds
- A run would eat up more playclock than a quick slant
- You have a mobile QB who has been known to run an effective option from time to time if you felt the middle was too clogged with Wilfork and Co. Off right tackle had been soft to short yard gains all night and they had a hell of a FB they could use as second blocker. Hell, Wussell could throw a stutter block at least there.
Bottom line, no matter which angle you take it from, that was the worst call I have ever seen in the Super Bowl in 30+ years.
That's not taking anything away from the Pats, who earned their first legitimate Super Bowl victory in an exciting game that wasn't decided by the refs. For a non-fan of either team, it was a great game to watch.