Be a good man like Trejo and get ass pics.
I'll try but I don't know if I have the skills
Be a good man like Trejo and get ass pics.
I'll try but I don't know if I have the skills
Bitch I'm the motherfucking president. Sit down before I have you neutered.
You turned your back on America, we turn our backs on you. That's just how the game goes.
Too lazy to actually make the cake look proper!
Spinluck died charging up the hill in the battle against Pats fans in the OT.
You are necks
There is no hope.
RIP Brother. You fought the good fight.
Everyone that speaks out against the Pats is getting killed off!
Sounds good to me.So has the SB thread turned into a place filled with multiple Patriot flavored Kas's?
Too lazy to actually make the cake look proper!
Just watched Big Hero 6. Super good. I hate how all Disney movies have a tragedy in them now. Why can't they be happy like Toy Story or Aladdin?
Worst case, just say ask her and say it's for a friend name Neo.
I was actually referring to the bad guy, but yeah, i liked how it worked with HeroGenerally I agree, but I liked that in Big Hero 6 they made the main character's grief over the death be the story itself instead of just using it for exploitative false sympathy. Great film.
Turned if off as soon as I saw Isotoner Dan. The fake spike is in there isn't it? Still hurts.
cake is probably made of sacrificed goat meat left over from last week's ritualDayyum.
Greg that is one fine birthday present. Just remember to wrap that shit up tighter than a Patriots alibi!
You really can't blame Rodgers for choosing sex over football immortality. As fans we want to win, but as a human being most of us would crumble and go for the hot sex. Most of us probably wouldn't share her with the rest of the football team but thats just how Erron rolls!
Uh...I just heard about/saw that Belichick/daughter kiss...
What the fuck was that?
You really can't blame Rodgers for choosing sex over football immortality. As fans we want to win, but as a human being most of us would crumble and go for the hot sex. Most of us probably wouldn't share her with the rest of the football team but thats just how Erron rolls!
Joe Person ‏@josephperson 3m3 minutes ago Charlotte, NC
#Panthers' Ron Rivera reassigns special teams coord Richard Rodgers, promotes asst. Bruce DeHaven, per league source.
Thank Tebow!
The man behind the worst special teams unit in the league has been demoted! Now all we have to do is find a competent return man so Goldilocks can go sit on the bench somewhere.
Joe Person ‏@josephperson 3m3 minutes ago Charlotte, NC
#Panthers' Ron Rivera reassigns special teams coord Richard Rodgers, promotes asst. Bruce DeHaven, per league source.
Thank Tebow!
The man behind the worst special teams unit in the league has been demoted! Now all we have to do is find a competent return man so Goldilocks can go sit on the bench somewhere.
Lmao there's no way that's realUh...that's not even the worse one.
It's now official:
Josh Gordon suspended 1 year.
I let Rando off easy with that avatar.
If I was a mean man or he was a cdy type you better believe that'd be his avatar for the month.
Josh Gordon is such a fucking idiot. Wasted talent.
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******************2015 NFL OFFSEASON ARREST POOL******************
Rules are simple-
-Create a list of players from 10-1 of who you think are most likely to be arrested
Uh...that's not even the worse one.