So I go to lunch to get a salad and my car is fine. I park it at home during lunch and its fine. I get back in he car to head back to work and I notice a 9 inch crack in the windshield. Just a small line from the edge of the glass. Doesn't look like an impact break, just a small crack possibly due to heat/cold? No fucking clue. All I know is that's $500 bucks I had no fucking interest in spending that now gets to be spent. Thanks, Obama!
IHOP is pretty dope.
Konka get your filthy, uneducated, cum stained hands off of it!
So I go to lunch to get a salad and my car is fine. I park it at home during lunch and its fine. I get back in he car to head back to work and I notice a 9 inch crack in the windshield. Just a small line from the edge of the glass. Doesn't look like an impact break, just a small crack possibly due to heat/cold? No fucking clue. All I know is that's $500 bucks I had no fucking interest in spending that now gets to be spent. Thanks, Obama!
Just because I was in the 6th grade when you were working on you Masters Degree doesn't mean I'm uneducated in 2015!
My insurance covers repair if its 6inches or less. Anything past that and its the standard deductible ($500).Who's ripping you off for $500? My buddy got his replaced for $120. Also insurance should cover it as well.
So I go to lunch to get a salad and my car is fine. I park it at home during lunch and its fine. I get back in he car to head back to work and I notice a 9 inch crack in the windshield. Just a small line from the edge of the glass. Doesn't look like an impact break, just a small crack possibly due to heat/cold? No fucking clue. All I know is that's $500 bucks I had no fucking interest in spending that now gets to be spent. Thanks, Obama!
No, but you willingly becoming a communist that hates freedom does.
Zeee, not zed, konka!
You know what was fun? The Patriots winning the Superbowl.
So many degenerate Pats fans popping outta nowhere, fuckin parasites.
Where'd all the seahawk fans goThey'll be gone as soon as they lose their first game next season.
Where'd all the seahawk fans go
Where'd all the seahawk fans go
You guys see the Bleacher Report news on Manning? Apparently the Broncos not sure if they want him back.
Also Welker might retire due to head injuries.
You guys see the Bleacher Report news on Manning? Apparently the Broncos not sure if they want him back.
You're quoting BR.
You guys see the Bleacher Report news on Manning? Apparently the Broncos not sure if they want him back.
Also Welker might retire due to head injuries.
Come to Philadelphia, Manning. I don't care if your arm is gone.
Yeah a team wouldn't want Peyton back when the only other QB on the roster is Brock Osweiler. Almost as insane as wanting Ryan Mallett instead of Peyton.
if by purse you mean dick!**clutches purse**
A fit bird just pooped on my car, no idea why Konka likes these things so much.
You guys see the Bleacher Report news on Manning? Apparently the Broncos not sure if they want him back.
Also Welker might retire due to head injuries.
I miss Dunkin Donuts so bad. Chocolate glazed......
Anywhere in New England, eh?I live in one of those magical areas where I can drive in any direction and run into a dunkin donuts. I think there are 5 within 10 minutes.
Anywhere in New England, eh?
:tpHoney Dew > D & D
You guys see the Bleacher Report news on Manning? Apparently the Broncos not sure if they want him back.
Also Welker might retire due to head injuries.