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NFL Offseason Thread 2015 |OT| All of our teams suck!


Eh. I think I will pass.

There is something different about playing portable games that I think you lose when you play them on a tv.

Tend to think it is more of an incentive to those who don't have a Vita. I don't own one so I am thinking about pulling the trigger. Access to some Vita games + PS4 streaming is nice...memory card prices and the lack of app support is deterring me though.

Almost. I want him back, which I wouldn't have said prior to week 16, but not at that salary. He'll take a pay cut or be cut.

I wonder if it was just pure luck that he started getting it together in practice + Julian being banged up that got him some quality playing time late in the season that carried over into the postseason. Or if the team just saved him for the playoffs knowing he is probably only good for 7-8 games a season at best.
Tend to think it is more of an incentive to those who don't have a Vita. I don't own one so I am thinking about pulling the trigger. Access to some Vita games + PS4 streaming is nice...memory card prices and the lack of app support is deterring me though.

PS4 streaming on my TV upstairs for $40? Yeah, I'm in.


Tend to think it is more of an incentive to those who don't have a Vita. I don't own one so I am thinking about pulling the trigger. Access to some Vita games + PS4 streaming is nice...memory card prices and the lack of app support is deterring me though.

I wonder if it was just pure luck that he started getting it together in practice + Julian being banged up that got him some quality playing time late in the season that carried over into the postseason. Or if the team just saved him for the playoffs knowing he is probably only good for 7-8 games a season at best.
If I were to get it one I would be getting it for the PS4 streaming.

If you want a Vita they are not expensive and I am sure the experience is a lot better on the hardware it was intended for.

Changing gears. Anyone here have a recommendation for a tv mount where I can adjust the direction it is pointed in? I want to mount a smallish tv (maybe 40 inches) in my office, but I want a mount where I can change the direction to either face me while I am behind my desk or if I am on my couch. Anyone here ever done anything like? Any recommendations?

Also, how is Castle in the Sky? Is that a movie my 4 year old kids would find scary?
I've decided to get into a sober living home and start attending AA meetings with the support of some friends. I'm going to be 27 soon and looking back at the last 10 years I can't help but look at all the time, relationships and money I've squandered because of alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

I don't know why it took this long to realize but I can't have just one drink. I have to have more and more until I pass out. Even mixing them with prescription meds I honestly don't know how I survived considering how much I was mixing.

"It was fun and games at the time, but it's a serious problem and you need to get control" is what one of my best friends told me today. Looking back it wasn't fun, just me trying to mask pains, regret and anxiety we all go through. My brief stint in Michigan, Oklahoma and back in California I was mostly sober but even then I couldn't help myself but to leave my uncles house, grab an Uber to watch the Cardinals/Lions game only to have a $60 tab of just beer to myself and go back to my uncles pad smashed. Being a Lions fan certaintly doesn't help but in all seriousness I should've just saved that $60, stayed at my uncles and ordered pizza instead. Or spent that money on a videogame like I used to. It's gotten to the point where I can't enjoy things I used to without the presence of alcohol or pills.

Getting the hell out of Long Beach (back to Murrieta/Temecula), focusing on improving myself, family and not squandering the opportunities I have with work. Even with work I have to regain the trust of family as someone who won't show up to work hungover and not fully committed to the job.

Took a lot for me to post this but through thick, thin and Matthew Stafford chiseled I've always found refuge in NFLGAF, and GAF, as a whole.

Restore the Roar.
Good luck Kas. You can do it.
I've decided to get into a sober living home and start attending AA meetings with the support of some friends. I'm going to be 27 soon and looking back at the last 10 years I can't help but look at all the time, relationships and money I've squandered because of alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

I don't know why it took this long to realize but I can't have just one drink. I have to have more and more until I pass out. Even mixing them with prescription meds I honestly don't know how I survived considering how much I was mixing.

"It was fun and games at the time, but it's a serious problem and you need to get control" is what one of my best friends told me today. Looking back it wasn't fun, just me trying to mask pains, regret and anxiety we all go through. My brief stint in Michigan, Oklahoma and back in California I was mostly sober but even then I couldn't help myself but to leave my uncles house, grab an Uber to watch the Cardinals/Lions game only to have a $60 tab of just beer to myself and go back to my uncles pad smashed. Being a Lions fan certaintly doesn't help but in all seriousness I should've just saved that $60, stayed at my uncles and ordered pizza instead. Or spent that money on a videogame like I used to. It's gotten to the point where I can't enjoy things I used to without the presence of alcohol or pills.

Getting the hell out of Long Beach (back to Murrieta/Temecula), focusing on improving myself, family and not squandering the opportunities I have with work. Even with work I have to regain the trust of family as someone who won't show up to work hungover and not fully committed to the job.

Took a lot for me to post this but through thick, thin and Matthew Stafford chiseled I've always found refuge in NFLGAF, and GAF, as a whole.

Restore the Roar.

I'm happy to hear it. Good luck bro, PM me if you have any questions related to recovery or want to hear a bunch of my canned cliches.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Changing gears. Anyone here have a recommendation for a tv mount where I can adjust the direction it is pointed in? I want to mount a smallish tv (maybe 40 inches) in my office, but I want a mount where I can change the direction to either face me while I am behind my desk or if I am on my couch. Anyone here ever done anything like? Any recommendations?

I don't know what brand it was, but I got mine at Sam's club.
I was looking back at a past thread and stumbled upon this post leading up to the greatest Superbowl of all time. Remember the days when FMT used to rant? Good times!

A lot of people are supporting the Niners just to see a FMT rant. Let me help you out with this FMT post win rant Mad-lib. This way, you can make all the rants you want AND support the Ravens. It can be applied to any team, so feel free to reuse in the future:


fuck you __(opponent’s coach)__ you __(adjective)__ piece of shit you couldn’t stop __(Niner’s player)__ from __(verb ending in “ing”)__ your __(type of family member)__ up and down the field, fuck you __(opponent’s third best player)__ you dumb __(curse word)__ you look like a __(fictional monster)__ took a __(bodily function)__ on a __(noun)__, fuck you __(opponent’s defensive player )__ you really thought __(Niner’s offensive player)__ wasn’t going to __(verb)__ his __(body part)__ up your D’s __(body part)__ you dumb ass biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch, fuck the seachickens just because, fuck __(relatively unkown player who recently got press)__ WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU LOLOLOL, fuck you __(opponent’s best player)__ you overrated piece of __(curse word)__ you are a choker and can’t hold __(equivalent Niner’s position player)__ dick the only reason you get press is you __(verb in the past tense)__ Roger Goodell last summer in __(location)__, and fuck you __(opponents QB, unless already used, if so use anybody else on team)__ you are a __(adjective)__ fucking racist so you can suck a __(type of container)__ of __(plural body part)__, and most of all, fuck __(opponent’s city)__ you all are the biggest group of __(adjective)__ __(plural noun)__ in the fucking world, you __(adjective)__ fucks you all can suck __(Niner’s player in the possessive)__ dick, suck __(Niner’s player in the possessive)__ dick, suck __(Niner’s player in the possessive)__ dick, and suck __(Niner’s player in the possessive)__ dick, and most of all, fuck __(NFL Gaf member of opposite affiliation)__, you can SUCK MY __(BODY PART WITH 14 I’s)__!!!!!!!!

I don't have a problem, do you?

Well, Bread, you might want to ask yourself the following questions (this is the new one, the old one was....

1 - Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a
couple of days?

Most of us in A.A. made all kinds of promises to ourselves and to our families. We
could not keep them. Then we came to A.A. A.A. said: "Just try not to drink today."
(If you do not drink today, you cannot get drunk today.)

2 - Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking-- stop
telling you what to do?

In A.A. we do not tell anyone to do anything. We just talk about our own drinking,
the trouble we got into, and how we stopped. We will be glad to help you, if you want
us to.

3 - Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that
this would keep you from getting drunk?

We tried all kinds of ways. We made our drinks weak. Or just drank beer. Or we did
not drink cocktails. Or only drank on weekends. You name it, we tried it. But if we
drank anything with alcohol in it, we usually got drunk eventually.

4 - Have you had to have an eye-opener upon awakening during the past year?
Do you need a drink to get started, or to stop shaking?

This is a pretty sure sign that you are not drinking "socially."

5 - Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?

At one time or another, most of us have wondered why we were not like most people,
who really can take it or leave it.

6 - Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year?

Be honest! Doctors say that if you have a problem with alcohol and keep on
drinking, it will get worse -- never better. Eventually, you will die, or end up in an
institution for the rest of your life. The only hope is to stop drinking.

7 - Has your drinking caused trouble at home?

Before we came into A.A., most of us said that it was the people or problems at home
that made us drink. We could not see that our drinking just made everything worse. It
never solved problems anywhere or anytime.

8 - Do you ever try to get "extra" drinks at a party because you do not get

Most of us used to have a "few" before we started out if we thought it was going to
be that kind of party. And if drinks were not served fast enough, we would go some
place else to get more.

9 - Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though
you keep getting drunk when you don't mean to?

Many of us kidded ourselves into thinking that we drank because we wanted to. After
we came into A.A., we found out that once we started to drink, we couldn't stop.

10 - Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking?

Many of us admit now that we "called in sick" lots of times when the truth was that
we were hung-over or on a drunk.

11 - Do you have "blackouts"?

A "blackout" is when we have been drinking hours or days which we cannot
remember. When we came to A.A., we found out that this is a pretty sure sign of
alcoholic drinking.

12 - Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink?

Many of us started to drink because drinking made life seem better, at least for a
while. By the time we got into A.A., we felt trapped. We were drinking to live and
living to drink. We were sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Did you answer YES one or more times?

If so, you are probably in trouble with alcohol.

Tom Penny

3 - Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that
this would keep you from getting drunk?

We tried all kinds of ways. We made our drinks weak. Or just drank beer. Or we did
not drink cocktails. Or only drank on weekends. You name it, we tried it. But if we
drank anything with alcohol in it, we usually got drunk eventually.

What is it when you'd rather drink scotch and bourbon because it takes too long to get a buzz off 6+ beers?


Soooo Greg Hardy MAY not be finished in Carolina:

Greg Hardy may not have played his final game with the Carolina Panthers, after all. In the days since his domestic violence case was dismissed, this is what I’ve been hearing:

Hardy has made it clear to the Panthers he wants to return. He has also started working on this list of what he’d need to do to make that happen. The first item is already checked off, and he’s apparently open to trying to fulfill the rest of the list.

Hardy is getting some help from the locker room. Many of his teammates want him back, and some are starting to lean on Jerry Richardson. That support is coming from more players than just cornerback Josh Norman, who’s made it clear he wants Hardy back. We’re talking team leaders, guys who have Richardson’s ear. The Panthers owner has been ready to cut bait with Hardy for months, but he’s also a man willing to listen. That doesn’t mean he’ll change his mind, but he will listen.

Even with these latest happenings, it’s still unlikely Hardy returns to the Panthers next year. Richardson and others inside the building feel like they can’t trust him, but the door isn’t completely shut. Hardy still has to show contrition, not as an admittance of guilt, but as someone who realizes what his situation did to the organization in 2014. He would also have to make financial sacrifices. If and when other teams come calling with bigger offers, he’d have to put his money where his mouth is.

I’ve been reporting for months that Hardy had likely played his final game in a Panthers uniform. Odds are that’s still the case, but after recent developments, there’s a chance he could have a future in Carolina.



So glad I don't have the alcoholic gene or whatever it is. I drink like two Yuenglings and then just get too sleepy to keep drinking.

Good luck, Kas.


come in my shame circle
One of my buddies actually "hates" me when I drink because he says I have a switch that 9 times out of 10 makes sure I don't end up drinking way too much.

I enjoy having an adult beverage with friends but I've never been a fan of just getting ridiculously drunk.


One of my buddies actually "hates" me when I drink because he says I have a switch that 9 times out of 10 makes sure I don't end up drinking way too much.

I enjoy having an adult beverage with friends but I've never been a fan of just getting ridiculously drunk.
Getting ridiculously drunk is only good when everyone else is doing the same.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
What a shitshow this whole 3DS transfer thing is.

Even worse trying to do it while doing the GameStop thing. The new 3DS comes hammer dead and in need to an update and has to charge and update before you transfer.
What a shitshow this whole 3DS transfer thing is.

Even worse trying to do it while doing the GameStop thing. The new 3DS comes hammer dead and in need to an update and has to charge and update before you transfer.
Nintendo hardware strikes again! Totally worth it for the games, though.

Did you pick up Majora's Mask? Personally I don't see myself upgrading to a New 3DS XL from my original XL anytime soon, I've already played Xenoblade and Majora's Mask so it seems like a pretty pointless upgrade. Maybe if I got into Monster Hunter 4 but I don't know if I'm willing to mess with that time-sink.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Nintendo hardware strikes again! Totally worth it for the games, though.

Did you pick up Majora's Mask? Personally I don't see myself upgrading to a New 3DS XL from my original XL anytime soon, I've already played Xenoblade and Majora's Mask so it seems like a pretty pointless upgrade. Maybe if I got into Monster Hunter 4 but I don't know if I'm willing to mess with that time-sink.

Yeah I preordered both at Best Buy because GCU is awesome. Haven't picked them up yet because I'm still in GameStop waiting for this shit to charge.

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