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NFL Offseason thread (i.e. Niners pre-superbowl domination thread)

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well, looks like another awesome offseason for the niners. the best move of the offseason was NOT signing a bum ass veteran QB who would only stunt the growth of future hall of famers Tim Rattay and Ken Dorsey. Rattay is montana, Dorsey is steve young. wow, what a tough call on who to start.... i feel bad for erickson. a great problem to have, but a problem nonetheless. i'll go out on a limb and say the niners will go 19-0 (counting playoffs) this year. and if last years prediction was any indication, i'm going to be getting PAID BIG TIME LADIES!


p.s. the 49ers superbowl petition will possibly return, this time tagliabue cannot ignore us
OMG, you read my mind. I was going to ba... thank DM for making this thread before me...

Well, football season is interesting. Goodbye love life, hello 26 weeks of ecstacy. All I know is my Raiders should do better than the Niners... which ain't sayin' much, but I don't expect us to go better than 8-8.

The Chefs? Please, you had your chance last year... where's your defense?

"what do you mean what adjustments should we make??! these guys haven't stopped us onc... oh, ::lol:: you were just joking? haha, hey i gotta go dude we just got the ball back again. peace out!"
WasabiKing said:
Gunther wasn't fit to coach the Raiders! RAIDERS! Now, how do you like dem apples?

KC rocked the casbah defensively under Cunningham. Our offense isn't going anywhere. Like I said, Hello Superbowl victory!


cody pickett is a better QB then Dorsey.

but the Hawks will own the NFC West. Hopefully their run defense will stick together, and their young middle linebackers hold up. Then nothing will stop them.
what the hell? the seachickens are a joke. we could have easily beaten them twice last year. your offense consists of receivers who can't hang onto the ball, and a runningback who has 1 awesome game, and then 5 horrible games. but the numbers even out to make him LOOK like an above average back. don't be fooled though, friends, he is garbage. and guess what? wiggum (holmgren) wont be the chickens coach next year, infact he wont finish out the year as a coach. after they start 0-6 he will be fired. adios pigface!
sup BM, i knew it was you by your avatar :D

also, it pains me to know you are a seachickens fan.... be sure to select them in the first madden 2005 tournament so that we might meet on the virtual battlefield, and i might show you a sign of things to come in real life!
Shaun Alexander is an awesome back (and free agent after this year, and he's going to be g-o-n-e) but yeah, you guys are arguing over the NFC West, the weakest division cause you have the Arizona Cardinals. Although the Rams have stepped up their game in the last few years, COME ON ALREADY.


WasabiKing said:
Shaun Alexander is an awesome back (and free agent after this year, and he's going to be g-o-n-e) but yeah, you guys are arguing over the NFC West, the weakest division cause you have the Arizona Cardinals. Although the Rams have stepped up their game in the last few years, COME ON ALREADY.
Alexander is a great back, but an awful back for the Hawks. Someone like Portis or McGahee (if didn't get hurt), would have been a perfect fit for the offense.
Alexander problem is he tries to bounce too much, and not run it into the line. I swear that guy is scared of contact sometimes. As a Hawks fan it sometimes drives me insane to watch.


impirius said:
The NFC East is going to be a war zone. I can't wait!
For the NFC east to be a "war zone", the Eagles will actually need some competition. Maybe the redskins can fight out the cowgirls for second place.


Scary Euro Man
Seriously, though, who do you reckon the 49ers will be taking with the first overall pick in next year's draft?

Meanwhile, the Jaguars will dominate this season, leading in a huge range of stats including (but not limited to) missed field goals and interceptions. :)


Drunky McMurder
I'm going to have to do my part here and bring some of you back down to earth.

First of all, the Niners are going to be lucky if they don't finish last in the NFC. The division is the Seahawks' for the taking. The 49ers aren't even in a rebuilding year, they're in a Bengles/Cardinals mid 90's kind of year when they don't even think about winning as an option.

The Chiefs aren't going to win anything in the playoffs without a defense. They are in what should be the best division in football(Should have been last year, too), but won't because the Raiders will surely fuck up again and the Chargers are...yeah. Moving on.

Finally, somebody gets something right with the NFC east being a war zone. The coaching in that division is great, and the talent is, too. I still expect the Redskins to finish 3rd, however. Portis isn't going to be a 1600 yard back outside of Denver. He'll be a solid runner, but he's not approaching 1600 this year. The Eagles are worse off than they were last year. They improved their offense with Owens, but they don't have a true proven starter at running back still. Their defense also got weakened. They are thin at linebacker and secondary, and Kearse doesn't help their run defense. They will still contend because of excellent coaching and because nobody will be able to pull away from the pack in the NFC east, but they aren't a lock anymore in that division.

And so I don't leave myself untouched, the Steelers are fucked, hard. They drafted for next year, they picked up Duce Staley, and their offensive coordinator has spent his entire career coaching tight ends. And much of that was coaching Mark Bruener, doing which consists of walking up to him and saying "You still remember how to block, right? Okay, let's go have a beer." Nothing done this offseason will help the Steelers significantly. And I've said it before, but if Plexico Burress is allowed in Pittsburgh ever again he's going to play badly this year.
here is what i love: when people outside the niners innercircle take a birdseye view of our team and automatically make assinine predictions.

here is the ONLY thing people see:

"49ers lost jeff garcia and terrell owens, not to mention about 8 other starters!"

here is the REALITY of the situation:

1. Jeff Garcia cost us many games last year. he has NO pocket presence, and even when he stood in the pocket he would (9/10 times) go to a checkdown receiver. the only advantage he had was that he could scramble. of course, he would scramble, and lead one of our receivers right into a devestating hit, but surely we got the 8 yards! awesome playing! garcia is an injury waiting to happen. let me tell you something, he will finish with a sub-80 QB rating.

2. Terrell owens left. boo fucking hoo. he tanked last season, he was a cancer. there is no doubt in my mind he is THE BEST receiver in football on short slant routes. a 5-10 yard pass laid into his hands PERFECTLY is usually money. the problem with owens is he had an enormous amont of drops last year, and infact over the past few years. it's not only that he drops passes, its the WAY he does it. lets go back to the bears game from 2001... he drops the ball, but oh no thats not enough. he has to TIP IT IN THE FUCKING AIR so the defense can pick it off. he has done this many times. he almost single handedly cost us the first seattle game last year. he gets alligator arms even against pansy defenses. i won't miss him

3. you think garisson hearst is better than kevan barlow? give me a break. barlow is a superstar waiting to happen, and he's going to get his shot this year. i guarantee 1300+ yards rushing from him if he stays healthy.

4. how is our defense any worse!? we were a top 15 defense last year, and infact a top 10 against the rush. all we've done is add DEPTH TO AN ALREADY STELLAR DEFENSE! how is that going to be bad? mike rumph is a year smarter, we've cut dead weight off the roster (zack bronson), we drafted a HUGE DT out of hawaii and jamie winborn is an elite LB when healthy (which he is now).

5. how is our offensive line going to be worse? derrick deese and ron stone WERE FUCKING INJURED ALL THE TIME LAST YEAR! what's the point in having "good players" on the roster who don't play? give me a break. kwame harris is a dominant run blocker, that was witnessed last year. he will improve his pass blocking this year. we have an awesome offensive line with lots of depth. don't forget we probably have the best center in the NFL. center is the most important spot on the offensive line i believe.

6. we're getting eric johnson back, who is one of the better pass catching tightends in the NFC. we have a nice group of receivers that are young, but quick and hungry. brandon lloyd will step up for us this year. most of you dont know who he is, but you will know in due time. eagles and rams fans know who he is since he embarrassed them with gorgeous TD catches as a rookie last year. cedric wilson (yes, go ahead and laugh at him) is a legit #2 receiver. you're telling me he can't put up tai streets type numbers? haha, tai streets couldn't get separation on a DB if the DB gave him a 10 yard head start. wilson has speed, and he makes the tough catches in traffic.

we also drafted 2 very good college receivers. they may not make major contributions this year, but i think they can be effective in the slot, and in hamiltons case on reverses and kick returns. he's out of clemson and is very big and very fast.

7. our coaching staff got a hell of a lot better. admit it or not, T.O. was right about greg knapp. he was a "no audible" coach. so, if he called a play, that was the play you would run. 4th and 1 and the defense is stacking 9 guys in the box? meh, just run the play and see what happens! what a joke. also, we picked up a great defensive coordinator who is going to play to the advantages of our defense. we have 4 linebackers who SHOULD be starters in the nfl. why always play the 4-3!? this year, we'll be using the 3-4 from time to time and blitzing the shit out of teams. we were top 5 in sacks last year with a very small defensive line. that should let you know we were getting pressure on the QB from our quick linebackers and secondary. our d-coordinator is coming from pittsburgh, so you know we're going to have even more blitz schemes this year.

8. lastly, the qb position. most of you haven't seen dorsey or rat play (or maybe you did catch last years MNF game where he torched the steelers), but hear me now and believe me later they are both the real deal. Rat stands tall in the pocket and distributes the ball evenly among the receivers. too often jgar tried to force the ball into owens. the only problem is neither one of them is very mobile, but that's something i'll have to live with. i'd rather have an immobile QB than a guy like happy feet garcia who doesn't allow the play to develop and go through his progressions.

so, there you have it. if you want to laugh and post ridiculous predictions for shit that you aren't involved in, be my guest. but the NFC west is going to get a swift kick in the ass from the niners AND the cards (denny green is a great coach, cards will be respectable). enjoy the good times while they last niner haters, it is the 10 year anniversary of our last superbowl and its time to reclaim our title! suck it down losers!
I know my Raiders won't do that well, but if they make the playoffs, I'll pretty be happy, as it will be unexpected and the Broncos/Cheifs ate a fat dick. There are some crazy set of running backs, with Amos Zereoue, Troy Hambrick, Tyrone Wheatley, and Justin Fargas in the crowded backfield. (And now you know why I want Alexander so badly, oxy) Clearly, someone's gonna get cut. The Raiders did a decent job on signing some people for the secondary, like Ray Buchanan, but Charles Woodson is STILL unsigned. With QB controversy in full effect, it's my hope Gannon gets cut so Woodson gets re-signed. This year's front line, plus the 3-4, is going to be way better than the DISMAL run stopping from last year. Warren Sapp feels he has a lot to prove after the Bucs never bothered to attempt to re-sign.

FMT: You can't fully blame lack of pocket presence on Garcia when one of your points is that the offensive line was hurt all year. I also don't believe in the wide receiving core this year, all average, but this is their year to shine. Rattay is out of commission, and Dorsey-Mania is all hype. Barlow's going to have get 1500 yds for the Niners to go anywhere this year.

NFC East will be the conf to watch IMO. People are going to get punched in the mouth, and in continuing my hatred for all teams in Philadelphia, I really hope someone in the division (Roy Williams) will hurt T.O. this year. I like Donovan, but Philly hatred supercedes all. Playoff-bound, but no Super Bowl.

Arch: I actually think the Steelers did well in picking up Rothlisberger. I got on to the hype train late with him, but he's a big guy, and can throw. If your o-line can protect him, he's going to be a star over all the QBs from thsi year's draft.
i know wasabi, but even when he had time he would get happy feet, he never gave our o-line the chance to block in the first place.

also, as much as it pains me to say it, i think the raiders will compete for a playoff spot. they have a good group of receivers and a solid defense. i think last years defense purposely quit on callahan, cause they looked like complete garbage and just a year before they were pretty good.


The Viking's defense can't actually be worse then last year can it? The only person of note that we lost was Greg Biekert, and he's barely of note.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i think last years defense purposely quit on callahan, cause they looked like complete garbage and just a year before they were pretty good.

Perhaps, but I blame injuries to key starters. Romo got punked, and then caught with THG. John Parrella went down in week 11 or 12. We had rookie LBs starting by mid-season. And the secondary, for the most part, was utter SHIT. People were getting burned, Bret Favre took advantage of a horrible secondary. It was just BRUTAL.

But Rick Mirer did whatever he could with the nothing he had. anyway, look for Jerry Porter to explode this year: contract year.

Slo: Biekert got cut by the Raiders
hmmm, it doesn't get much worse than allowing a 4th and 25 to be converted by the cardinals on the last play of the season to prevent your team from getting into the playoffs. so, no, it can't get any worse for the vikes


Drunky McMurder
Oh, I love the Roethlisberger pick, even though I was hoping for Rivers. Although the fact that the Chargers loved him worried me :p

He just isn't ready to start yet. He alone gives me great hope for the future, but not this season.

Also, it pains me but I have to agree with FMT on one point. Kevin Barlow is a good back. Hearst was a great story a few years back, but Barlow probably should have gotten more carries last season. But with Rattay being hurt (and being a fairly big question mark even if he makes it to the season opener healthy), and a squad full of solid 2 and 3 receivers without a clear number 1, it doesn't look good for the 9ers. I think they've got a long road ahead of them before they contend again.

edit: Slo, the Vikings defense could be a lot worse than last year. They forced more turnovers than any team in the league throughout the first half of the season, I don't know whether their standing went down as the year progressed though. Imagine how many points they would have given up if their secondary wasn't top in INTs...of course, I didn't see but two or three Vikings games so the reason they were bad on defense may have been that they were constantly trying to get the interceptions.


Junior Member
Archaix said:
Finally, somebody gets something right with the NFC east being a war zone. The coaching in that division is great, and the talent is, too. I still expect the Redskins to finish 3rd, however. Portis isn't going to be a 1600 yard back outside of Denver. He'll be a solid runner, but he's not approaching 1600 this year. The Eagles are worse off than they were last year. They improved their offense with Owens, but they don't have a true proven starter at running back still. Their defense also got weakened. They are thin at linebacker and secondary, and Kearse doesn't help their run defense. They will still contend because of excellent coaching and because nobody will be able to pull away from the pack in the NFC east, but they aren't a lock anymore in that division.

I think Westbrook can hold his own for this season. I think Duce's presence held him back since Andy was intent on giving all three of the RBs chances. And not to downplay the loss of Vincent and Taylor, but they have seen better years. Aside from their injuries, they never played exceptionally this year as in 2 years ago. The question is if the younger guys are ready to step up. I'll concede the linebacker thing though. Hopefully, the return of the D-line will help gloss over the fact that linebackers maybe the weakest position besides the OLine. Can't wait til football. Lack of football got me to watch the French Open (which had great matches), NHL playoffs (don't want to now that the Flyers are out) and the Belmont (god damn, can I get any type of Philly winner? Hell, I'll settle for WNBA or something).


impirius said:
The NFC East is going to be a war zone. I can't wait!


Hell the fuck yeah...


Yossarian said:
For the NFC east to be a "war zone", the Eagles will actually need some competition. Maybe the redskins can fight out the cowgirls for second place.

The Eagles should worry about not choking like a three dollar whore in another playoff home game before worrying about what their more accomplished competition is doing. Unlike your team, we've got Lombardi's in our cabinets.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ

It is all good in Eagle Land. The Eagles will win the Division again and this time goto the Super Bowl. Good bye to James Trash, he finally went back where he came from. As far as the Redskins, they usually win the Super Bowl in June but when Sept. comes around they are no where to be found.


Roy "Big Texas" Williams, ironman Charles Rogers, and B. Samders heir appearant are about to bust a big fat steaming nut all over the league on their way to the North title and the playoffs. Or at least they would if they didn't have a sacless puss of a goldenboy at QB.
wouldn't that be funny if james thrash had a breakout year in washington, and T.O. flopped in philly?

p.s. about the niners having only #2 and #3 receivers, that doesn't matter. we don't need a receiver to dominate the game, because even when we had T.O. he didn't dominate in big games. what's the point? brandon lloyd has far superior hands. we just need a group of guys that can move the chains. i dont think anyone on our roster aside from hamilton is going to be a speed burst guy (but hamilton has lousy hands from what i hear of minicamps), but we need good-hands guys, and i think we have that. rattay will spread the ball around. if you look at his 3 starts last year, owens wasn't a big target or a big factor. infact, take away the sweet ass 4th down bomb to T.O. in the greenbay game and owens didn't really do anything in those 3 weeks (vs. st louis, pitt and GB). i'm not worried about our receivers. trust me guys, we're going to be the real deal this year. but one thing i like about people saying we're going to be the worst team in the league (seriously do any of you honestly believe that?) is that season tickets will be easy pickins this year for me and my buddies! suck it down ladies!


Or NFC conference losers.

Gunstar77 said:

It is all good in Eagle Land. The Eagles will win the Division again and this time goto the Super Bowl. Good bye to James Trash, he finally went back where he came from. As far as the Redskins, they usually win the Super Bowl in June but when Sept. comes around they are no where to be found.

Far as I know, the Eagles usually get to the NFC conference game, then wilt away like the Philadelphia weed that they are. Hell, even the Philly produced lock Smarty Jones choked it up, like every other Philly product. No reason to think things will be different for the Eagles this year.


Junior Member
Shinobi said:
Or NFC conference losers.

Far as I know, the Eagles usually get to the NFC conference game, then wilt away like the Philadelphia weed that they are. Hell, even the Philly produced lock Smarty Jones choked it up, like every other Philly product. No reason to think things will be different for the Eagles this year.

So if they choked, what did Washington do over the past few years as we were beating them? What's 5-11 compared to losing the NFC championship? But but but...the old guy is our saviour!!! Call me when you guys get over .500, not this yearly preseason championship coronation that ESPN does over the Washington Redskins.


Archaix, if anything our secondary is stronger this year. We did pick up a fairly big name corner and both of our safeties returned. In all honesty, the only reason we had so many interceptions is because teams were continually trying to land the home run ball against us.

We are going to be weak up the middle. I'm hearing we'll be moving to a 3-4 defense, and our linebacker core is as green as it gets. :-\
Archaix said:
And so I don't leave myself untouched, the Steelers are fucked, hard. They drafted for next year, they picked up Duce Staley, and their offensive coordinator has spent his entire career coaching tight ends. And much of that was coaching Mark Bruener, doing which consists of walking up to him and saying "You still remember how to block, right? Okay, let's go have a beer." Nothing done this offseason will help the Steelers significantly. And I've said it before, but if Plexico Burress is allowed in Pittsburgh ever again he's going to play badly this year.

Well, on the surface things don't look so hot for the Steelers. But, Lebeau should have the defense turned around, especially now that the secondary will finally have a new look....No Washington, No Alexander and who knows, maybe Scott will even learn how to play the position. Either that or perhaps one of the new guys will make him expendable. And, Gildon just wasn't getting it done anymore, his absence will be an actual gain IMO. So I feel the D will be ok.

But, as you say, there are concerns on the offense. There's still big questions about the line, Dropxico's shit storm, and the new coordinator. There are a couple pluses to a new coordinator IMO though, hopefully the obsession with the trick plays will be gone and the games of 30 or more passes during a blizzard will be too. Staley isn't a barnburner of a signing, but at least he knows how to block in the backfield and catch a screen pass, two areas where Bettis simply fails. Tommy should be servicable until Big Ben is ready, and his new contract should keep him more content, maybe a little more focused even.

So, I think the D will keep them in most games, the concern will be if the offense can muster up enough points to actually win some of them. The bright side is this, the Steelers usually seem to play well when nothing's expected of them. Just for that alone I'm going to keep the doom and gloom thoughts at bay.....at least until week 1. :p
God, how I utterly hate reading FMT's posts. They used to be funny, but now he's just a caricature of himself.

The Niners suck, dude. Get over it. They'll be lucky to have 5 wins this year, and even that prediction is a stretch. Tim Rattay is good? In what world do you live in?

Anyway, looking at all the teams through a purely objective lens, I don't see anyone really comparing to the new-look 'Skins. At first, I was a bit dismayed at the news of Champ Bailey leaving, but getting Clinton Portis in return and then drafting Sean Taylor turned that frown of mine upside down. Also, I don't think many teams will be running crossing routes against this defense? If you're not knocked the fuck out by Lavar, then meet Mr. Taylor or Mr. Smoot.

I forsee about 1300-1500 yards by Clinton Portis just on the fact that NO Joe Gibbs coached team has EVER had a shitty O-Line. He whips those boys into shape, and with the NFL's best running back ready for new ground to tear, this could be the beginning of a dynasty, folks.

I won't even get into the excellent core of receivers and QB's they also have. It's just ludicrous. Oh yeah, there's John Hall, too.





how in the world are the eagles worse off than last yr? last yr they had tremendous amounts of injuries to the D. they lost derrick burgess, brandon whiting, paul grasmanis, hollis thomas, jerome mcdougle, and jamal green....ALL ON THE D LINE. these were players who either started or were heavily used in rotation. what did this do the team? well for one darvin walker and corey simon played every snap almost, a nfl high i know cause FOX showed it once on a telecast, which produced one of the most horrendous run Ds in the league. and oh im not done with the injuries....we also lost troy vincent and bobby taylor and brian dawkins ALL THREE PROBOWLERS for the majority of the season...and hell heading into the post season we also lost our best LB carlos emmons and one of our best offensive weapons briant westbrook...AND WE STILL MADE IT TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME...which in if people REMEMBER...MCNABB got his ribs broken and had to sit out. not making a excuse for us losing....i thought we were gonna win and carolina had lil chance but they proved me wrong.....but how in the world can the eagles be worse off this yr? hell if all those who were injured on the D line are healthy that should be enough to put forth a good-solid run D and a great pass rush. and to that we added jevon kearse...the presence of a sack master which we lost with hugh douglas. oh yeah i forgot we lost vincent and taylor....but hey last yr they hardly played and thier replacements sheppard and brown played great. there not going to be pro bowlers right away but they played good enough to win. another yr and i expect them to be better. we also lost emmons.....he was our best LB...but hell he got hurt and so far the giants have him listed injured...and he might be ready openining week.

and thats all on the D. on O we lost duce...but we still have 2 good RBs...and a superstar in the making in briant westbrook. on offfense last yr our biggest weakness was WR....and we addressed that. i know TO drops and he might be the best in the league....but he is a signficant upgrade over thrash....who got pushed around by rookie CBs IN THE PLAYOFFS.

if anything we should be better...and while i hate to look at the schedule and predict a record.....i believe our schedule last yr was more difficult...at least on paper. im not going to say we are def going to win the nfc east but hell we sure as hell should be the fav to win the division and the nfc.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
All NFC East conversations that do not start and end with the Giants' impending 10-year domination are so much sound & fury signifying nothing. What is there really? A team that is just waiting to implode from the pressure of getting to the Super Bowl, a team with an 80 year old coach and yet another fantasy league roster, and a franchise with the worst owner in sports, whose brief respite from ruining his team will soon end.

What a sorry lot, especially compared with the shining city on a hill that is the New York Giants and its field general in waiting, Elisha Nelson Manning.
Guileless said:
All NFC East conversations that do not start and end with the Giants' impending 10-year domination are so much sound & fury signifying nothing. What is there really? A team that is just waiting to implode from the pressure of getting to the Super Bowl, a team with an 80 year old coach and yet another fantasy league roster, and a franchise with the worst owner in sports, whose brief respite from ruining his team will soon end.

What a sorry lot, especially compared with the shining city on a hill that is the New York Giants and its field general in waiting, Elisha Nelson Manning.

The Redskins now have a coach who will make that 'fantasy league roster' actually work. He will instill discipline, and a winning attidude. Have fun battling for last place with the Cowgirls...
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