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NFL Offseason thread (i.e. Niners pre-superbowl domination thread)

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Effzee: like I've said all along, I think Andy Reid is great, but your dipshit Philly sports media tries to start fires. It's just a greater reason why Philly in general does not deserve a championship. Andy Reid is great, and as I've said, Philly will make the playoffs. But they're going to get punked in the playoffs. I also don't get your logic of "sure those teams can knock philly off. but so can philly knock them out." Isn't this football, when for the most part, anyone can win? I just think you Philly fans are way to quick to discount anyone when you've been punched in the mouth 3 years in the row already. You struggled against Green Bay last year, who had no right to even be in the playoffs. Bah, when the season starts, I'm going to sit atop on my NFL inflatable chair and laugh at T.O.'s head getting knocked off 10/31.

Guileless: You're right about the wide receiving core at SD, but you gotta admit that Boston is a cancer. You don't need a ton of superstar wideouts to do well, Peyton did that his first year. Sure he had Harrison, but can you name the other wideouts for back then? And Peyton threw 26 TDs that year... Schottenheimer's always been a joke anyway...


Wasabi, you're forgetting one thing about Ray Lewis...




Drunky McMurder
WasabiKing said:
If Ray Lewis won't believe in the curse, neither will I. He said that it's too easy to blame it all on a curse.

Yes, but in the middle of that sentence he slipped on a banana peel and was only saved because Kordell Stewart was thrown under him to break the fall.

Come on, you know situations like that are the only reason they picked Stewart up just as well as I do.


WasabiKing said:
Guileless: You're right about the wide receiving core at SD, but you gotta admit that Boston is a cancer. You don't need a ton of superstar wideouts to do well, Peyton did that his first year. Sure he had Harrison, but can you name the other wideouts for back then? And Peyton threw 26 TDs that year... Schottenheimer's always been a joke anyway...

Jerome Pathon was one of them. And he's better than Dwight and Reche Caldwell for sure. Kevin Dyson may bring something worthwhile to San Diego, though.



WasabiKing said:
Matlock: do not associate "big" with the Bengals unless it is the following statements:
"Benching Jon Kitna in favor of Carson Palmer is a big mistake."
"Carson Palmer's contract is so big, they have to start him."
"Cincinnati will be a big disappointment in the boring AFC North"

I agree with the first and second, but not the third. Of course, I expected as much out of you, with your strong hatred of Ohio. ;)
San Diego got rid of one headache (Boston) why add another?

Arch: haha, Kordell, the ultimate curse. Perhaps he has now offset that curse. You might be on to something.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Dyson was a major bust in Tennessee, but maybe a change in scenery will help him. He was always hurt and was outperformed by the likes of Drew Bennet and Justin McCareins. If I were Rivers, I'd be praying that Marty doesn't mess me up too bad before he gets fired and I have to learn a new offense. Ah, the joys of being a Charger fan.
fuck julian peterson man. what a greedy fucking scumbag. in february he said it would "be an honor" to be tagged as the franchise player because it lets you know you're wanted and one of the tops in the league. now $15 million isn't good enough for him?? he's not even in ray lewis' league! he's not even a top 3 linebacker in this league! give me a break julian. i wish we had fucking traded him when we had the chance


FOXBORO, Mass. (AP) -- Ty Law now says he wants to retire with the New England Patriots, an about-face that comes after he declared he wanted to leave and called his coach a liar.

Law met with coach Bill Belichick on Thursday, the first day of the team's minicamp, and emerged to say all was well between him and the team.

"It's just time to move on, the past is the past," he told reporters after the meeting, about which he gave few details. "Things happen. This is a business. I'm a Patriot and I'm glad to be."

Belichick was less forthcoming.

"It's my job to coach the team, get the team ready for the opener and the regular season," he said. "It's his job to prepare to play and I expect both of us will do that."

Law was key part of New England's second Super Bowl title in three years. But since the season's end, he's battled with the team over an extension of his current contract, which has $16.9 million remaining over two years. The team offered a four-year, $26 million extension, including a $6.6 million bonus, but Law said it was "a slap in the face."

"I can't even see myself putting on that uniform again, that's how bad I feel about playing here," he said at the time. He also had said Belichick "gets paid to lie."

Though he took a conciliatory tone Thursday, Law expressed uncertainty when asked if he expected to be with New England at the start of the season. He added he wanted to help the Patriots defend their championship.

In order for Law to leave New England, the team would have to trade or release him.



<-- The new :lol!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
You get offered a contract making you the 2nd highest paid player at your position, and the only guy ahead of you is a recognized superstar and future hall of famer. To top it off, your team has severe cap problems as it is. What else does Peterson want?
He was offered the largest contract in franchise history. Now I know it's not adjusted for inflation, and gas is expensive in the Bay Area, but you have NO RIGHT demanding more money than what Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and Steve Young had ever made in a contract.


Junior Member
soulja224466 said:
Andy reid is a good coach. It's not his fault mcnabb is an overrated choke artist.
Anyway, I've got something for you eagle fans :D

Better him than the coach.

Hey guys, we're running all over them...I say we punt. Marshall, I know you're good but our punter is even better.

Where's Duce22 and Magicwhat'shisname when I need help to fight off all the Eagles haters? Effzee, it's just you and me.

Does the new board keep a permanent archive of all posts? Cuz I'm coming for this thread if the Eagles start dropping bombs on the NFC East.


skinnyrattler said:
Better him than the coach.

Hey guys, we're running all over them...I say we punt. Marshall, I know you're good but our punter is even better.

Where's Duce22 and Magicwhat'shisname when I need help to fight off all the Eagles haters? Effzee, it's just you and me.

Does the new board keep a permanent archive of all posts? Cuz I'm coming for this thread if the Eagles start dropping bombs on the NFC East.

i am here for u skinny. dont know where duce or magic are. ive seen some other poster with an eagles avatar.

lol ok so philly doesnt deserve a championship cause of the media? yeah ok....and 2ndly its the national media so thirsty for stories that they are blowin this TO shorts/tights shit out of proportions. yes TO complained about it....but not like he threw a temper tantrum and threatened to kill someone. besides its a comedic situation now...with andy saying if TO gets 15 tds for us andy himself will start wearing tights. im not guranteeing TO wont explode or some shit but this is just bs....its nothing actually.

and as for the gb game...i hate to use the injury excuse, especially since the team did a great job of making it that far with the injuries they had...but they were playing without briant westbrook who was the only weapon on offense besides mcnabb that striked fear. he single handedly destroyed the giants season. so as far as them getting punked or not...could happen but sitting here right in the offseason with the addition of owens and kearse and a healthy d line and westbrook i have to say they have a better chance of winning in the playoffs then getting punkd.

WasabiKing i pointed out how eagles could lose to those teams or beat them...to mention that there are no clear cut favorites above the eagles. it came out wrong..but what i mean is that if u look at the nfc..after the current offseason u would have to say car, st louis, and philly have to be the top 3 right? i meant to say gb could knock them out but its not like gb is the better team at least on paper going into next season. as fan i am confident that the eagles, with the FA additions, are the best team in the NFC and thats not all blind faith.


Unconfirmed Member
WasabiKing said:
Jonny: Green Bay has as much chance as you winning the GAF Madden Bowl for 2005. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Which is sad, cause Favre is awesome. I'm not going to tell that guy to hang it up, but he should consider it soon since he gets hung out to dry on his receiving core.

Unfortunately, you're right. Favre's got one more, MAYBE 2 more in him with Ahman Green coming on as strong as he has the last couple seasons. It's too bad we didn't have a running game when he was in his prime. The receivers are average at best. They were riddled by injuries last year, so maybe this year they'll look better? I don't know. Bubba Franks is a good tight end in the red zone, though. The defense is average as well. Though if we lose McKenzie, we're definitely up Shit's Creek. Al Harris is about 1/10th the DB that McKenzie is. I really, really don't want him taking his place.

Blah. I'm looking at a long few years as a fan of the Packshow. I'd like to see them do something here before Favre goes. Because if we end up with Tim Couch as our new QB, I expect to be watching games from a river of tears.
skinnyrattler said:
Better him than the coach.

Hey guys, we're running all over them...I say we punt. Marshall, I know you're good but our punter is even better.

Where's Duce22 and Magicwhat'shisname when I need help to fight off all the Eagles haters? Effzee, it's just you and me.

Does the new board keep a permanent archive of all posts? Cuz I'm coming for this thread if the Eagles start dropping bombs on the NFC East.

Was that a crack at martz? If it was, why stop there? I hate the fucker right now.


Jonny said:
Halfpastmoon is turning this thread into a flame war. Let's keep it civil please!!

Fuck that...flame wars is what NFL threads are all about.
Speaking of which, here's my own contribution...

skinnyrattler said:
So if they choked, what did Washington do over the past few years as we were beating them? What's 5-11 compared to losing the NFC championship? But but but...the old guy is our saviour!!! Call me when you guys get over .500, not this yearly preseason championship coronation that ESPN does over the Washington Redskins.

They've choked the last two years now!! It's now become habit and routine. Hell I was rooting for the Eagles last year, since it's the only NFC East team that hasn't won a Superbowl yet (when the gang is strong, you're strong), but bitches like you make me glad they haven't done so yet.
As for the Redskins, they haven't done shit since Gibbs left...the fuck is your point? At least I can remember the Superbowls they've won...all you can do is imagine those sceniros for the Eagles, or simulate them in Madden 2004.

Like I said, try winning a trophy before you talk shit. Being proud because your team lost a home conference championship game two years running shows just what a loser mentality that sorry ass town really has. Then again it's most famed trademarks are a statue of a fake boxer and a cracked bell, so it's not a huge surprise. Oh yeah, didn't you guys also boo McNabb when he was drafted? Smart fans you've there.

The Redskins aren't going to win this year...anyone with a brain knows this. So I couldn't care less what happens. It's all about slow growth and progression with Gibbs. What this team should be is competitive...even the last several years has seen them lose a bunch of games by three points or less. 10 wins is what I'd like to see, but I'm not gonna be too upset with 9-7 or even 8-8. 2005 is when things will really get serious for the Skins.

Archaix said:
Yes, but in the middle of that sentence he slipped on a banana peel and was only saved because Kordell Stewart was thrown under him to break the fall.

Come on, you know situations like that are the only reason they picked Stewart up just as well as I do.


skinnyrattler said:
Does the new board keep a permanent archive of all posts? Cuz I'm coming for this thread if the Eagles start dropping bombs on the NFC East.

Suits me just fine...of course if your team bombs, you'd better hope this thread is gone.


Shinobi said:
Fuck that...flame wars is what NFL threads are all about.
Speaking of which, here's my own contribution...

They've choked the last two years now!! It's now become habit and routine. Hell I was rooting for the Eagles last year, since it's the only NFC East team that hasn't won a Superbowl yet (when the gang is strong, you're strong), but bitches like you make me glad they haven't done so yet.
As for the Redskins, they haven't done shit since Gibbs left...the fuck is your point? At least I can remember the Superbowls they've won...all you can do is imagine those sceniros for the Eagles, or simulate them in Madden 2004.

Like I said, try winning a trophy before you talk shit. Being proud because your team lost a home conference championship game two years running shows just what a loser mentality that sorry ass town really has. Then again it's most famed trademarks are a statue of a fake boxer and a cracked bell, so it's not a huge surprise. Oh yeah, didn't you guys also boo McNabb when he was drafted? Smart fans you've there.

The Redskins aren't going to win this year...anyone with a brain knows this. So I couldn't care less what happens. It's all about slow growth and progression with Gibbs. What this team should be is competitive...even the last several years has seen them lose a bunch of games by three points or less. 10 wins is what I'd like to see, but I'm not gonna be too upset with 9-7 or even 8-8. 2005 is when things will really get serious for the Skins.

cmon shinobi ur smarter thant that arent u? we booed mcnabb? yeah ok it was about 30 guys who were selected by this jackass sports radio host to go to the draft and boo mcnabb if we didnt select williams. it wasnt all of philly....hell it wasnt even about 1%. and tons of picks get booed everyear but i love it how its glossed over cause its not philly representatives.

and i can talk shit, but i really dont, all i want cause my team right now is good. they were shit b4 reid and i was still a fan. just cause my team hasnt won a championship yet doesnt mean i dont know shit about the nfl or talk about other teams whos hope for the past 3-4 season stands on amazing off season aquisitions that dont materialize into wins.

at least ur smart enough to know/think the redskins arent winning it all this yr.....i swear some redskin frriends i have seem to think they have this nfc east locked up and are going to the superbowl. my own prediction is 7-9 or 8-8 finishing 3rd behind dallas.
Shinobi said:
FOh yeah, didn't you guys also boo McNabb when he was drafted? Smart fans you've there.

If Philly boos Santa Claus and cheers for career ending hits on great players like Michael Irvin, wtf do you expect? Karma is in full effect in Philly, who is second only to the Boston Red Sox as cursed franchise. You guys built a new stadium, but it won't matter, the stink of the Vet still lingers. Did you guys remember to include the courthouse?

Don't get me wrong, I love Brett Favre. I hated seeing him torch the Raider secondary last year, but I love the guy. He helps carry the team, and he's one of those players that all fans won't appreciate until he retires. The guy took down the Niner machine, and may WRs superstars even though they were above average players. I would love to see him get another ring, but playing in Green Bay won't allow him to do it. I don't even know their WR core anymore... Ahman Green is awesome though, I like that guy and what he does for the Packers.

Mike Martz is a horrible coach, and I can't see them dominating, even if they do make the playoffs. Anyone can do great when you have a healthy 1-2 WR team like Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce, so I won't dismiss them just yet. I just don't get the lack of confidence in Marc Bulger during the playoffs. Here's a guy who helps you carry a team into the playoffs after you've benched a former MVP, and then you decide "fuck it, we're going to punt."

Back to Philly, off-season pickups, for the most part, doesn't guarantee success, i.e. Dan Snyder era of the Redskins, so you can't even play that free agency pickup card. Like I said, Jevon Kearse has come up an off year since his last injury, and there's no excuses when your old QB and even older RB can man up better than you. Andy Reid is also giving T.O. too much space, and he better rein him in come regular season when he undoubtedly runs his mouth. But like last year, you always have a few teams that will sneak into the playoffs unexpectantly, like the Panthers, and will just kill you with their awesome front four. Philly is going to give up some serious passing yardage again this year, and their defense will fail them again.




WasabiKing said:
If Philly boos Santa Claus and cheers for career ending hits on great players like Michael Irvin, wtf do you expect? Karma is in full effect in Philly, who is second only to the Boston Red Sox as cursed franchise. You guys built a new stadium, but it won't matter, the stink of the Vet still lingers. Did you guys remember to include the courthouse?

Don't get me wrong, I love Brett Favre. I hated seeing him torch the Raider secondary last year, but I love the guy. He helps carry the team, and he's one of those players that all fans won't appreciate until he retires. The guy took down the Niner machine, and may WRs superstars even though they were above average players. I would love to see him get another ring, but playing in Green Bay won't allow him to do it. I don't even know their WR core anymore... Ahman Green is awesome though, I like that guy and what he does for the Packers.

Mike Martz is a horrible coach, and I can't see them dominating, even if they do make the playoffs. Anyone can do great when you have a healthy 1-2 WR team like Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce, so I won't dismiss them just yet. I just don't get the lack of confidence in Marc Bulger during the playoffs. Here's a guy who helps you carry a team into the playoffs after you've benched a former MVP, and then you decide "fuck it, we're going to punt."

Back to Philly, off-season pickups, for the most part, doesn't guarantee success, i.e. Dan Snyder era of the Redskins, so you can't even play that free agency pickup card. Like I said, Jevon Kearse has come up an off year since his last injury, and there's no excuses when your old QB and even older RB can man up better than you. Andy Reid is also giving T.O. too much space, and he better rein him in come regular season when he undoubtedly runs his mouth. But like last year, you always have a few teams that will sneak into the playoffs unexpectantly, like the Panthers, and will just kill you with their awesome front four. Philly is going to give up some serious passing yardage again this year, and their defense will fail them again.



wow what is this the time to go down the list of things espn likes the mention everytime philly is mentioned? do people not realize why santa was booed? he was drunk who could barely stand up....we werent booing santa...we were booing the drunk playing santa. the irvin event was disgusting yes not like the whole stadium was booing.....even then doesnt excuse it but it no way shows some pattern with philly fans. all cities have had thier share of incidents by thier fans where they were ashamed. the cubs fans who attacked some 1st base coach....imagine if that happened in philly....we wouldnt hear the end of it.....just like the santa shit or mcnab shit (which i already explained was about 30 guys picked to go to boo him no matter what by a radio host). or how about the browns fans who threw bottles in one game? or the giant fans who pelted snowballs at the chargers during some game a while back? it happens all across the country.....stupid shit.....but that doesnt mean philly is the worst....hell the raiders fans prolly do thier share also....but u only hear of philly cause it gives philly a story. something to talk about when talking about philly "hey we are here in philly and let me again go down the list of old shit that prolly happens elsewhere but we like to highlight about philly all the time....santa got booed....heated rival irvin was booed....mcnabb got booed...".

and ur right free agent aquisitions dont mean much...when u go crazy with them...but thats not the eagles motto and never has been under reid. we went after owens only after the we stuck with thrash and pinkston alone for 4 yrs and got burned by rookie cbs in the playoffs cause these two cant even get off the line. only then did we target owens. kearse came as a complete surprise to me but made sense after all the injuries we had on the d line last yr. we lost burgess, whiting, mcdougle, green, thomas, and grasmanis all on the line. even if we dont add kearse and all those come back heahtly, minus whiting who was traded to san fran, in addition to corey simon and walker...we have a very good and deep d line. its not like philly went out and signed every fa there was on the market which seemed to be what washington did past few seasons. hell reid stuck to his pattern of letting aging veterans walk by letting emmons, vincent, duce, and taylor leave in favor of younger playes he believes are ready in sheppard, brown, bringing in dhani jones, and handing over the rb duties to buckhalter and westbrook. its worked in the past so i have faith in andy's decision to let key players go.

and there's no excuses when your old QB and even older RB can man up better than you.

i honestly dont know what ur referring to over there....detmer and duce?

and how is andy giving TO too much space? when he signed there were reports of reid who told TO shit he could take and shit he cant and wont stand for. now i dont know how TO will follow up on it but for now this shorts/tights shit is a big joke with Owens and Reid and the media is blowing up. REID PROMISED TO WEAR TIGHTS HIMSELF IF OWENS GETS 15 TDs. hell jim mora called reid up to tell him good shit about owens. now i wasnt one to support going after owens based solely on his attitude but now that he is hear im willing to give him some time to see how it pans out b4 i clearly say he will blow up and ruin the team. mcnabb and him seem to be getting along great. lasty this was the biggest weakness on this team last yr.....the WRs. i dont see how getting owens does anything but better the offense. we have a qb and a rb. even at owens worst it helps this team.

lets see of the 3 straigh nfc champ games they lost....only the panthers were the surprise team...bucs and rams were known and feared. it could happen but its not like eagles lost to some surprise team every yr. and how in the world is the eagles D going to fail them? even with all the injuries (vincent, dawkins, and taylor were out during the reg season) the D was strong in allowing about 16 pts a game on average. giving up 14 pts in a playoff game is usually considered good. our run d was atrocious but should be better just by guys being healthier. dont even bring up vincent and taylor leaving because they barely played last season and our 2ndary wasnt the weakness on d. going into this season our LB situation right now is bleek but hopefully they can sign someone or someone unknown comes up but no way will the D be the reason eagles fall. its been thier strong point for a while now.


"They've choked the last two years now!! It's now become habit and routine. Hell I was rooting for the Eagles last year, since it's the only NFC East team that hasn't won a Superbowl yet (when the gang is strong, you're strong), but bitches like you make me glad they haven't done so yet."

They choked vs the bucs but the panthers game was another story. The team had far to many injuires to overcome and wouldnt even be there in the first place if the packers had run the ball. Our entire defensive line was out with injuires and the cheapshot on mcnabb ended any chance we might have had. Its not even worth fighting eagle haters anymore. Some of these people either dont listen to reason or know nothing about football. All I have to say is the eagles have been to the nfc championship game 3 years in a row. Over the past 5 years the eagles are by far the best team in football record wise. Going into the season this eagle team, on paper, looks better than any of those others. Most of these guys are just grasping at straws when looking for a reason we will suck this year.
Actually, that was a Jevon Kearse reference re: Eddie George and Steve McNair. Kearse has got a broken wheel, and his performance will show this season.

I'm the first to admit that inhabitants of the black hole are some of the worst "fans" of the league. But the only people we boo are rivals and anyone associated with those teams, as well as our opponents. But we don't cheer people who get hurt badly. We don't cheer people who get carted off the field. We don't throw snowballs with batteries in then (Denver, you pussies) and our fans don't take punches from players. At most, they get too drunk and don't know the game as well as they should.


WasabiKing said:
Actually, that was a Jevon Kearse reference re: Eddie George and Steve McNair. Kearse has got a broken wheel, and his performance will show this season.

I'm the first to admit that inhabitants of the black hole are some of the worst "fans" of the league. But the only people we boo are rivals and anyone associated with those teams, as well as our opponents. But we don't cheer people who get hurt badly. We don't cheer people who get carted off the field. We don't throw snowballs with batteries in then (Denver, you pussies) and our fans don't take punches from players. At most, they get too drunk and don't know the game as well as they should.

philly booed what one injured player? so all of a sudden we boo all? im not saying what raider fans are and i honestly dont care...cause i know for a fact all this shit happens every where when u have beer. people get roudy.
Mike Martz is a horrible coach, and I can't see them dominating, even if they do make the playoffs. Anyone can do great when you have a healthy 1-2 WR team like Torry Holt and Isaac Bruce, so I won't dismiss them just yet. I just don't get the lack of confidence in Marc Bulger during the playoffs. Here's a guy who helps you carry a team into the playoffs after you've benched a former MVP, and then you decide "fuck it, we're going to punt."

Mike martz didn't make the decision to "punt." He went for the game tying-field goal, big difference. I actually defend that decision, because bulger made a load of mistakes last year, including 3, count 'em, THREE picks in the 4th qtr and OT alone of the panther game. Bulger was self-destructing. Martz faced the *exact* same situation in the end of the cardinals game in arizona last year. Bulger had 4 int's that day, but did manage to drive us to the cards 6 with plenty of time. Instead of risk a 5th INT, he went for the game tying FG, and went to OT and won it.

I think Martz has been a decent coach, but he'd be much better back as OC imo. He holds grudges against players he doesn't like and it affects performance. He has serious time management issues. He's too proud to run the ball. And he constantly says one thing, then does the complete opposite. But I do at least appreciate his unorthodox coaching style on the field, it makes the games fun to watch at least.


Banstick Emeritus
"What they went through, being down 2-1 in Canada, tying the series, falling behind, being written off by a lot of people, going back to that place (Calgary) and winning again, it's awesome, man. I lost a lot of sleep with these Lightning guys. These are not only physically tough and gifted skaters, these are mentally tough dudes." - Bucs coach Jon Gruden, on the Stanley Cup champion Tampa Bay Lightning.


soulja224466 said:
Mike martz didn't make the decision to "punt." He went for the game tying-field goal, big difference. I actually defend that decision, because bulger made a load of mistakes last year, including 3, count 'em, THREE picks in the 4th qtr and OT alone of the panther game. Bulger was self-destructing. Martz faced the *exact* same situation in the end of the cardinals game in arizona last year. Bulger had 4 int's that day, but did manage to drive us to the cards 6 with plenty of time. Instead of risk a 5th INT, he went for the game tying FG, and went to OT and won it.

It was a horrible call. IIRC, they had timeouts, downs and enough time on the clock to do anything. They could have tried plowing it in on a run. Any decision would have been better than the one they made, given the stakes and thanks to the power of hindsight.

Well I can't say I'm mad about it. We had plenty of chances in OT to win. It just wasn't meant to be. "Money" Wilkins was like 6/6 on game winners last year, yet he missed one vs carolina.

Plus we had jason sehorn. How could we win? ;)


Sounds like Joe Gibbs with his 20 hour work days while sleeping in the office.

effzee said:
cmon shinobi ur smarter thant that arent u? we booed mcnabb? yeah ok it was about 30 guys who were selected by this jackass sports radio host to go to the draft and boo mcnabb if we didnt select williams. it wasnt all of philly....hell it wasnt even about 1%. and tons of picks get booed everyear but i love it how its glossed over cause its not philly representatives.

That was part of my shit talking man...gotta use whatever I can to rain shit on Philly. I could've added in the cliche "HAHAHA, YOU BOOED SANTA CLAUS!!" line, but nobody cares about that. Besides which, I hate Santa anyway.

TheDuce22 said:
They choked vs the bucs but the panthers game was another story. The team had far to many injuires to overcome and wouldnt even be there in the first place if the packers had run the ball. Our entire defensive line was out with injuires and the cheapshot on mcnabb ended any chance we might have had. Its not even worth fighting eagle haters anymore. Some of these people either dont listen to reason or know nothing about football. All I have to say is the eagles have been to the nfc championship game 3 years in a row. Over the past 5 years the eagles are by far the best team in football record wise. Going into the season this eagle team, on paper, looks better than any of those others. Most of these guys are just grasping at straws when looking for a reason we will suck this year.

Never said they'll suck...I simply say they choked. You can't host two or three conference finals in a row and not goto the big dance at least once. And forget the injury talk, that didn't stop everyone from picking the Eagles to win. Only after the fact does that become important (not unlike Karl Malone's knee injury).

Oh yeah, Martz is a moron...talks about going for broke all year, then during the most important game of the year you decide to play pussy? Everyone knows you don't settle for OT when you're at home, cause you're just asking for trouble.



My 2004 offseason champ is Tampa Bay.

Now, when I list the guys they've added (not a complete list, just the guys I find intriguing), you'll scoff at some. Rightfully so. But Jon Gruden is doing in his second year what Bill Belichick did in his sophomore campaign in New England. He carpet-bombed the Wal-Mart shopping list of free agents. Some of them, such as wideout Joey Galloway, might pay big dividends. Others, i.e. defensive end Lamar King, could be busts and not survive the final cut. We'll see. But to me, winning the offseason is a lot like the way Jimmy Johnson used to approach drafts: Everybody's going to make mistakes, so you compile a boatload of picks so your mistakes are hidden by your successes. If you're any good, you'll be able to hit on 50 percent.

I happen to think Gruden, with an assist from his old Raider henchman, Bruce Allen, knows talent. What I like about what Tampa Bay has done:


I think Gruden could keep four quarterbacks, using Giants import Jason Garrett to tutor Chris Simms this season and act as a fourth guy. Brian Griese (Miami) will be No. 2 or 3. It's easy to give up on Griese. I probably would have, too. But four years ago he threw 19 touchdowns with four picks, and Gruden's the type of guy who can rediscover the good Griese if anyone can. Galloway (Dallas) and first-round pick Michael Clayton instantly rebuild the receiving corps into a very good unit, assuming Joe Jurevicius and the contractually angry Keenan McCardell come back strong. I like what's happened to the offensive line, and not just because a still-good Todd Steussie (Carolina) was signed. Attitude guys were imported. Derrick Deese (San Francisco), Matt O'Dwyer (Cincinnati) and Matt Stinchcomb (Oakland) are not very nice guys on the field. Wait till O'Dwyer tries to gouge a Panther's eye out. Oooh, fun times on the ol' gridiron. In the backfield, I hope Michael Pittman comesto camp with his competing shoes on. He's going to have to fight off Charlie Garner (Oakland), who is better, and the very underrated Jamel White (Cleveland), who might be. Greg Comella (Tennessee) is one of the best blocking fullbacks this side of the Pecos. Good signing.


Not quite the same impact here, but some signings of note. Allen spent just $25,000 apiece on two very interesting players. That's the signing bonus money he invested in troubled defensive tackle Darrell Russell (too bad a boy for even Washington) and oft-hurt defensive end Lamar King (Seattle). If one of them plays eight effective games, that $50,000 will be money well spent. If Ian Gold can come back from his Denver knee surgery, he should beat out Ryan Nece to win the starting outside linebacker spot opposite Derrick Brooks. Mario Edwards (Dallas) is a marginal improvement at nickel corner. Or maybe that will come from Tom Knight (Baltimore). Whatever, Tampa Bay needed help behind Ronde Barber and didn't have it last year.

Special Teams

I love the acquisition of linebacker Keith Burns (Denver), one of the league's best kamikazes. Maybe Josh Bidwell (Green Bay) might help, thought I'm not sure a punter with a career 41-yard average is anything to get excited about. Brandon Bennett (Cincinnati) is going to have to make his mark here to make the team.

That, to me, is the way to improve -- signing a bunch of guys for marginal money and hoping 50 or 60 percent of them pan out. I'm not picking the Bucs to win the Super Bowl, but I won't be surprised if they do. Not at all.

:) :) :)


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Hmm, the Street & Smith NFL preview came to a different conclusion than Peter King. They picked the Bucs 4th in the NFC South and said Gruden was so power hungry he drove away Rich McKay and is now wrecking the salary cap by signing expensive veterans.

There's little doubt the NFC South is the toughest division in football.


DJ_Tet said:
I'll handle this one Loki style, in honor of our fallen de-railer ;)

Yeah that's exactly who I'm talking about. Last I checked, players who have an injury history don't often fair too well on new teams. See Chuck Smith, Reggie White, and Eric Swann just from the Panthers. We may be cursed though, but there are other examples all over the league. Teams just don't let injured impact players get away when they can still contribute.

true and kearse is no gurantee. but even if he goes down...the eagles cant fair any worse on that D line then last season. everyone remembers thier run D sucked ballz with a z but now why. they lost have thier D linemen in preaseson basically. if all of them come back healthy the dline and run D should be much better.

That's good, nothing better than adding a cancer to your team. I agree on the talent but not the attitude. He's not getting any younger either btw.

again eagles are taking a risk. i was against TO in the begining but after reading about Reid and how he has told TO what he expectes and wont stand for...i have to give him a chance. at least he will bring some attitude to the table. thrash and pinkston got pushed around by rookie CBs.

That's why I specified Starting RB. RB by committee doesn't work so well without the main cog btw.

and i would disagree. duce was an amazing hard nose runner, a great blocker/blitz pick up back, and a great WR out of the backfield. but westbrook can do 2 of those things better than duce. no doubt we will miss duce but its not like the offense will take a nosedive. westbrook is a triple threat...KR/PR, RB, and a WR out of the backfield. and then there is also buckhalter. this will be the season for him to prove his worth.

One would think your best CBs would start in the NFC Championship game. Both the starters are gone. But the Panthers lost their CBs as well, truth be told I felt like kicking the Eagles where they were down ;)

im not going to make vincent or taylor look bad just cause they no longer for the eagles but fact is when they were out sheppart and brown played and didnt seem to lose anything. our run D was the real problem and not the pass D. it wasnt as good as it would be with vincent and taylor but it was solid...hell we gave up about 16 pts a game which is pretty good. with that yr under thier belts sheppard and brown should be fine. im not saying it will be better but our D wont suffer much. we seem to lose key players thru FA every yr on the D side but our D side is the one consistent thing.

You're completely correct. One of those reasons is that we beat you last year and will do so again if you make it that far ;)

to be honest i dont see the panthers as the clear cut fav in thier division. i mean atl should be much better with just vick back and tampa u never know might recover from thier sophomore slump ala the pats. thats a hella tough division.


The NFC South is once again the toughest division going into the season but I think you give too much credit to Atlanta. Vick is back but they still have a lot of holes. I'm too tired/drunk to get into it right now, but Carolina is the most solid team in that division top to bottom. Tampa has lost basically all it's defense from two years ago, and has an offensive coach.

As far as Philly, I basically agree with most of your points. We'll just have to see what happens when the pigskin is tossed.

Up comes my least favorite part of the season, Pre-season. Also known as, damn I hope our best players don't blow out a knee season.

I don't think anyone truly knows where their team stands until week 1 of the NFL season. Too much can happen injury wise from now until then.


DJ_Tet said:
The NFC South is once again the toughest division going into the season but I think you give too much credit to Atlanta. Vick is back but they still have a lot of holes. I'm too tired/drunk to get into it right now, but Carolina is the most solid team in that division top to bottom. Tampa has lost basically all it's defense from two years ago, and has an offensive coach.

As far as Philly, I basically agree with most of your points. We'll just have to see what happens when the pigskin is tossed.

Up comes my least favorite part of the season, Pre-season. Also known as, damn I hope our best players don't blow out a knee season.

I don't think anyone truly knows where their team stands until week 1 of the NFL season. Too much can happen injury wise from now until then.

not even week one man....not till like week 9 or 10 when things start to take form and the surprise teams come forth.

and i am giving atl too much credit prolly cause i underrated them tremendously 2 seasons ago when they made it to the playoffs. i know car has an amazing D but vick is just a beast and containing him is hard for any team. we will see.....but i do pick them as my unsurprising surprise team. car most likely will finish first but tons of pressure on them as people will be looking to see if they were a fluke. i think tampa will rebound and at least offer a challenge for first place.

and the least fav part for me is everyday till opening day. there is nothing quite like that sun morning, or mon night for some, when u wake up and turn on the tv and all the nfc pre game shows are on. its truly like heaven for me...and by evening if the eagles have lost that particular day its like hell waiting for that same feeling next sun mor.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
DJ_Tet said:
Tampa has lost basically all it's defense from two years ago, and has an offensive coach.


So, Carolina has "lost basically all" its defense from last year as well? Wow.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Hmm, the Street & Smith NFL preview came to a different conclusion than Peter King. They picked the Bucs 4th in the NFC South and said Gruden was so power hungry he drove away Rich McKay and is now wrecking the salary cap by signing expensive veterans.

I saw this too and couldn't disagree with that crappy salary cap reasoning any more than I do. If Street & Smith haven't noticed we are ALREADY IN a BAD salary cap situation. Who put us there? Yep. McKay (enjoy Falcons fans). McKay's a nice GM, but his way of doing contracts comes back to bite you in the @$$ later (even though it may look nice now). Allen has managed to sign 18 or so veterans with that poor salary cap situation (some of them big names). Street & Smith need to come with better reasoning than that.


Carolina's solidness from "top to bottom" comes at the result of being a SB team that hasn't had too many changes to their roster moreso than it being a prediction for their domination of the NFC South. A writer mentioned it (forgot who), for a "solid" team, they sure as hell could have been 6-10 rather than 10-6. Let's see if they can win the same way they did last year when stars on NFC South teams aren't dropping like flies (Okay, only Vick in ATL's case, but the Bucs got devastated by injuries)

Regarding my defense post above, if the Bucs lost "basically all" of their D from losing: Sapp, Lynch, Jackson, and Singleton over two years (with Sapp and Lynch supposedly declining) then Carolina should be given the same honor losing Caldwell and Cousin in one year. Regardless if Caldwell was on IR and Cousin wasn't that good. 'Cause then I'll just counter with: "Singleton was easily replaced," "Lynch and Sapp were declining," and "Jackson was overrated - Dwight Smith (who starts in his place now) deserved the MVP trophy." The point of all that is just to show how...."poor" that comment was. The reason the Bucs D suffered (LOL, amazing how being the #5 D = suffering) was from lack of depth in the secondary...which we remedied this offseason. And what does having an offensive coach have to do with their D? They had an offensive coach when they won the super bowl, they've bulked up the D this off season despite their "offensive" coach and the defense has always been an instrument of Kiffin and his crew, even when Dungy was there.

I'm not proclaiming the Bucs to be SB champs because weird things can happen (see last season), but there's no way Panther fans should bad mouth a team that they could only "squeak by" to get the NFC South championship by 4 pts despite having a harder sched and a long IR list.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
That was a bit more enthusiastic than I had planned on, sorry.

But while we're on the subject of of prognostication: What's with the Falcons always getting that hype? For the past two years, geez. Expert: "They've never posted back to back winning seasons, but we have Vick! #1 or #2 for sure in the NFC South!" :\


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The Street & Smith article on Tampa was strange, as most of the other team profiles were optimistic about the team's chances. But whoever wrote Tampa's really does not like Gruden.

Atlanta's hype is based solely on Vick. If they hadn't beat teh Pack at Lambeau in the playoffs it wouldn't be as bad, but that was so shocking that everybody has been on Vick's jock ever since.

Nobody has even mentioned the Saints so I will. The most explosive offense in the NFL w/Deuce, Horn, and Good Brooks (not bad late-season Brooks who fumbles and throws pics like he owes his bookie money). If Brooks can play well down the stretch, which yes he never does, the Saints could easily improve their record from the past 3 years and go 10-6, 11-5. Just need an average D to go with that O.
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