Same.eh, I actually like them both.
Does the WiiU still have more good games than the Bone and 4 combined or has that changed in the last few months?
As far as exclusives? No doubt.
Same.eh, I actually like them both.
Does the WiiU still have more good games than the Bone and 4 combined or has that changed in the last few months?
Does the WiiU still have more good games than the Bone and 4 combined or has that changed in the last few months?
Yep, gonna wait on that til I finish Bloodborne.Pillars of Eternity today as well.
I get that. I just thought it was funny that yankee mentioned missing out on The Order when Bloodborne came out a few days ago.
See I knew it was you, SNES!I hate being broke
I'm still playing Xenoverse and for some damn reason got sucked back into Victoria 2.
I forgot my 3DS charger this week but I had my Vita so I fired up FFX-2. Still seems like a regular final fantasy game so I'm confused about why it gets so much hate?
Pillars of Eternity today as well.
RPG heaven lately.
You're awake at 5am playing vidyagames?
Do those "DOCTORS HATE HIM" lines ever work on people?
That's his room now. You gotta leave.I needed something to keep me awake while I was hunting that beast. You fucking shit.
I am cleaning my room and putting up the defenses tonight. This one was Texas sized.
I hate being broke
I want DBXenoverse, bloodborne(ok I could probably go buy this one right now without too much wallet pain because its a priority over other titles), pillars of eternity, MKX, a new video card, actually a whole new computer would be super duper
I have been playing cities skylines when I get a chance but my city is dying because I screwed up the goods somehow and havent been able to fix it
I needed something to keep me awake while I was hunting that beast. You fucking shit.
I am cleaning my room and putting up the defenses tonight. This one was Texas sized.
That's his room now. You gotta leave.
So basically what you're saying is that you've been smoking meth? Fuckin poor
I feel that this is very disrespectful.
What is worse? The people who sell meth? The people who use meth? Or the people who sell and use it (you)?
I think I'm going to postpone my Bloodborne playthrough until they add that death loading patch, since I like to die in the most embarrasing ways possible all the time.
I think I'm going to postpone my Bloodborne playthrough until they add that death loading patch, since I like to die in the most embarrasing ways possible all the time.
How has Tannehill done in the playoffs
Undefeated.How has Tannehill done in the playoffs
How has Tannehill done in the playoffs
I've only dealt with meth users, can't comment on the two others.
What's worse is people who don't know how to reheat Spaghetti-O's (you).
All of you nerds need to play less vidya and go outside.
Belichick is what chip wishes he was.Philbin is to dumb to tape the other teams practices, or to deflate the balls, or to come up with illegal plays to trick the other team. The cheat is very good at cheating, you have to give him that.
Belichick is what chip wishes he was.
Also a loser.Nah Chip is a good guy, and not some evil monster.
Also a loser.
No playoff wins.20 - 12 in the NFL after taking over a 4-12 team all while being stuck with garbage like Foles at QB. Then again I dont expect you to actually follow the NFL, or know what is going on.
All you need to know about the Panthers not knowing what they are doing is they think Hill is signed.
Fox pls.
I know this is Disrespect Thursday, but pls understand. These are trying times for Panthers Nation.
I had an accountant like that. She did my taxes for about 15 years and only charged me $60. Basically was a CPA and had a select number of clients she supported every year as a 2nd job. I always got money back.My accountant is rad. Two of the last five years he has had February heart attacks resulting in medically induced comas and has still gotten my taxes done on time! Mike is a stud!
Nothing terrifies me more than his eventual death.....
Taxing unrealized capital gains is a fucking travesty.
Your deductions should be as small as possible and ideally you'll get a better return on those held resources than the tax rate.
Maaaaan I am getting roasted like a motherfucker!!
But that's ok, it's Disrespect Thursday, anything goes, right?!