Sweeney Tom
Finally! A jersey worth buying....
This is the happiest I've been about the team since the parade ended
Finally! A jersey worth buying....
hey grova your writing has really improved man!
I don't even know what your ps4 crew is so I'll pass.well, that lasted all of twenty seconds.
Offer's off the table. Moldy Bread will never be in the PS4 crew.
I welcome Bread to the brotherhood but I'm skeptical that he can really add much to the dynamic we've established. We'll see.QuadLaFamilia Inc. announces that it will extend a qualifying offer to Bread to join our organization upon receipt of his PS4.
"Bread and I have had our disagreements in the past, but he brings the kind of fire and tenacity that will make him a valuable member of our company", club President Grover said in a press release.
Back to football talk, the Panthers just signed LB Jason Trusnik (?). Dolphins-GAF tell me about him.
This page sucks
You must be drunkThis page sucks
You must be drunk
Seems like you have been overtaken by thetans.Nope just sane.
What?He has a good sense of humor with his wife.
Its why he played hide and seek when she was in labor
Share, please!Bacon wrapped and with a jerk-bbq-sauce-glaze.
Alas, I forgot the cheese.
Share, please!
Bacon wrapped and with a jerk-bbq-sauce-glaze.
Alas, I forgot the cheese.
Schaub does kind of look like he could pass for Flacco's equally square older brother. They look like they go shopping for pleated jeans together.
Schaub does kind of look like he could pass for Flacco's equally square older brother. They look like they go shopping for pleated jeans together.
Shoob has Brady-esque arm strength, though.Flacco just needs to teach him about the importance of the PI draw, the most important play in the Ravens' playbook.
Shoob has Brady-esque arm strength, though.
Brady's arm strength is fine, it's his accuracy that blowsShoob has Brady-esque arm strength, though.
His accuracy on short to mid-range throws is incredibly good and when he's in a rhythm it's probably the best of any QB. He can throw the ball a decent distance if he really tries, sure, but it's obvious that he's forcing it because of his arm strength and that in turn leads to bad accuracy.Brady's arm strength is fine, it's his accuracy that blows
Can't disagree with that.His accuracy on short to mid-range throws is incredibly good and when he's in a rhythm it's probably the best of any QB. He can throw the ball a decent distance if he really tries, sure, but it's obvious that he's forcing it because of his arm strength and that in turn leads to bad accuracy.
Philly beat the 49ers 40-8 on 10-2-1994
Okay, I usually enjoy your trivia, but this you gotta explain.
Is there any significance at all to this?
The Phillies are going to sell wine and hard liquor at home ball games next year.
Terrible team, the most belligerent fanbase in America, and hard alcohol, whatever could go wrong?
His accuracy on short to mid-range throws is incredibly good and when he's in a rhythm it's probably the best of any QB. He can throw the ball a decent distance if he really tries, sure, but it's obvious that he's forcing it because of his arm strength and that in turn leads to bad accuracy.
one the worst losses that 49ers had when john taylor was on the roster also 49ers finished 13-3 and eagles 7-9 also because tombradytuesday is terrible and im doing my trivia power to end it
Its because they are on route to lose around 100 games so they feel sorry for the fanbase
There are stadiums that don't sell liquor??
Husky Stadium didn't sell alcohol until they remodeled it two years ago and added a small section where you can purchase beers (standing-room-only, and you can't leave the area with the drink). Kind of funny since one of the band's most-played songs is Tequila, but hey.
Bury MRSA next to his friends SNES and dragon