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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

How did you guys not have like 3 PS2s die on you? Granted it took a year or two for the laser in those things to give out before you started getting DREs and a year or two in the price of the PS2 was only $199. My 360 crapped out in 8 or 9 months and it was still $399.

The PS3 slim (original) is a beast though. I straight up abuse this thing with netflix going constantly, forgetting to turn it off for long periods of time, and heavy amounts of gaming. Not one single hiccup in over 3 years! That's getting into Nintendo-esque levels of quality for me.

Better than any of those is building a quality gaming PC though. I built one in 2004 that can still work just fine if I bothered to hook it up and turn it on. It seems like any PC made with brand parts (especially a quality motherboard) will last for 10 years.

I had 2 PS1s die (but I abused them doing the swap trick), 4 PS2s died (Sony's shitty quality control this time), launch PS3 got the YLOD. Biggest difference between Sony, MS and Nintendo is that Sony were dickheads about the repair. Microsoft covered it for free(most likely to avoid a class action lawsuit), Nintendo as well fixed a DS Lite for free out of warranty. Sony wanted to charge me a fee that was about half of what the console was worth. Sony's incompetence in dealing with customers along with the PSN fiasco led me to PC gaming. Much happier now. Kinda happy that Microsoft is really screwing up the new Xbox. I'm less and less inclined to buy one.

I'm going to try to get that to work on the old app I have on my PS3. People were saying in here that you can sign up for it on your PC and then stream it to the PS3. If it doesn't work I will use a laptop. It's worth a shot. I have never had the Sunday Ticket before.

I'm just going to stream it to my TV via my Macbook. It won't be amazing quality, but it's better than nothing.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I'm not kidding when I say I still have my original "fat" PS2 with the old blue stand alive and kicking and it still runs without a single problem.

You sir own a mythical device worthy of song and legend. It's truly a unicorn among consumer electronics.

Especially considering that I'm pretty sure you play RPGs like a lot of us tend to do. Although I'm less shocked by your PS2 than I am when I hear when people say their launch 360 is doing just fine. Any of the HDMI enabled units? Sure those I get but those OG 360s? Madness!


I have had one red ring, one replacement Wii, and one PS3 with a fried hard drive.

I'm really looking forward to the new consoles eliminating the time it takes to download something.

Hunter S.

Never had a phat PS2 die. Did have some assholes steal my first one. My second one still works, but now belongs to a nephew. Both got tons of playing too.

My current 360 gets the three light rrod all the time for over a year, yet keeps working.

* crossed fingers*


Consoles that died. First NES. First PSX (second one still kicking, got some cooler accessory and it was fine after that), and my DC.

Other than the NES most cart systems are indestructible. The Cube was by far the best made disc system I ever had. I had nephews that tortured theirs and it kept on kicking. I remember the 3 year old stick a slice of pizza in it thinking it was a microwave* and as far as I know it still works!

* they just wiped it down with a paper towel and it was good to go.
A testament to the strength of the slims from both Sony and MS, they each survived two really long hot summers in Afghanistan. The Sony slim then proceeded to die on the plane ride home. Replaced it with one of the newer slims that I don't have much confidence in. It's really flimsy, but it was cheap and came with 5 great games (Black Friday). My N64 is unkillable.
You sir own a mythical device worthy of song and legend. It's truly a unicorn among consumer electronics.

Especially considering that I'm pretty sure you play RPGs like a lot of us tend to do. Although I'm less shocked by your PS2 than I am when I hear when people say their launch 360 is doing just fine. Any of the HDMI enabled units? Sure those I get but those OG 360s? Madness!
Yep! I'm amazed by that as well. I've only met one person who claimed as such and after about 4 years his finally gave out.

The 360 slim is Microsoft's best console from a design standpoint. Loved the look and its reliable as hell. It's too bad it took what? 4 iterations to get there? Even the Falcon units were still red ringing...

Consoles that died. First NES.
That's a mythical device I'd like to see. An OG NES with the flip top cover that allows you to play games without blowing on them or going through the snap the game down rough ceremony to get it to work.:D

I remember many a night playing Ninja Gaiden and getting past a really tough section only for the screen to go blue and that fucking light would start blinking. That rage was unequaled in my youth.


My first SNES, PS2, PS3, and Dreamcast all still work. I'm on my second 360 and don't use it so I can't even tell you if it works.
Damn I love the Vikings new helmets, they look really good in action
Front one


ive said it before but this whole used games/DRM/we want money back fiasco reminds me of the NFL owners and them blaming the rookie wages. lets look at it:

1. rookie wages get out of hand! game development gets out of hand!
2. owners want some of that money back! its too crazy! game publishers want some of that money back! it's too crazy! even though both are the reason that its happening
3. owners say "hey vets! vote yes on this new CBA taking money from rookies and we'll funnel that to vets! honest!" publishers say "hey! without used games destroying our profits you'll definitely see cheaper prices on games! honest!"

i just dislike greedy corporate assholes. i don't care if i come off as a hipster or whatever and i get that a lot of the luxuries/technology we have is the result of someone attempting to get themselves as much money as possible but sometimes i wonder if its all worth it!

I'm totally fine with this but you better not own anything Apple



Greg A. Bedard ‏@GregABedard
Maybe I'm spoiled from covering GB & NE, but I'm used to seeing all-out hustle and urgency. Gordon lacks that. Loafs a lot

Greg A. Bedard ‏@GregABedard
IMO, Gordon won't reach his full potential until he gets it. Greg Little might not be as talented, but he has urgency and fun.


Now that I think about it, the last 4 consoles I've purchased (PS2, Wii, 360, PS3) have all died on me at one point or another. They don't make 'em like they used to.


I had my Wii not die but the wifi was broken on arrival, it was a launch unit too. Surprisingly, Nintendo had another unit on my doorstep (A few days after launch) when there was apparently a shortage. My launch 60GB PS3 YLOD on me 2 years ago, that thing was a beast until it died. It would play Netflix for at least 3 hours a day and about 2 hours of CoD a day.


Fear of a GAF Planet
This presumes that should could reach her bootstraps.

I'm not kidding when I say I still have my original "fat" PS2 with the old blue stand alive and kicking and it still runs without a single problem.

I also have an original monolith PS3 with PS2 compatibility. That thing is built by the gods.
My original ps3 went ylod. :(

My original 360 is still kicking!
With about 3 inches of dust on top. I use it less than the wii.


Squicken you're by far the worst member of Browns Gaf. You're doing it wrong brah.

I post good stuff when I see it. I figured you would want to know that. I certainly want to know if there is a Rams player half assing his way through practices. And he mentioned Little has got that fire
Welcome! You'll quickly find that everyone in this thread loves Russell Wilson, and you should remind them of that as often as possible.

My cousin played for UW. Was pretty amusing because most of my family was WSU fans until then. His brother was gonna play at WSU but they thought he was too small (5'10ish as a LB) so he went to CWU instead.
I post good stuff when I see it. I figured you would want to know that. I certainly want to know if there is a Rams player half assing his way through practices. And he mentioned Little has got that fire
Ehh I guess it's nice to Read tweets from people outside the Cleveland media, shines a different light on things.
At same the time Gordan seems to be doing fine, going off other tweets and reports. But who knows, ooo and I was jk you're not the worst member of Browns Gaf.
Jackncoke is
Edit: also thanks for the post, checked out his twitter and he had some good reporting.

Hunter S.

Now that I think about it, the last 4 consoles I've purchased (PS2, Wii, 360, PS3) have all died on me at one point or another. They don't make 'em like they used to.
The hardware is TONS more complex and fragile so yeah it breaks more. Both of my PS3s died due to over heating which is supposed to be less of a problem for xbone, hopefully, PS4 too.

@Dutch I bet Gronk has fathered 12 plus bastard children already.


My cousin played for UW. Was pretty amusing because most of my family was WSU fans until then. His brother was gonna play at WSU but they thought he was too small (5'10ish as a LB) so he went to CWU instead.

Awesome! Will be great to get into the new stadium this year.

I don't answer any number that I don't already have in my phone unless I'm expecting a call.


9/10 times I won't answer a blocked number. Just on that one day when I'm feeling adventurous I answer.

Well I dun screwed up, it was the ER director and he wants to schedule an interview. Said he'll call me back hopefully by the end of the day. Wasn't anticipating on them calling me today since the phone interview was yesterday, HR girl said he'd call me next week.


The hardware is TONS more complex and fragile so yeah it breaks more. Both of my PS3s died due to over heating which is supposed to be less of a problem for xbone, hopefully, PS4 too.

@Dutch I bet Gronk has fathered 12 plus bastard children already.

His cornucopia of STD's has thankfully made him sterile.


I'm always fearful mine will go as I do enjoy the PS2 BC on it from time to time.
Got my original 60GB in May 2007. Died sometime in late 09. Power supply couldn't stay on.

Got a slim around Christmas time that year and its ran like a charm. Even opted to get a 1TB drive in there. No issues with this unit to date. And it's in a new entertainment stand that has it enclosed. There an bit of an opening in the back for breathing, but yea.


My launch 60GB was still alive when I sold it last year. And my launch PS2 has some issues running dual-layered DVDs, but it still works as well.
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