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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait


I am curious what you are basing their tech being weaker off of? I know people have been saying it online but their games definitely didnt look weaker. Maybe it is some cloud secret sauce that they are using but XB1 games look incredible so far. People are not going to care what kind of ram each consoles has if the games look the same on each. This really does feel like this gen where Sony yelled a bunch about the PS3 being more powerful but it never materialized. I have no doubt the PS4 will badly outsell the XB1 this gen, it is cheaper and they dont have the DRM stuff. The MS is going to just savage MS from now until the end of the next-gen. I dont see how they can changed the games policies now, I dont even know if it is possible to make games not install this late.

This spells on the specs difference


As for policies, MS can always back track. If publishers won't back them, then there's no reason to keep it in place. Today will be interesting. Execs hit the interview circuit and there's no doubt that MS will be playing defense all day. I'm curious how the big publishers will respond to two different DRM policies. Maybe they see the heat MS is getting and will let them take all the blame
Last night was so much fun, that Sony conference really made me feel like a kid again.

So far the games I've been the most impressed with are The Division, Destiny, and The Order.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Nintendo has in store for us today.
This spells on the specs difference


As for policies, MS can always back track. If publishers won't back them, then there's no reason to keep it in place. Today will be interesting. Execs hit the interview circuit and there's no doubt that MS will be playing defense all day. I'm curious how the big publishers will respond to two different DRM policies. Maybe they see the heat MS is getting and will let them take all the blame

I dont care about the specs if the XB1 is going to have the better looking games. More powerful doesnt mean anything if games dont look noticeably better. You dont hear anyone saying the PS3 is more powerful now, because the games on it dont look any better then on the 360. As far as MS backtracking the only reason they have the DRM policy is because you can install disks to the console, they would have to drop that feature if they are going to drop the DRM. No way can they let you install games and then not validate them online.

Shooting a horde of varied alien races.

The architecture, vistas, and even the setting are reminiscent of Halo.

Have you played Halo games? I am relly curious since they are usually criticized for being very bright and colorful, lots of purples and such. This was an old rusted out structure/landscape. I really didnt get a Halo vibe at all except for the enemy ship dropping the walker from its bottom.


Battlefield 4 and the The Division have shown the best tech so far, though BF4 was running on a PC. We'll see how that goes on console. Really excited about PS4, though in the middle of football season I would never play either very much

edit: What a day yesterday. iOS stealing from everyone else. MS capping themselves. Sony going for the throat. And of course the biggest news of the day ...

Battlefield 4 did look great and the Division could be good. Sucks that Ubisoft decided not to show Rainbow 6 because of it though. I am curious how the RPG elements and battle other people will work in it. Man that Ubisoft conference was fucking torture. The host was terrible, begging for applause and none of her jokes worked at all. If I never seen any more footage of AC:BF again it will be to soon.


Have you played Halo games? I am relly curious since they are usually criticized for being very bright and colorful, lots of purples and such. This was an old rusted out structure/landscape. I really didnt get a Halo vibe at all except for the enemy ship dropping the walker from its bottom.

The Covenant and Halo worlds were always vibrant and great to look at.

Now the Earth structures they made have been fairly underwhelming in comparison. Still, lots to see still in the Destiny world.


come in my shame circle
First time I've ever been tempted to get a console day 1.

I think this also has to do with the fact I am no longer young and a poor.

As of right now I'm leaning towards PS4 but I have months to really make a decision before I preorder anything (if I do).


First time I've ever been tempted to get a console day 1.

I think this also has to do with the fact I am no longer young and a poor.

As of right now I'm leaning towards PS4 but I have months to really make a decision before I preorder anything (if I do).

Amazon doesn't make you pay until it ships. I have an XB1 pre-order that I will very likely cancel, but no harm in keeping it for now
The Covenant and Halo worlds were always vibrant and great to look at.

Now the Earth structures they made have been fairly underwhelming in comparison. Still, lots to see still in the Destiny world.

Yeah Bungies strength was always doing the alien stuff, the Earth stuff was never as interesting. I am really hoping they do some crazy alien shit in Destiny. After the Destiny showing my wife turned to me and said we have to get 2 PS4's to play it. Even though it is also coming to XB1 she doesnt want to miss out on the extra content.

After MGS4 I said I was done for MGS for good. I hated 4 with a passion but god damn did MGS5 look amazing. I could believe how large the level was, and hopefully their will be a real emphasis on stealth this time. I really hope Kojima has learned his lesson and edits down all the fucking cutscenes this time and really pushes crazy boss fights and such.
Have you played Halo games? I am relly curious since they are usually criticized for being very bright and colorful, lots of purples and such. This was an old rusted out structure/landscape. I really didnt get a Halo vibe at all except for the enemy ship dropping the walker from its bottom.

Played all 3 Halo's.

I still get a Halo vibe. This is the trailer I watched, so forgive me if this is old but yes, it smacks of Halo to me. The open battlefields, the architecture and backdrops are all like Halo. Sure this level is more arid, but that's a marginal change.

edit: The only thing I was actually interested in was the Division.


My 499 cents on yesterday, through slightly green tinted glasses:

  • I'm prepared to catch major flak for this, but MS' policies aren't a problem for me personally. Haven't bought/sold a used game in about 10 years now, I'm always online anyway, and I don't tend to be paranoid about Kinect's unproven abilities.
  • That being said, MS' strategy of trying to appease hardcore gamers by concentrating on hardcore games only completely backfired for me. They have a peripheral that jacks up the price and don't show any games for it? Not even that Disney Fantasia thingy as a change of pace? They only offer a tiny glimpse of the integration with other MS services/devices? Those are the things that I'm really looking forward to (and the reason I'm still cutting them some slack compared to Sony). Instead they show more of the same old shit.
  • The latter is the reason why I'm not sold on PS4 either. At this point it's just another game box, its main feature seems to be that it isn't Xbox One.
  • As a whole, yesterday was incredibly underwhelming. There were like 3 games that I got excited about across all consoles and publishers. Consoles have to prove that they have a reason to exist at this point, and being stuck somewhere between more of the same and a PC of today isn't going to help.
  • Unless some major stuff is announced between now and end of the year, I'm not getting a Wii U, I'm not getting a PS4, and I'm not getting an Xbone.


After MGS4 I said I was done for MGS for good. I hated 4 with a passion but god damn did MGS5 look amazing. I could believe how large the level was, and hopefully their will be a real emphasis on stealth this time. I really hope Kojima has learned his lesson and edits down all the fucking cutscenes this time and really pushes crazy boss fights and such.

Yes! Lost in the shuffle but I thought that looked cool. I really don't like the MGS series, but maybe with open world he will turn down some of the silliness. Good stealth is Thief and Splinter Cell. Stick to the shadows, stay silent, avoid line of sight. Not weird camo skins and crawling on the ground through levels at a time

edit: Milchjon, for better or worse, next gen is about multi-player or connected experiences. A big focus was on the single player meeting co-op and group PvE, but more like Phantasy Star and less like an MMO.

It seems like Kinect will always be an albatross on XB1. As far as DRM, I'm with you. I never cared
Played all 3 Halo's.

I still get a Halo vibe. This is the trailer I watched, so forgive me if this is old but yes, it smacks of Halo to me. The open battlefields, the architecture and backdrops are all like Halo. Sure this level is more arid, but that's a marginal change.

edit: The only thing I was actually interested in was the Division.

Holy shit I hadnt seen that trailer before and yeah that looks like fucking Halo, the enemies looks like covenant and they were shooting purple lasers and then there was random purple structures inside the big base. The footage during the Sony conference toned that down a lot.
I have never played any of the dead rising games but if they can fix the AI in DR3 I will definitely get it. The amount of zombies on screen was crazy and being able to combine anything into a weapon looks really fun but man the AI was dumb beyond belief. They just stood next to the car the player was on and just did nothing. Hopefully it was just on easy mode for the demo but that was really worrying.


Really though that Tebow news broke Dutch's brain for a bit. bionic is just in it for the jokes. Dutch and his Mallet crush took a big blow


As a die hard 360 supporter, I may very well jump ship to the PS4 next gen, along with upgrading the hell out of my PC. The DRM and always online things don't bother me at all, but dat 499 price tag for a kinect I don't want? To hell with that. I aleady have one I never use.

Also, Tebow to the Patriots? Tammy better get it together, the future of the NFL is coming for his job!
MS mae a huge mistake at E3 yesterday, they caved to all the hardcore gamers who said they didnt want to see kinect games, but now everyone knows their console is more expensive due to kinect being included and they didnt show anything to justify that extra charge. If they really had some must have game that used kinect in a great way they should have shown it.
Does anyone in this thread play Black Ops 2 on 360 anymore? I got it a while ago but no one on my friends list plays it so my wife and I always get stuck with randoms, and CoD randoms are the worst randoms on Earth. My god the things you hear during the course of a night are enough to make you want to give up on humanity.


The thought of our clean and pure Tebow in the same locker room with that diseased vermin makes my skin crawl!

Timmy I have not given up on you yet! Maybe your going to the Pats is a blessing. Maybe with your blessed light you can convince Kraft to stop being such a scumbag and fire Belicheat and Tammy and move in a new direction that is more concerned with Gods will instead of being Godless cheating bastards.

Timmy stay strong. You were able to resist the temptations of Jabba but now the Lord has sent you straight into the realm of Satan.

Won't lie though. Extremely jelly and mad at the Steelers. We should have gotten Tebow!

I am starting to wonder about this new Rooney...
Does anyone in this thread play Black Ops 2 on 360 anymore? I got it a while ago but no one on my friends list plays it so my wife and I always get stuck with randoms, and CoD randoms are the worst randoms on Earth. My god the things you hear during the course of a night are enough to make you want to give up on humanity.

I have it, but haven't touched it in months.



Damn you Squicken!


Is anyone even interested in Nintendo's conference after Sonys?

I remember the 399 announcement killed GAF for me for good last night. I don't see how Nintendo can match that Deathblow.
Is anyone even interested in Nintendo's conference after Sonys?

I remember the 399 announcement killed GAF for me for good last night. I don't see how Nintendo can match that Deathblow.

If Smash Bros and Mario U look amazing I think Nintendo can easily top Sony's conference. Long term I think the PS4 is going to murder the WiiU and 360 so I ont know what Nintendo could do to stop that. 1 thing that Nintendo does have is they are the only company with free to play mp, but I dont know if anyone cares about mp on the WiiU.
Is anyone even interested in Nintendo's conference after Sonys?

I remember the 399 announcement killed GAF for me for good last night. I don't see how Nintendo can match that Deathblow.
Sony's was great primarily because of the no DRM (which you mocked me for predicting, by the way :p ) and the price but the games were not too impressive. To me that's where Nintendo shines, so I'm still looking forward to seeing stuff like the new Smash Bros., New 3D Mario, all the 3DS stuff that's coming later this year (like Yoshi's Island sequel and LttP 2), and maybe a surprise or two (Retro's game?). So yeah, I'm still interested.


If Smash Bros and Mario U look amazing I think Nintendo can easily top Sony's conference. Long term I think the PS4 is going to murder the WiiU and 360 so I ont know what Nintendo could do to stop that. 1 thing that Nintendo does have is they are the only company with free to play mp, but I dont know if anyone cares about mp on the WiiU.
They are going to have be mindblowing to get people to stop thinking of 399.

I can't wait for it to get over. I have wasted too much time on this shit already!
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