Get a tablet and a pc. Still under $1k.
i cant justify a tablet with my iphone 6+
i am looking into getting a laptop tho, waiting for either the macbook air to get retina, or skylake in the rmbp
tried to make a hackintosh with my stuff, got osx to boot, but couldn't get it to stick, i think it was my lack of wifi. gonna have to buy a card soon.
Thinking about getting it tonight. Not sure yet, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is doing a good job getting my gaming attention right now.
started XB with the hd textures hack for dolphin. pretty fun. having a hard time getting my wave bird to work tho. 360 controller is just meh for it. wii remote+nunchuck refuses to stay connected to my pc, and when it does the controls get all wonky.