Giants punter gives Eages "bulletin board material" (in June, in 2015)
Freedom kicking socialism in the face
89 breh. And no one here has AC.
Girl has some Greg-esque hops.
Watching TDKR
It's right around the part where the kid whose balls haven't yet dropped is singing the national anthem while Bane preapes to blow that shithole to smithereens.
Guy really let himself go after Olivia broke his heart.
You will burn in hell
This thread sucks like the vacuum in Spaceballs
Driving back to Tennessee earlier today and I saw about 30 people parked in a grocery store parking lot with confederate flags flying everywhere. Moving somewhere else would be nice...
Au contraire
I think it's the constant sense of danger, not knowing if a piece of waffle could kill you with super instant Gronk-level food poisoning or not knowing if the fork you're holding could suddenly be turned into the weapon of your murder, that makes Waffle House great.
It's like those crazy ass white people who jump off cliffs or jump out of airplanes.
Guy really let himself go after Olivia broke his heart.
Guy really let himself go after Olivia broke his heart.
Has Chan been sterilized?Has Coldplay been sterilized? I feel as though he should be.
Guy really let himself go after Olivia broke his heart.
Driving back to Tennessee earlier today and I saw about 30 people parked in a grocery store parking lot with confederate flags flying everywhere. Moving somewhere else would be nice...
Driving back to Tennessee earlier today and I saw about 30 people parked in a grocery store parking lot with confederate flags flying everywhere. Moving somewhere else would be nice...
Fuck, we do have potholes 😌
Even though you're an animu Paper, you can be okay sometimes.
that's what happens when your soul is drained every nightHe looks old as fuck.
what about me?
Detroit looks like a wasteland in that photo.
Meanwhile in Detroit:
It's snowing in the middle of summer? Or is that nuclear fallout?
:jncLeftover powdered sugar after his morning box of donuts.
:jncLeftover powdered sugar after his morning box of donuts.
Leftover powdered sugar after his morning box of donuts.