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NFL Preseason 2014 |OT2| - It's only one week, deal with no new content!

What constitutes an offense? Conviction?
Not seeing any details past those two tweets.

Rice wasn't convicted of anything if memory serves, right? She dropped the charges, etc. but I would imagine they would count that as an offense considering its what's behind these changes to begin with.

It'll be amusing if its up to Roger to make that determination with no outline made known to the players, etc.


Not seeing any details past those two tweets.

Rice wasn't convicted of anything if memory serves, right? She dropped the charges, etc. but I would imagine they would count that as an offense considering its what's behind these changes to begin with.

It'll be amusing if its up to Roger to make that determination with no outline made known to the players, etc.

So...why not suspend Rice for 6 games weeks ago?
I'm sure it's one of those fine tuning things where they had to face pressure from NFLPA on the Rice situation. They were at a disadvantage but now they're being proactive and setting the precedent moving forward.


Not seeing any details past those two tweets.

Rice wasn't convicted of anything if memory serves, right? She dropped the charges, etc. but I would imagine they would count that as an offense considering its what's behind these changes to begin with.

It'll be amusing if its up to Roger to make that determination with no outline made known to the players, etc.

It will be very interesting to see what constitutes a domestic violence "offense." I'm also already counting down the minutes until an attempted coverup to circumvent the lifetime ban is uncovered, since it's pretty much inevitable.
Not seeing any details past those two tweets.

Rice wasn't convicted of anything if memory serves, right? She dropped the charges, etc. but I would imagine they would count that as an offense considering its what's behind these changes to begin with.

It'll be amusing if its up to Roger to make that determination with no outline made known to the players, etc.

Ray's wife even went to his meeting with Rodger and said it was a misunderstanding. I dont see how the NFL could count that is an offense. I am really curious to see how this will work since most domestic abuses are not caught on tape and usually the woman doesnt press charges.


^ lolololol

I'm sure it's one of those fine tuning things where they had to face pressure from NFLPA on the Rice situation. They were at a disadvantage but now they're being proactive and setting the precedent moving forward.

I doubt they NFLPA had any say in this. Sounds like adding lines to the Personal Conduct Policy to me. No reason they had to only suspend Rice for x games if they thought it deserved 6
So...why not suspend Rice for 6 games weeks ago?
Good question. No clue on the answer.

Mike Garafolo ‏@MikeGarafolo 2m
Goodell's letter to owners re: domestic violence calls for 6 games for first offense but can be higher, depending on "mitigating factors."

So yeah, its up to Roger. :jnc

Goodell on Rice:

On Ray Rice discipline: "I didn’t get it right," NFL commissioner Roger Goodell writes to owners.


Ray's wife even went to his meeting with Rodger and said it was a misunderstanding. I dont see how the NFL could count that is an offense. I am really curious to see how this will work since most domestic abuses are not caught on tape and usually the woman doesnt press charges.

1. Something did happen. She just wants the money train hence the reason she got married after the incident happened.

2. I'm pretty sure she instigated, and that's going to be the issue with this policy in the future. Yes, Ray Rice is built like tank, and there's very little evidence to support that she could hurt him without a weapon. But the self-defense is still an issue.

So...why not suspend Rice for 6 games weeks ago?

He underestimated the backlash.


Ray's wife even went to his meeting with Rodger and said it was a misunderstanding. I dont see how the NFL could count that is an offense. I am really curious to see how this will work since most domestic abuses are not caught on tape and usually the woman doesnt press charges.

Yeah he just pulled her more yards by the hair on tape than he was carrying the ball on a average run. Misunderstanding. Totally doesnt wreak of Ray coaching her
I doubt they NFLPA had any say in this. Sounds like adding lines to the Personal Conduct Policy to me. No reason they had to only suspend Rice for x games if they thought it deserved 6
I meant before with Rice not with the current ruling.

The Rice situation played out throughout the offseason, media attention, etc., and I'm sure the NFLPA was putting pressure on the League Office just like they do with everything else, so they had to bend a bit. Politics.

This time they came out on their own terms making the new rule.

Just a thought.
Yeah he just pulled her more yards by the hair on tape than he was carrying the ball on a average run. Misunderstanding. Totally doesnt wreak of Ray coaching her

Of course he coached her but I dont see how the NFL can suspend someone when there are 2 parties involved and they both say it didnt happen. If the NFL was going to give a player a lifetime ban it is in the wifes best interest to downplay it as well. She isnt going to want to lose that source of income.


Mike Garafolo ‏@MikeGarafolo 5m
Goodell admits in letter he got Ray Rice penalty wrong. "I didn't get bit right. Simply put, we have to do better. And we will."


Attention: College players. Goodell says domestic violence incidents prior to joining NFL could mean increased discipline for 1st offense.-Twitter
According to Pro Football Focus' metrics, James has allowed no pressures -- no sacks, no hits and no hurries -- in 71 pass-blocking snaps. That doesn't represent times when he appears to get outmatched to either side by speed-rushers (especially speed-rushers with really good foot-fakes), but after watching his NFL tape, I'd say that even at 19, the Dolphins may have a bit of a steal here.

Respect the Hickey.


How much worse can they get?

I don't think this is that big of a blow. Jakar had a strong camp, but he is still a back up. If the starters go down, I doubt there is much difference between him and the other backups.

I think not having anyone on the weakside to rush the passer is the biggest problem right now.
Full letter from Goodell:


he following letter and accompanying memo were sent to each NFL owner today by Commissioner Goodell:

Since becoming Commissioner, my focus has been on ensuring that the NFL is held in the highest regard by our fans, players, business partners, and public authorities. My commitment has always been to do what is right and to protect the integrity of the game, both now and long into the future.

Recently, we have addressed issues of respect¬ – respect for co-workers, opponents, fans, game officials, and others. Whether in the context of workplace conduct, advancing policies of diversity and inclusion, or promoting professionalism in all we do, our mission has been to create and sustain model workplaces filled with people of character. Although the NFL is celebrated for what happens on the field, we must be equally vigilant in what we do off the field.

At times, however, and despite our best efforts, we fall short of our goals. We clearly did so in response to a recent incident of domestic violence. We allowed our standards to fall below where they should be and lost an important opportunity to emphasize our strong stance on a critical issue and the effective programs we have in place. My disciplinary decision led the public to question our sincerity, our commitment, and whether we understood the toll that domestic violence inflicts on so many families. I take responsibility both for the decision and for ensuring that our actions in the future properly reflect our values. I didn’t get it right. Simply put, we have to do better. And we will.
The public response reinforced my belief that the NFL is held to a higher standard, and properly so. Much of the criticism stemmed from a fundamental recognition that the NFL is a leader, that we do stand for important values, and that we can project those values in ways that have a positive impact beyond professional football. We embrace this role and the responsibility that comes with it. We will listen openly, engage our critics constructively, and seek continuous improvement in everything we do. We will use this opportunity to create a positive outcome by promoting policies of respect for women both within and outside of the workplace. We will work with nationally recognized experts to ensure that the NFL has a model policy on domestic violence and sexual assault. We will invest time and resources in training, programs and services that will become part of our culture. And we will increase the sanctions imposed on NFL personnel who violate our policies.

In the past few weeks, I have reviewed all aspects of our Personal Conduct Policy and met with a wide range of experts (several of whom we have been working with for some time), as well as with the NFLPA and many of you. Those discussions will continue. They have helped us to identify a number of steps that will better communicate our position and strengthen our policies on domestic violence and sexual assault.
These steps are based on a clear, simple principle: domestic violence and sexual assault are wrong. They are illegal. They have no place in the NFL and are unacceptable in any way, under any circumstances. That has been and remains our policy.
Many of you have done excellent work in this field, both personally and through the efforts of concerned players and your community relations and player engagement departments. Our goals are to prevent violence, impose appropriate discipline, provide professional support resources when appropriate, and publicly embrace a leadership role on this issue.

Consistent with that view, I have directed the following actions to reinforce and enhance our policies:

First, we will continue our work with leading experts to expand the scope of our education on domestic violence and sexual assault for all NFL personnel – players and non-players. This will include enhanced training for entering players through the Rookie Symposium and Rookie Success Program, as well as new programs designed for veteran players and other NFL personnel. All NFL personnel – players and non-players – will receive information about available league resources and local support and advocacy groups in their community.

Second, our club Player Engagement Directors, Human Resource Executives, and other appropriate team personnel will undergo comprehensive training to help them understand and identify risk factors associated with domestic violence and sexual assault. Any person identified as being at risk will be afforded private, confidential assistance. Persons who decline this assistance will be held accountable for that decision in determining discipline for any subsequent act of domestic violence or sexual assault. This is a complicated matter and must be approached with care. We will work with experts to identify strategies based on the most reliable research, recognizing that violence can and does take different forms but generally involves a pattern of coercive behavior.
Third, we will ensure that the NFL LifeLine and NFL Total Wellness Program are staffed with personnel trained to provide prompt and confidential assistance to anyone at risk of domestic violence or sexual assault – whether as a victim or potential aggressor. Information regarding these resources will be furnished to all NFL personnel and their families. Our Player Engagement Directors and Human Resource Executives will meet with team spouses and significant others to ensure that they are aware of the resources available to them as NFL family members, including the ability to seek confidential assistance through independent local resources, as well as through the club or the NFL Total Wellness Program. In this respect, we will utilize our existing, established telephone and on-line programs, and will communicate the full range of available services to all NFL personnel and their families.

Fourth, the outside groups we met with have emphasized that the NFL can play an important role in communities throughout the nation. Consistent with that advice, we will expand the educational components in our college, high school and youth football programs that address domestic violence and sexual assault. We will seek to create and promote programs that develop the character of the young men who play, coach or manage our game, emphasizing respect for women and appropriate ways to resolve conflicts. Outreach efforts embodied in these programs will help young people recognize, establish and maintain healthy relationships. In our earliest contact with young men, we can communicate our expectations, establish NFL standards of conduct, and stress the responsibility that all men have to adhere to those standards.

Fifth, we recognize that domestic violence and sexual assault are broad social issues, affecting millions of people. We want our public role to be both constructive and effective. In the coming months, we will explore meaningful ways to incorporate domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention into our public service work. We will do this with the assistance of responsible outside organizations and the potential participation of current and former players, coaches and families who have been affected and are willing to speak out. Actions we take in this respect will be sensitive, thoughtful and will recognize the positive role models and high character presented by so many men in the NFL.

Finally, and consistent with our Personal Conduct Policy, our own response to domestic violence or sexual assault incidents by NFL personnel will include new elements of evaluation, treatment and family support, as well as enhanced discipline. We will address these issues fairly and thoughtfully, respecting the rights of all involved and giving proper deference to law enforcement and the courts. If someone is charged with domestic violence or sexual assault, there will be a mandatory evaluation and, where professionally indicated, counseling or other specialized services. Effective immediately, violations of the Personal Conduct Policy regarding assault, battery, domestic violence or sexual assault that involve physical force will be subject to a suspension without pay of six games for a first offense, with consideration given to mitigating factors, as well as a longer suspension when circumstances warrant. Among the circumstances that would merit a more severe penalty would be a prior incident before joining the NFL, or violence involving a weapon, choking, repeated striking, or when the act is committed against a pregnant woman or in the presence of a child. A second offense will result in banishment from the NFL; while an individual may petition for reinstatement after one year, there will be no presumption or assurance that the petition will be granted. These disciplinary standards will apply to all NFL personnel.

With very few exceptions, NFL personnel conduct themselves in an exemplary way. But even one case of domestic violence or sexual assault is unacceptable. The reality is that domestic violence and sexual assault are often hidden crimes, ones that are under-reported and under-acknowledged. The steps we are taking will reinforce our commitment to address this issue constructively.

In addition to focusing on domestic violence and sexual assault, we will continue to maintain strong policies regarding weapons offenses. We are similarly working to strengthen our response to impaired driving. We have sought – unsuccessfully – for several years to obtain the NFLPA’s agreement to more stringent discipline for DUI, including mandatory deactivation for the game immediately following an arrest and a minimum two-game suspension for a first violation of law. We will continue to press our position on this issue in the hope of securing the union’s agreement.

There are three steps that each club should take promptly: first, post and distribute the attached “Memorandum to All NFL Personnel” to every player under contract to your club; second, ensure that your head coach reviews the information in that notice with his staff and with all your players; and third, share this letter and the attached Memorandum with all members of your organization, including your team president, General Manager, Human Resources Executive, Security Director, and Player Engagement Director.
In the coming weeks, we will contact all clubs on further steps to be taken in support of these initiatives. I am grateful for the thoughtful advice received from so many of you and for the support that I know you will give to this important work.


Domestic violence and sexual assault are wrong. They are illegal. They are never acceptable and have no place in the NFL under any circumstances.
Our Personal Conduct Policy has long made clear that domestic violence and sexual assault are unacceptable. We clearly must do a better job of addressing these incidents in the NFL. And we will.

Earlier today, I sent NFL owners a letter that identified specific actions we will take to improve our response to domestic violence and sexual assault. Those actions include the following:

All NFL Personnel will participate in new and enhanced educational programs on domestic violence and sexual assault. We will also increase our outreach to college and youth football programs.

Families will receive detailed information about available services and resources, both through the club and independent of the club. These resources and services will be available to employees and their families on a confidential basis.

Violations of the Personal Conduct Policy regarding assault, battery, domestic violence and sexual assault that involve physical force will be subject to enhanced discipline. A first offense will be subject to a suspension of six weeks without pay. Mitigating circumstances will be considered, and more severe discipline will be imposed if there are aggravating circumstances such as the presence or use of a weapon, choking, repeated striking, or when the act is committed against a pregnant woman or in the presence of a child. A second offense will result in banishment from the league; an offender may petition for reinstatement after one year but there is no assurance that the petition will be granted. These disciplinary consequences apply to all NFL personnel.

* * * * *
If you believe that you or someone you know may be at risk of domestic violence or other misconduct, we strongly encourage you to seek assistance through your club’s director of player engagement, human resources department, the NFL LifeLine or an independent local domestic violence resource. Help is available and can prevent potentially tragic incidents.



Of course he coached her but I dont see how the NFL can suspend someone when there are 2 parties involved and they both say it didnt happen. If the NFL was going to give a player a lifetime ban it is in the wifes best interest to downplay it as well. She isnt going to want to lose that source of income.

Because visual evidence, in public no less. Would make the NFL look real bad if they didnt. Hell people already thinking they look real which is why they were pressured into making this domestic violence policy. Do you think they would of created a policy if the public was all like " Oh ye Ray fucked up and 2 games is the right amount of games I feel"
Because visual evidence, in public no less. Would make the NFL look real bad if they didnt. Hell people already thinking they look real which is why they were pressured into making this domestic violence policy. Do you think they would of created a policy if the public was all like " Oh ye Ray fucked up and 2 games is the right amount of games I feel"

Yes in this one case there happened to be a video, what happens when there isnt?


Eric Macramalla ‏@EricOnSportsLaw 14m

Domestic violence falls under Personal Conduct Policy which was not collectively bargained; player could challenge as anti-trust violation


Eric Macramalla ‏@EricOnSportsLaw 7m

While 2nd offence is life banishment, player can apply for reinstatement after 1 year but "no assurance that the petition will be granted"
When there is no evidence and no one says anything happened and no one is going public you want to know what the NFL will do? That is your question?

This is good, nice work Rog'

If a wife/gf calls the police and then recants, like happens a lot in these cases. What happens then?


If a wife/gf calls the police and then recants, like happens a lot in these cases. What happens then?
The government can still proceed. Once they start only they or the judge can stop that train. So be careful when you call the cops.

But they won't be able to prove their case without the wife/gf/Pats qb so they would probably just let it go eventually.
I think Goodell did a good job. The punishments for it are just, the increased focus on awareness and pre-emptive services are great.

My only concern is how the bans are implemented. There needs to be overwhelming evidence that an event occurred or a conviction. I mean, obviously Ray Rice committed a crime and it needs to be punished. But if it's just an accusation or maybe even an arrest I don't know that it's enough to ban someone. Hopefully they implement it well.

Maybe a "preponderance of evidence" would be ideal.
Pff. None of this is going to amount to shit if Goddell is still allowed to be judge, jury and executioner. The NFL desperately needs an independent arbitration body.

And on a similar note, why the fuck do the players still stand behind Demaurice Smith? Has he done ANYTHING to proactively represent the players in these issues?


I think Goodell did a good job. The punishments for it are just, the increased focus on awareness and pre-emptive services are great.

My only concern is how the bans are implemented. There needs to be overwhelming evidence that an event occurred or a conviction. I mean, obviously Ray Rice committed a crime and it needs to be punished. But if it's just an accusation or maybe even an arrest I don't know that it's enough to ban someone. Hopefully they implement it well.

Maybe a "preponderance of evidence" would be ideal.

Remember when Ben got 6 games and was never arrested?

Goodell has a ton of power and should have given Rice more considering there was video. The only explanations for why the suspension was so low is either be supports domestic violence or is a really big boxing fan.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Pff. None of this is going to amount to shit if Goddell is still allowed to be judge, jury and executioner. The NFL desperately needs an independent arbitration body.

And on a similar note, why the fuck do the players still stand behind Demaurice Smith? Has he done ANYTHING to proactively represent the players in these issues?


This is the first thing I think of when I hear that guy's name.

That and that horrible lockout.



Remember when Ben got 6 games and was never arrested?

Goodell has a ton of power and should have given Rice more considering there was video. The only explanations for why the suspension was so low is either be supports domestic violence or is a really big boxing fan.

Ray had a really strong reputation before that, and Ben had a toxic reputation (which I think has now totally rebounded and now better before that). These reps do matter (see the Brandon Merriweather suspension).



Remember when Ben got 6 games and was never arrested?

Goodell has a ton of power and should have given Rice more considering there was video. The only explanations for why the suspension was so low is either be supports domestic violence or is a really big boxing fan.

Ben's accuser went into Goodell's office and pleaded on his behalf for him not to be punished?


Pff. None of this is going to amount to shit if Goddell is still allowed to be judge, jury and executioner. The NFL desperately needs an independent arbitration body.

And on a similar note, why the fuck do the players still stand behind Demaurice Smith? Has he done ANYTHING to proactively represent the players in these issues?

The NFLPA is fucked because the player careers only last 2-3 years on average, and there's such a huge supply of players every year.


I just want to state this publicly, that I really enjoy the mostly level headed nature of this thread and other sports threads and the rest of the neogaf clown community proves time and time again they should not enter sports discussion and look as clueless as they are and should stick to their anime porm, mlp fuck dolls and whatever pathetic activity mouthbreather partake in. That is all, jakncoke the truth over and out.
The NFLPA is fucked because the player careers only last 2-3 years on average, and there's such a huge supply of players every year.

Sorry Draxal, but I don't see how that prohibits him from getting involved in conflicts that involve the players, particularly when the issues are unprecedented. When the commissioner was rampaging all over Harrison and the Steelers in '10 numerous players said they never heard so much as a peep from Smith on their behalf. Ditto the Saints until near the end.

Remember when Ben got 6 games and was never arrested?

Goodell has a ton of power and should have given Rice more considering there was video. The only explanations for why the suspension was so low is either be supports domestic violence or is a really big boxing fan.

This is why they need arbitration, especially if they're going to be slow to introduce penalties for infractions ahead of time.

Instead Lord Goddell comes down from on high and assigns you an offense number based on how much you or your representatives lick his balls.
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