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NFL Preseason/Training Camp Thread |OT| - Make America Great For Once

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Yep. And doesn't Bosa's family have a ton of money?

If his family is worth a ton of money it makes more sense. A tiny bit more sense, unless they are already worth $50m+. Unless Bosa lands in the top 8 next draft he stands to lose $10m over the duration of the contract, not $1m. The 3rd pick this year was a projected contract worth $26.57 million. The 8th pick was a projected contract worth $16.38 million. I think it's extremely realistic that Bosa falls out of the top 10 next year, but even if he only falls out of the top 5 it's a $5m loss.

I think it's great that players stand up for themselves, but doing it individually is doing nothing but making yourself miss out. They need to do it through the PA, and if that leadership isn't doing it they need to vote in new leaders.

Ron Mexico

I wonder if there's any kind of insurance policy that would cover him here. Certainly not a standard-type claim but maybe some insurer was enough of an idiot to do it.


Gotta expect to see Cruz on Saturday vs. the goddam Jets.

Meanwhile, wide receiver Victor Cruz (groin) practiced for the second day in a row.

“Victor looked great,” Offensive Coordinator Mike Sullivan said. “He has had two strong days, got a lot of balls thrown to him. I’m excited about where he is, and hopefully he will have his opportunity against the Jets (on Saturday).

“There was the suddenness, the explosiveness, the things that I have in mind, visions of 2011 in terms of that type of quickness. So obviously that is something to be excited about, and again, we’re just progressing and hoping for the best. We’re not trying to get overly excited or put too much pressure, just taking it one day, one rep, at a time; and he’s certainly shown some flashes over yesterday.”
All that really does its point out how overrated Luck is. He is good no doubt but he has that Farve slanger in him. Which is good and bad. Playoffs is when his mistakes get magnafied against better teams.

Yeah it's basically "these qbs have similar numbers" which is something Kas would argue.
Missed a couple days of WYTS due to life stuff, catchup time

Washington http://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2016-washington-redskins-1785511398
Between my junior and senior years of college I had internship in the sports department at one of the local network affiliates. This was back in the days when the Head Ball Coach was in charge and he thought that it would be a good idea to have the team occasionally practice at FedEx Field, because you know, that’s what they did in Gainesville. Anyway, the first time they do it, it’s like early August and just hot and humid as balls out there. After the twenty or so minutes of practice we’re allowed to film, all the media have nothing to do but stand on the sidelines and wait to talk to the players and coaches after practice. Like I said, it’s the middle of the day in the summer, so standing on the sidelines of the shit hole that is FedEx ain’t exactly enjoyable, especially if you’re one of the camera guys. Someone, I don’t recall who, noticed that there’s like five or six decent looking folding chairs leaning up against the retaining wall around the field. So, five or six guys go and pull them out and start sitting in them, which is what any normal human being would do in the circumstances. Within 10 minutes of these guys sitting in the chairs, some lackey in a suit comes down to the field to tell them “that those are Mr. Snyder’s chairs, and he would prefer you not sit in them.” He then stationed someone nearby to make sure no one did, in fact, sit in them for the next hour-and-a-half. Fuck him.

Spurrier did let me have a Gatorade from a team cooler after practice.
I blew out my ACL and meniscus in the parking lot celebrating a massive 14-11 win over the vaunted Cleveland Browns that brought the record at the start of the Jim Zorn era to 5-2. It was a hopeful time.
Here is the exhaustive list of teams that have not made an appearance in the NFC Championship game since the 1991 season:

Washington Redskins

Detroit Lions
Our franchise quarterback lost his job during the preseason. Just prior to this, a local call-in show did a poll on who should be the starting quarterback and found that 1) 72% of fans thought it should be Kirk Cousins, and 2) 7% of those fans thought his name was Kurt Cousins.

Texans http://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2016-houston-texans-1785646617
What can you say about this team that wasn’t already said at the Republican National Convention? The only thing more dogwhistle-y than being a J.J. Watt fan is a Blue Lives Matter Facebook update.
I think Watt would wrestle an alligator if enough cameras were there.
My personal fav said:
1. Can we start with J.J. Watt? The guy’s a publicity whore who a) likes to shame other players for being publicity whores, b) gets angry at people who call him out for being a publicity whore, and c) who would likely be subject to Cam Newton-esque type treatment if he were black. But d) none of that matters because his new trainer; Lindsey Vonn, is massaging his groin.

2. Bill O’Brien is labeled time after time after time as some offensive genius who is also some magical QB-guru known for developing QBs. Someone name me a QB he has developed? No, Tom Brady doesn’t count. Did you see the clown car full of QBs he had last year? Remember on Hard Knocks how offended he got when people criticized Brian Hoyer and Ryan Mallett? But hey, at least he ran Case Keenum out of town and into the concussion trap that is the Rams. His main innovation last year was bringing in a guy cut by the Seahawks and using him to run the wildcat.

3. The team’s best offensive player last year was Shane Lechler, the punter. Lechler’s also probably the best QB in team history.

4. Offensive genius O’Brien had his ass handed to him twice by Andy Reid. ANDY REID! And both games were in Houston.

5. How do you quiet your home crowd? Put J.J. Watt and Vince Wilfork in as running backs at the goal line during a playoff game, and still not score a touchdown.

6. The reason the Texans made the playoffs last year was the defense. A defense built by Wade Phillips, who the Texans didn’t keep as defensive coordinator because Romeo Crennel needed another sideline to destroy.

7. The owner, Bob McNair, is a homophobe who helped fund campaign ads that helped to defeat Houston’s HERO equal rights legislation. You remember those ads, right? The ones that said it was now legal for men to dress as women so they could go into women’s restrooms and rape little girls.

8. They gave Brock Osweiller a four year $72 million contract. The guy who couldn’t beat out Peyton Manning for a job even though Manning could no longer throw the ball five yards. The guy the Broncos said, “No, go ahead, you take him. We’ll just go with Mark Sanchez.”

9. If Osweiller turns into Scott Mitchell or Matt Flynn, the idiots will flood Houston’s sports talk stations demanding the team sign Vince Young.

10. The new running back is Lamar Miller, who the Dolphins gave up on because he sucked. The one time he didn’t suck? That one game he played last season against the Texans.
Houston is Cleveland without the evergreen headlines. Don’t believe me? Between the Oilers and Texans, there have been zero Super Bowl appearances by a Houston football team; Our baseball team was swept in its only World Series and, just last year, allowed the Royals to come back in the 8th inning at home to send the series back to Kansas City; we convinced ourselves that Dwight Howard wasn’t a psychologically-delusional AAU-bred pre-diabetic; people seriously protested “the influx of Islam” outside of the downtown Islamic Da’wah Center owned by Hakeem Olajuwon, the only athlete to not spectacularly disappoint this city.

A ragtag theater group in New York once made an opera based on the life of Bum Phillips.

Nobody in Houston would bring the production to town until Dan Pastorini’s charity brought it to town for one-night-only production starting at $500 per ticket. The ghost of Bud Adams is upset that he didn’t think of that scam.

Sage Rosenfels’ “Rosencopter” fumble was the most visible commitment to wind-based energy in the history of Texas.
When Peyton Manning left Indy he wanted to come to Houston, but Gary Kubiak vetoed it. Later, Gary Kubiak lost 14 games in a row and got fired a week after having a seizure on the field in the middle of a game. Then, Peyton Manning won a Super Bowl in Denver, with Gary Kubiak as his coach. There is no punchline here.

Vikings http://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2016-minnesota-vikings-1785695904
From my section (Southeast corner) it looked like Blair Walsh’s last minute chip shot went through, so we all cheered. Many people turned around high-fiving and hugging and screaming in our exultation. It took a minute or two before people started getting confused by what was/wasn’t happening on the field, and you could hear the realization slowly ripple through (wait, why aren’t we kicking off? Was there a penalty? OH-DEAR-MOTHER-OF-GOD-NO-YOU’VE-GOT-TO-BE-KIDDING-ME). After the game most people were too numb (physically and emotionally) to do anything but just calmly walk out, but I remember seeing one guy just swearing at the field, and another full grown man weeping in his hands.

I can’t wait to tell my kids this story.
I was in Japan this past year during the playoffs. I woke up at 2 am to watch the game. And immediately before Blair Walsh missed the easiest field goal of the game, I took a deep breath and came to a moment of zen a la Kevin Spacey in American Beauty. Watching it go wide left, I wasn’t surprised, or mad or sad or anything. I had a scary feeling of comfort. Like yes, this was going to happen.
I’ve watched this team lose on a blocked punt for a safety, on a last-second Kyle Orton game-winning drive, and sat, helpless, as TWO normally brilliant kickers faltered with the game on the line.
And that’s still not the worst playoff loss that we’ve had.
Kluwe could have made that kick.
When Denny Green died, the obituaries all mentioned the two NFC Championship losses. As I was reading them, I realized that reaching those games (plus two more after the 1987 and 2009 seasons) was the apex of my football fandom. 35 years watching this team, and my highlights are four divisional playoff victories followed by four gut-wrenching losses.
During our Wild Card game against Seattle, I was watching it on the Fox Sports website. There’s a natural lag between actual cable and what plays on the internet. So I saw Teddy lead us downfield and set up Blair Walsh for a chip shot. My girlfriend is super excited because she’s never seen my team do anything good in the five years we’ve been together.

Then I start getting texts from people saying “LOL” and “I’m sorry” from my friends. I basically got told the future and had to sit there and watch it happen.
I watched the playoff game last year with five other Vikings fans. Before Walsh even attempted the kick, two people in the room predicted a shank. I said he’d make it, then we’d squib it, they’d return it to the 50, and Russell Wilson would do a Russell Wilson thing to get them to a game-winning field goal. We were predicting why we would lose before it would happen because it’s happened so many times before. Fuck your 86% in-game win probability, ESPN, we’ve seen this shit too many times.

When he missed, 3 people laughed, 2 were silent, and 1 just left without saying a word and went home. The Vikings cannot shock their fans with their failure. It’s expected, and we’re numb to it.
When Blair Walsh missed that field goal last year, I calmly walked outside in my Cordarrelle fucking Patterson jersey, and shoveled snow off of my lawn. Not sidewalk, lawn. In minus 30 degree weather. My fiancé nearly called the police.
When Walsh missed the FG against Seattle last winter, it honestly didn’t surprise me. I didn’t scream or smash my coffee table. I was just dead inside, like I have been through every single Vikings’ season since Gary Anderson missed the game-winner against Atlanta back in 1998. That was also the first night I drank until I blacked out. I was 15.

Via Colemans intsagram

Hello friends I am playing MGS V for the first time

.....kojima a CRAZY FUCK 😒😒
I remember the intro being pretty cool. Didn't really play much of the rest, gotta try and go back one day.


What's the deal with Stork?

Going to try and retire to avoid playing for the Redskins?

Pretty darn good center at FSU but the concussions are a serious concern.


What's the deal with Stork?

Going to try and retire to avoid playing for the Redskins?

Pretty darn good center at FSU but the concussions are a serious concern.

He got emotional that he got traded. Guess he really didn't want to go from the Pats.


lol does he even watch football??

Also I know none of these are my ex-bff mech because he knows you can't have any negative thoughts about your team otherwise you're not a real fan

I still hate the Tight Ends with all my fury. Does that count?

I think I might start wishing ill will on the Ravens after liking them previously just because.

Margot Robbie and Karen Fukuhara were... alright, I guess. Got something decent from that money waster.
I still hate the Tight Ends with all my fury. Does that count?

I think I might start wishing ill will on the Ravens after liking them previously just because.

Margot Robbie and Karen Fukuhara were... alright, I guess. Got something decent from that money waster.

Just don't let mech hear you.


NFLPA should be paying Bose whatever missed salary.

Dude is fighting the fight that No other NFL player would do.

Same could have been said for titans players who fight because don't pay differed salary
Whatever SD was offering must have been a pretty big pay decrease from what Bosa was making at OSU.

So if Bosa doesn't sign what happens? Does he just workout at IMG for a year and re-enter the draft? Can a trade happen? Do the Chargers get a supplemental pick of some kind or are they just shit out of luck?
Nothing like doing a 2 mile run because you got guilty for trying and skip out on a run. Damn consciousness.

So it's too late to trade boss for some picks then? Trade him to the redskins so he can retire too.
Wouldn't he go at lower value in next years draft and lose on a ton of money? I mean 1st rounders make a shit load more than 2nd and 3rd


Whatever SD was offering must have been a pretty big pay decrease from what Bosa was making at OSU.

So if Bosa doesn't sign what happens? Does he just workout at IMG for a year and re-enter the draft? Can a trade happen? Do the Chargers get a supplemental pick of some kind or are they just shit out of luck?
He could go to the CFL for a 2 months?

I'm not sure what he has as a backup plan for employment.
He could go to the CFL for a 2 months?

I'm not sure what he has as a backup plan for employment.

Isn't his family loaded? If his agent is smart they will front him the money to do nothing but workout for a year rather than get injured slumming it in Canada.

Nothing like doing a 2 mile run because you got guilty for trying and skip out on a run. Damn consciousness.

So it's too late to trade boss for some picks then? Trade him to the redskins so he can retire too.
Wouldn't he go at lower value in next years draft and lose on a ton of money? I mean 1st rounders make a shit load more than 2nd and 3rd

Why would he drop that far? He's the same player just one year older (and one less year of wear and tear if he sits), and it's not like he's got injury or character issues (and only dumb teams would consider a holdout to be a character issue).
Catching up on the Bosa stuff....who the fuck has rookie contract disputes in 2016?

i remember when crabtree sat out 6 weeks due to the dispute.... he ended up getting fucked over in the end because it added an extra year to his contract and then he ended up getting paid peanuts by the raiders after having a bad year. he's making decent money now but he could've been making elite money.

although crabtrees agents were being ridiculous and wanted him to get paid as if he were drafted higher than he was because they felt he should have been.

not sure all the details on the bosa stuff but bosa is the one who is going to get fucked long term (whether his position is right or wrong that is the truth of the matter)
Isn't his family loaded? If his agent is smart they will front him the money to do nothing but workout for a year rather than get injured slumming it in Canada.

Why would he drop that far? He's the same player just one year older (and one less year of wear and tear if he sits), and it's not like he's got injury or character issues (and only dumb teams would consider a holdout to be a character issue).
Idk, dude having a contract dispute on his rookie contract, how will he be later on with following contracts when he isn't satisfied with the money. Just holding out because he can. That's the only thing I can think of really. Either way, dropping out of the top 10 is about a 12 million dollar loss.
Idk, dude having a contract dispute on his rookie contract, how will he be later on with following contracts when he isn't satisfied with the money. Just holding out because he can. That's the only thing I can think of really. Either way, dropping out of the top 10 is about a 12 million dollar loss.

Using leverage in contract negotiations is not a character flaw. Teams draft guys that beat up their girlfriends and get DUIs in the first round. Any team that has him ranked high would be stupid to pass on him over this.
Why would he drop that far? He's the same player just one year older (and one less year of wear and tear if he sits), and it's not like he's got injury or character issues (and only dumb teams would consider a holdout to be a character issue).

Even if it does, I guarantee this will make more draft picks, if not also free agents, wary as hell of wanting anything to do with this team.

Which, fuck the Spanoses, is probably what they're going for. Make SD Chargers toxic so they can justify moving it anywhere else, which will definitely boost morale and confidence!


Everything I've ever heard of the Players union is that they only care about the Revis or Brady's and every time the Players do have a meeting to vote on things members just want to go back to camp so they tend to compromise.

Players union should be pushing for monthly checks year round so new players aren't screwed by their own personal financial decisions when they get a huge paycheck for the first time in their life.

Things like a fair appeal system and even perhaps targeting their own players whom hurt their image.
Using leverage in contract negotiations is not a character flaw. Teams draft guys that beat up their girlfriends and get DUIs in the first round. Any team that has him ranked high would be stupid to pass on him over this.
Yeah you're right, i still feel like he wouldn't be top ten next year though. Let's say for having a year of rust plus newer prospects looking more appealing. Then again who knows lol.
*Shame gif
It was due to shame! *asks for forgiveness from the sparrows*


Yeah you're right, i still feel like he wouldn't be top ten next year though. Let's say for having a year of rust plus newer prospects looking more appealing. Then again who knows lol.
He would've been the first pick if teams didn't have hard-ons for terrible QBs

Even if the draft is stacked next year (the likes of 2011) no team is passing over bosa to draft a jake locker or blaine gabbert
Gotta expect to see Cruz on Saturday vs. the goddam Jets.

If he doesn't play, I wouldn't be shocked if he was cut, but I don't think he gets cut though, he lowered his cap hit this season, can earn it back if he meets certain performance numbers, keeping him on roster this season won't be expensive, but if he doesn't play at least 10 games, they will release him..
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