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NFL Training Camp/Preseason Thread 2012 - A Farewell to snes :(



Which cheating scandal is exposed first: The Pats and their videotaping or Jamaica's systemic PED program?


"Why does Belichick continue to hire cardboard cutouts for coordinators?" There is a pretty easy paper trail to understand how Belichick chooses his offensive and defensive coordinators. Like many coaches, he likes to promote from within, so OC Josh McDaniels and DC Matt Patricia were with the team for 5 years and 8 years, respectively, before being given their titles. It's not like he's hiring confederates off the street to do his evil bidding or something.

As for who is Ernie Adams- that question was answered in 2008: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/eticket/story?page=adams. But these people can continue to ramble on with their Loose Change-esque nonsense all they like.


OMG, are you telling me the Pats cheated??

I've always thought that everyone in sports "cheats". The people involved are too competitive, and the money to great, for any notion of sportsmanship to alter behavior. Why wouldn't a utility outfielder take PEDs if it meant extending his career and vesting in the pension plan? Why wouldn't college coaches do everything they can to win, when they get paid millions of dollars, and have buildings and stadiums named after them?

I'd say the NFL is at least 50% PED users. Olympic track competitors and cyclist probably like 90%. Tiger Woods sees a doctor who injects people with HGH and stem cells. It's kind of why I don't get the Usian Bolt stuff. This small little island country becomes an overnight track powerhouse? It's not a marvel of human achievement in how fast he runs. It's a marvel of chemistry. How is a tiny little island nation out-cheating the big spending US Olympic program?

Obama man. Obama.

Exactly. Why has Obama let our country fall so far behind in cheating? We've over-testosteroned our formerly beautiful women to what gain?


Hey, they're good enough at soccer to need only very little ref help to beat Canada.

I really don't do much sports flag waving. I really only get into "USA USA USA" mode when I care about the sport and we are evenly matched or an underdog. So I enjoy our soccer, hockey, and Ryder Cup teams. Couldn't care less about Phelps or the gymnasts or figure skaters.

I only saw a bit of the soccer game. Ref was awful. I said earlier he was somehow worse than a FIFA official, which is sad b/c the slower women's game makes the fouls so obvious. That sport desperately needs to enter the modern age of officiating. There's no good reason for the NFL and FIFA to not use cameras and booth officials to supplement on-field refs

edit: Soccer question. So in Europe, teams are comprised of players from all over the continent, if not the world. While most players may be much-lingual, they can't all speak the native language of the place they play. If a team in Italy procures a German who doesn't speak Italian, how does the coach communicate with the player? Interpreters? Or is their a lingua franca of soccer? How do they talk to a ref who may be from Portuagal?


I've always thought that everyone in sports "cheats". The people involved are too competitive, and the money to great, for any notion of sportsmanship to alter behavior. Why wouldn't a utility outfielder take PEDs if it meant extending his career and vesting in the pension plan? Why wouldn't college coaches do everything they can to win, when they get paid millions of dollars, and have buildings and stadiums named after them?

I'd say the NFL is at least 50% PED users. Olympic track competitors and cyclist probably like 90%. Tiger Woods sees a doctor who injects people with HGH and stem cells. It's kind of why I don't get the Usian Bolt stuff. This small little island country becomes an overnight track powerhouse? It's not a marvel of human achievement in how fast he runs. It's a marvel of chemistry. How is a tiny little island nation out-cheating the big spending US Olympic program?

Ben Johnson (originally Jamaican) was caught for the same stuff everybody's darling Carl Lewis was caught for. Only Lewis was not suspended. Donovan Bailey, Linford Christie, sooo many of them are from Jamaica, but ran under a different flag. They train with the US crew most of the time anyway. I don't get your "overnight" here. Jamaica has had a tradition of good runners for decades. Do they juice? Man, all track and field people took something at some stage, IOC is the most hypocritical institution ever. If anything, you could say Jamaica has a tradition of juicing sprinters, just like the US has :). But to single them out for "recent succes" makes no sense to me.

As for Woods, check out the eye surgeries he had to improve the depth of his sight. Is that a PEProdcedure? Not sure. Kobe's knee surgery in Germany is a new thing, could be interpreted as such as well.

The procedure, called platelet-rich plasma therapy, consists of centrifuging the patient's blood to isolate platelets and growth factors. The mix is then injected into the injured area to accelerate healing. The concentrated growth factors have been shown to speed tissue growth and healing in surgically created lesions in lab animals.

We could go on like that for ages. I am more suspicious of the Brits than I am of the Jamaicans at this point. But I don't really follow Olympics much these days, some basketball and some track events, that's it. Oh, and beach volleyball, but that's for other reasons... :p

As for NFL, I would claim that 90 % of linemen/fullbacks/linebackers took steroids at some point in their career (most likely before pro career). And prolly HGH as well.


edit: Soccer question. So in Europe, teams are comprised of players from all over the continent, if not the world. While most players may be much-lingual, they can't all speak the native language of the place they play. If a team in Italy procures a German who doesn't speak Italian, how does the coach communicate with the player? Interpreters? Or is their a lingua franca of soccer? How do they talk to a ref who may be from Portuagal?

Interpreters or just learning the basic stuff like "run here", "tackle like this". Eurofootie isn't that complicated :). Most famous interpreter would be José Mourinho, that arrogant biatch.



I didn't know all those guys were Jamaicans. But it's not like their women's program had a long history of success. 4 years ago they just dominated like nothing I'd ever seen.

And I by no means think the US is innocent. Like I said, we're not cheating as good as the Jamaicans. And I don't disagree on any of the other stuff. Juicing is rampant in all US team sports.

As far as Kobe and Tiger, yeah that stuff is pretty dubious. It really disappoints me about Tiger, b/c golf is supposed to be a gentleman's game. The only sport where you call your own penalties. But to defend him, he has commented how guys who used to hit 275 yard drives now hit 320 yard drives. The money just got too big. Either through equipment or chemistry, golfers are doing what they can to get an edge.

edit: Warren Sapp is in Chapter 7 and his 240 pairs of Air Jordans are up for sale



But it's not like their women's program had a long history of success. 4 years ago they just dominated like nothing I'd ever seen.

Actually, I thought their women's program has been pretty solid (and also with some "scandals" afaik) as well. Not quite as good as the men's but still. I only remember Ottey by name though. As I said, not the biggest fan.

Which leads to an important question: Are there IOC rules for boob jobs?

Cameras are usually focussed on their asses, so can't tell :).


Joining in with awkward Euro-High5 as well. 16 for beer here (in Bavaria, especially in smaller towns, no one gives a shit, if you can drink w/o embarrassing yourself, you drink), 18 for liquor.
Also, Kyle Rudolph is going to blow peoples hats off regardless of QB play.

I have hated him since his time at ND and fear the match up nightmares he presents at TE -___-

I also keep having nightmares that Fatfford gets hurt this season. I have woken up in panic at least 3 times in the last 10 days worrying about it. I know he had the surgery this time around and played a full and healthy season. But I also know he practices with the dirtiest defense in the NFL, who probably can't tell the difference between players when they are stomping on them. Prove me wrong Matthew!


Fuck the God damned Colts. The only way to get tickets at face value to the Packers - Colts game is to buy a fucking multi-game package.



Writer suggests why the Niners won't repeat success, and won't win more than nine games.

The Niners improved by seven games last season, as their disappointing 6-10 season from 2010 gave way to a 13-3 juggernaut last season. That's a seven-win improvement, and as I noted in the over-unders column last week, it's been an unsustainable one. Since the advent of the 16-game season in 1978, 10 other teams have improved by seven wins in a given season. During the subsequent year, those teams won an average of 4.7 fewer games. Ten teams is a pretty small sample, though, so let's expand it. Since 1984,1 31 teams have improved by a figure between six and eight wins in a given season. Of those teams, 25 declined after their big leap forward. Collectively, those 31 teams won an average of 3.2 fewer games the following season.
Decent article overall. Points in at several topics.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That's not much without a comparison of schedules.

Writer suggests why the Niners won't repeat success, and won't win more than nine games.

Decent article overall. Points in at several topics.

Old. And this guy is a fucking idiot. How many of these other teams had top notch talent but shitty coaching? Saying "oh we'll only 5 teams have done this since 1920" or whatever is a cowards research methods.

Look at our team and our schedule, not some unrelated team from 30 years ago. I doubt we win 14 games but we are winning more than 9


Pretty obvious this was going to happen. Remember that Bears team that went 13-3 and then tanked the next season? I expect the same here. Their only hope is Moss panning out and returning to form, which might very well happen.

Even if that does happen, if they take the training wheels off Alex Smith there is no telling what will happen. His requirements of the offense last year were so simple, a high school QB could have executed it.


Pretty obvious this was going to happen. Remember that Bears team that went 13-3 and then tanked the next season? I expect the same here. Their only hope is Moss panning out and returning to form, which might very well happen.

That Bears team relied on insane luck and otherworldy special teams. Their defense was dominant not because of skill (they were very good though) but because of turnover ratio. Remember all those Mike Brown flukes? The 49ers are a better overall team (in a much, much, much worse division) than that Bears team.

That said, they still suck.


Look at our team and our schedule, not some unrelated team from 30 years ago. I doubt we win 14 games but we are winning more than 9
He specifically mentions the Rams (lol) and Seahawks improving as a result of their schedule becoming more difficult. I personally see Seattle give S.F. the run for their money the most - not betting on the Rams just yet, and the Cards have too many question marks all around.
That Bears team relied on insane luck and otherworldy special teams. Their defense was dominant not because of skill (they were very good though) but because of turnover ratio. Remember all those Mike Brown flukes? The 49ers are a better overall team (in a much, much, much worse division) than that Bears team.

That said, they still suck.

It was pretty funny seeing epic Mike Brown taints every other week.


That's not much without a comparison of schedules.

That's also in the article.

San Francisco also had a friendly slate of opponents last season. Football Outsiders estimates that the Niners faced the easiest schedule in football last season, while Pro-Football-Reference.com has the Niners with the sixth-easiest set of opponents. That owes mightily to the NFC West, a division that will still likely be subpar in 2012, but the rest of the slate will also be tougher. San Francisco will face the two toughest divisions in football this season, with eight games against the NFC North and AFC East. That includes trips to Green Bay and New England. They'll play the Giants as one of their two placement games for the second year in a row, but the schedule swaps out the Buccaneers for the Saints this season. If the Rams and Seahawks deliver on their spurts of competency from the past two seasons, the Niners could face one of the toughest schedules in football. It will almost surely not be the easiest slate in football for a second consecutive year.

The Niners had an incredible run thanks to a lot of injury luck, otherworldly special teams, and an incredible turnover ratio. It's pretty damn unlikely that every one of those things will remain true two seasons in a row while they face tougher opponents.
Why do we hate Grantland again? Just curious. The pieces are way too long but they're pretty well done. I only read Simmons.

The site employs Jonah Lehrer, Bill Simmons and Chuck Klosterman. You really need to ask why people find it laughable?


What's wrong with Simmons? He's been meh the past couple years but he was gold for many years before that.
Whatever... guess he's too dumbed down for you high-brow NFL analysts, but I like some of his work. I'm not a huge fan or anything but I like reading his weekly NFL pick articles, for example.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
There's nothing wrong with Grantland (and specifically Simmons), it's certainly found its own niche with its brand of humor meshed with actual writing. It's a million times better than the likes of Peter King and Rick Reilly. So it's going that going for itself.


Whatever... guess he's too dumbed down for you high-brow NFL analysts, but I like some of his work. I'm not a huge fan or anything but if I like reading his weekly NFL pick articles, for example.

He's a 12 year old Larry King who has (intellectually) never been outside of Boston. When Page 2 was new I used to print his articles off and read them while shitting. That was like 10 years ago. He is still writing the exact same article over and over and over.
There's nothing wrong with Grantland (and specifically Simmons), it's certainly found its own niche with its brand of humor meshed with actual writing. It's a million times better than the likes of Peter King and Rick Reilly. So it's going that going for itself.

I don't like the Grantland look and format itself, I wish he had just stuck with Page 2.


I dislike Simmons and his NBA shit, why is this site writing about NFL anyway? I don't know the other two guys. Whenever someone who doesn't know sports wants to link me something, they link Crampland. That's like using Kotaku for your game news.
I dislike Simmons and his NBA shit, why is this site writing about NFL anyway? I don't know the other two guys. Whenever someone who doesn't know sports wants to link me something, they link Crampland. That's like using Kotaku for your game news.

It's not as if sports journalism is this bastion of great writers and analysts. We don't exactly have the pick of the litter. Give me some examples of guys you feel meet your journalistic criteria.


Real people actually like Bill Simmons? I always assumed that was a myth that parents told to horrify schoolchildren.
Yeah i don't love him. I don't mind him and read the occasional article, but let's just turn that into "Heavy has a Simmons tattoo on his ass".
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