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NG: "Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 butchers Spanish language to be “inclusive”"



Social media users learned the (alleged) Spanish version of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 alters the Spanish language to be inclusive, and to the point of it being grammatically incorrect.

The Twitter user shared a video of the alleged Spanish version of the game and started to break down why it makes no sense:

Spanish is a gendered language, meaning certain words are said differently depending on the gender of the person being spoken about.

An example for non-Spanish users would be “Una entomóloga” when referring to a female entomologist, and “Un entomólogo” for a male entomologist.


More examples in the article.

This is getting absolutely ridiculous.


Shoehorning this into gendered languages is always cringe.

Not sure it was the same reason but I’ll never stop laughing at the name Eivor for the main character in AC Valhalla when playing as the man. It’s an old nordic woman name. There is zero men called Eivor in the whole nordic region. It’s a King Elizabeth moment.
People need to stand up for this garbage they are forcing down peoples throats.
When we stand up, they attempt to silence us. Bungie hid so many replies calling out their bullshit a few weeks ago, and they're still pretending like nothing happened.

Wouldn't be surprised if the actors spoke up about this in the recording studio but were told to read it as it's written.


I can already predict what will happen next:

1. PC version gets released 2-3 years later.
2. Spanish modders try to fix the butchering of their own language.
3. The mod gets described as problematic and non-inclusive and gets banned from sites like NexusMods.


I can already predict what will happen next:

1. PC version gets released 2-3 years later.
2. Spanish modders try to fix the butchering of their own language.
3. The mod gets described as problematic and non-inclusive and gets banned from sites like NexusMods.

Nexus Mods definitely salivating for the day they can start banning mods that remove this, just like they banned changing pride flag textures in Spiderman 1 and pronoun text in Starfield.


Woke language seems to have that effect. I'm not native English, but I'm pretty sure calling a single person "they" is also grammatically incorrect. The correct pronoun for somebody that doesn't identify as "he" or "she" should be "it".
Yep, so I'm assuming that the only reason why it's "they" is that "it" sounded too much like they turned into a non-organic object, lol. Literally objectifying, actually, which is hilarious to think about.


I think woke people are losers. They cannot make it in life and wants rent free acknowledgement. There are those amongst them, are well off and just doing performative wokeness to gain feels good cred.

American woke culture trying to take over the world. yucks.


Woke language seems to have that effect. I'm not native English, but I'm pretty sure calling a single person "they" is also grammatically incorrect. The correct pronoun for somebody that doesn't identify as "he" or "she" should be "it".
I think the origin for that is that you can refer to unspecified individuals with 'they'. "When a person is solding equipment, they must wear protection glasses"

But using it for known, specific individuals is just newpeak as far as i know


How do people in Spain, Mexico, Argentina feel about this generally speaking? It's wild that we're out here butchering people's languages to be 'inclusive' of gender politics. I don't understand it. Didn't hear about any of this even 2 years ago.. what's going on lol?

I'm pretty pissed off about this. Our politicians are constantly making fools of themselves with this issue, saying ridiculous things that are nothing but a tongue twist because of this woke trend that no one cares about, making up words and trashing everything that is taught in school in terms of language. This is the most ridiculous and stupid government I can remember in Spain.
I'm pretty pissed off about this. Our politicians are constantly making fools of themselves with this issue, saying ridiculous things that are nothing but a tongue twist because of this woke trend that no one cares about, making up words and trashing everything that is taught in school in terms of language. This is the most ridiculous and stupid government I can remember in Spain.

Mientras la abanderada de hacer eso fomenta una ley que rebaja las penas a violadores y abusadores sexuales dejando algunos en las calles, con dos cojones......... ( siento decirlo en español, mi ingles da pena).


4-Time GIF/Meme God
In brazilian portuguese:

The personal name keeps in english, and some people are getting mad because of it. The fucking personal name...

The guy joked by translating in the literal way Miles Morales (Quilômetros Moralista)
"think about how good some names are in english. Imagine when you pick the character and see Miles Morales there"
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