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NG: "Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 butchers Spanish language to be “inclusive”"

I think woke people are losers. They cannot make it in life and wants rent free acknowledgement. There are those amongst them, are well off and just doing performative wokeness to gain feels good cred.

American woke culture trying to take over the world. yucks.
Succeeding in taking over the world.
Has anyone actually checked the game outside this single video clip or conversation?

It is my understanding that the -e ending is used when the gender is unknown (or maybe this particular doctor is actually “nonbinary”). Notice that the gendered form is still used when referring to the science, and not the person.
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Has anyone actually checked the game outside this single video clip or conversation?

It is my understanding that the -e ending is used when the gender is unknown (or maybe this particular doctor is actually “nonbinary”). Notice that the gendered form is still used when referring to the science, and not the person.

The -e ending is incorrect, no matter the context.


Absolutely nobody talks in "progressive language" in Argentina (just for parody). It's 100% a political statement to show how lefty you are. Fuck this. Can't wait to hear Wolverine using they/them before cuting in half some dude. 🤡
The game doesn’t take place in Argentina.


Late October Surprise


How do people in Spain, Mexico, Argentina feel about this generally speaking? It's wild that we're out here butchering people's languages to be 'inclusive' of gender politics. I don't understand it. Didn't hear about any of this even 2 years ago.. what's going on lol?
None of my Latin friends like the term latinx. I swear it's just a liberal college thing and That's about it.


Guess the differences in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation don’t matter across Spanish speaking countries.

This though is a real major problem.
We still have a basic understanding of Spanish or spanglish. Same way English and slang is so different between England and the USA
Mr Mayor Waiting GIF by NBC

I'm just waiting till common sense and rationality becomes en vogue again in western game dev.

Fuck Insomniac lmao.

MJ design was already a red flag, but this is in another level.
Another flag should've been the massive overload of glowing 9-10/10s review scores. It seems like things like this override any kind of sensibility and integrity a mainstream US game reviewer has left.
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Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the British Isles seem to be waaay more woke than the US is. I guess it depends on how you classify them re being minor though.
I’m not from there but when you see the news or anything else Canada feels like it’s a total 1984 fascist state now with king Trudeau at the helm. It was seen as paradise and the place to be before he took the helm.

Now no one even would like to be found death there.


In brazilian portuguese:

The personal name keeps in english, and some people are getting mad because of it. The fucking personal name...

The guy joked by translating in the literal way Miles Morales (Quilômetros Moralista)
"think about how good some names are in english. Imagine when you pick the character and see Miles Morales there"

Trying to understand what’s going on here?

Miles is milhas
Morales isn’t morals nor moralist

What I mean to say is that guy is dumb, and he writes awful portuguese with a lot of errors.


I'm pretty pissed off about this. Our politicians are constantly making fools of themselves with this issue, saying ridiculous things that are nothing but a tongue twist because of this woke trend that no one cares about, making up words and trashing everything that is taught in school in terms of language. This is the most ridiculous and stupid government I can remember in Spain.
It's great for politicians because it's a useless causes that riles people up, so it's good for clout. It's an entirely fake thing that seems bigger because of people who live online instead of the real world. It's great for the fake left who now doesn't have to care about the working class, claiming to protect minorities for traits they can't change (race, gender, sex etc) where in the past it was there to protect the majority of people. It's great for the so-called right that instead of focusing on important shit like lowering taxes and making it easier to do business now has simply become "anti-left".

It's great for them and sucks for us. Let's focus on pronouns so that the 0.01 feels included but fuck you if you can't buy a house because the interest rate has gone up and your salary has been stagnating for 20 years, regardless of sex and race.
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