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NG: "Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 butchers Spanish language to be “inclusive”"



Ev1L AuRoN

I'm Brazilian, I generally prefer to consume content in their native language, so IDK how the Portuguese dub is faring, I'll be sad to see if they use that BS around here, definitely they will receive a pushback if that's the case.
Personally, I think it would make sense for people to react like this. Like hearing slurs in your native language is always funny and looks natural (and sometimes foreigners are unable to pronounce them properly making it even more funny), but when you have a group of people, living in a different country, speaking different language and they try to attach a label to the whole slate of people...It is racism no?


Yes. Jokes aside. I think is is a political statement in the same manner that Peter saying "let's make America Great again ". Just that.

The game is full of political statements. Including against guns.
Peter is a NYC citizen and a scientist, no one would expect him to not have an opinion on several subjects.
It adds depth to the character.

Both the article le and -e termination are current proposals to make the Spanish language more inclusive, Insomniac is a pretty diverse studio and inclusiveness is one of the values they have always embraced in their games. More power to them for sticking to it in such measure.
I can't help but wonder if Latinx is being heavily pushed by Americanized Hispanic folks too (i.e. 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos who have never stepped foot in the country their families immigrated from, but will proudly wave the flag of those countries and put those countries on a pedestal over America). It's easy to imagine it as purely white leftists pushing the idea, but Latinx came from somewhere, and it most certainly wouldn't be pushed by the West unless it was encouraged by Hispanic leftists. They may claim to be against it, but behind the scenes are pushing harder and harder for Latinx to become the new standard.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Woke language seems to have that effect. I'm not native English, but I'm pretty sure calling a single person "they" is also grammatically incorrect. The correct pronoun for somebody that doesn't identify as "he" or "she" should be "it".
Style guides and dictionaries changed these rules in the last decade. What a coincidence.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
The craziest part is that so much of it is straight up unnecessary. Miles is half-black and half Puerto Rican and by far the most popular Spider-Man after Pete and one of the most successful and beloved characters who took over the mantle of an established superhero. He's a brilliant kid, goes to a good school, has responsible and lovable parents, minorities are presented in a good light...but they still feel the need to hit us with BML and BIPOC graffiti? They were doing a fine job depicting minorities and giving them more prominent roles but now have fully stepped into the realm of pandering and outright stupidity.


World’s Biggest Weeb
In 10 years everybody will be saying ‘Latinx’ and stuff like this is how it gets pushed. Don’t buy it.
Funny thing is a few years back some report came out about how the vast majority of Latinos either hated this word or had never heard it before, and concluded “every time we use the word Latinx we lose a Latino/Latina vote”. Then almost overnight all the liberal news outlets suddenly stopped jamming that word into every fucking headline and article they could.

Guess the word police decided to give it another shot and see if it sticks this time. I hope it backfires as badly as it did the first time.


The craziest part is that so much of it is straight up unnecessary. Miles is half-black and half Puerto Rican and by far the most popular Spider-Man after Pete and one of the most successful and beloved characters who took over the mantle of an established superhero. He's a brilliant kid, goes to a good school, has responsible and lovable parents, minorities are presented in a good light...but they still feel the need to hit us with BML and BIPOC graffiti? They were doing a fine job depicting minorities and giving them more prominent roles but now have fully stepped into the realm of pandering and outright stupidity.

Man, the fact that you look at it in that way says a lot more about you than about Insomniac.


Woke language seems to have that effect. I'm not native English, but I'm pretty sure calling a single person "they" is also grammatically incorrect. The correct pronoun for somebody that doesn't identify as "he" or "she" should be "it".

No, it's not incorrect to use they in the singular.

You do it in several occasions actually when you don't know the gender of the other person and it is still grammatically correct:

"Who's knocking on the door right now, and what do they want?"
"That person is very important. You can't go around slandering their identity"


No, it's not incorrect to use they in the singular.

You do it in several occasions actually when you don't know the gender of the other person and it is still grammatically correct:

"Who's knocking on the door right now, and what do they want?"
"That person is very important. You can't go around slandering their identity"
Thats only for unspecified individuals or roles. You don't refer to an actual individual as "they", thats just modern newspeak bullshit.
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Bruh, US is the OG of all this wokism and is like a tumour spreading. Those countries aren’t even in the same ballpark.
from where I'm sitting (England), the US pronounces that it will do a bunch of wacky or crazy stuff, everyone bickers about it, and it sort-of happens. And you're allowed to complain if you don't like it.

We, however, take whatever the US says at face value, crank it up a bit, carry it out on a national level, and then make it illegal to complain about it.

It's difficult to get across to Americans just how cucked the institutional class in England is to the US. Our ruling class so desperately wants to be American while somehow hating the West at the same time. There is zero pushback.

Mind you, the trans stuff is a bit more sensible over here.
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How do people in Spain, Mexico, Argentina feel about this generally speaking? It's wild that we're out here butchering people's languages to be 'inclusive' of gender politics. I don't understand it. Didn't hear about any of this even 2 years ago.. what's going on lol?
yo creo que ese tipo de cambios al
Idioma son una basura y la evito a toda costa porque es estúpida y sin sentido.
Funny thing is a few years back some report came out about how the vast majority of Latinos either hated this word or had never heard it before, and concluded “every time we use the word Latinx we lose a Latino/Latina vote”. Then almost overnight all the liberal news outlets suddenly stopped jamming that word into every fucking headline and article they could.

Guess the word police decided to give it another shot and see if it sticks this time. I hope it backfires as badly as it did the first time.
I hate this stuff, but this is also why I love this stuff - it is creating new conservative minority voters every day.


I found out about this a few days before release and actually ended up not buying the game because of it.
Maybe I will when it's on sale, but I didn't want to give 70 bucks to a company that did this.
Nobody in Latin America likes this crap, but gringos insist on trying to impose their bullshit here. It's insulting.


Woke language seems to have that effect. I'm not native English, but I'm pretty sure calling a single person "they" is also grammatically incorrect. The correct pronoun for somebody that doesn't identify as "he" or "she" should be "it".

'They' is fine if you don't know or don't care/want to emphasise the subject's sex.

Though, with the latter it's pretty weird to do it without good reason.


Isn't it problematic to assume their genders just like that? If we want to be better, it would be advisable to refer to them as latinx to make all individuals feel welcome and loved in this important discourse.

Lmao, I hope it's sarcasm.
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