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NHL 11 EASHL Team (360)


Marvie_3 said:
I'd be pissed off if I sat through an entire game featuring those two teams too. ;)
All kidding aside, it was extremely boring. No hits, no animosity, no fighting, no energy. I was really watching the Rangers and Flyers game more than the Thrashers tbh. Trap style sucks :(



0-3 Fight Record. What the fuck is wrong with me, losing to these chumps that just constantly flick the RS


zsswimmer said:

0-3 Fight Record. What the fuck is wrong with me, losing to these chumps that just constantly flick the RS
Yo, mind not quitting games simply because of fight losses? We almost lost that last game because of our shitty AI defense. All they could do was garbage cross crease passes and our AI defense fell for it every time. Ended up going to OT, but Viz made a sweet pass to me for the game winner. :lol

Fuckin dominating night though. 8 straight wins and we're now up in the elite league. I switched to power forward and I'm still trying to learn the build. I know my guy is fast and I can crush bitches, but shooting and passing are still being figured out.


Marvie_3 said:
Yo, mind not quitting games simply because of fight losses? We almost lost that last game because of our shitty AI defense. Viz made a sweet pass to me for the finisher in OT though. :lol

Fuckin dominating night though. 8 straight wins and we're now up in the elite league. I switched to power forward and I'm still trying to learn the build. I know my guy is fast and I can crush bitches, but shooting and passing are still being figured out.
Sorry brah, one of my huge pet peeves in the game. GGs


zsswimmer said:
Sorry brah, one of my huge pet peeves in the game. GGs
It's cool. We still got the win. Viz even mentioned that we needed to play different because you left and of course they come right back and tie it. :lol
gg's tonight to all (Zak, FOO G, Marvie, pheenix, and swimmer). We ran off about 6 or 7 straight wins tonight, and were so dominant that they put us in the ELITE division now :lol

swim were gonna have to think about replacing you as the team toughguy with someone that can actually win fights once in a while like my man Zakkath who broke a dudes jaw tonight :D

In all seriousness though swim, that wasn't cool bailing on us in that last game just because u lost the fight, man up Knuckles you're better than that. Me and Marvie had to grind hard to win that last one, it actually went to OT before we were able to pull out the win because we were missing that human D-man presence in the back. I even pretty much played back as d-man for the rest of the game after you left from my Center position when we had a 2 goal lead and they still managed to get behind me twice for goals to force OT.

edit: swim, I didn't mean to pile on with the lecture, I started my post before I saw Marvie slap your wrist too :D


TheVisualizer said:
gg's tonight to all (Zak, FOO G, Marvie, pheenix, and swimmer). We ran off about 6 or 7 straight wins tonight, and were so dominant that they put us in the ELITE division now :lol
That's because we are elite. Ok, not really but we did have a damn good night. Probably our best as a team so far this year.

I didn't really contribute as much as I could have the first few games because I was playing around with my skater build. Tried playmaker for a game or two and just could not get anything going. Even the passing and puck possession didn't seem to improve. Switched to power forward and it was on again. :D

TheVisualizer said:
swim were gonna have to think about replacing you as the team toughguy with someone that can actually win fights once in a while like my man Zakkath who broke a dudes jaw tonight :D


Yeah yeah my bad guys. But usually when I go into game 'rage' mode then I don't think rationally. Plus a frustrating Thrashers loss. Actually broke my controller last year because of something NHL 10 related.

I didn't even think about the AI defenceman (traffic cones on ice), so yeah that was a really shitty thing for me to do :(

Marvie, I liked what I saw on your power forward build. Not all offense is about scoring. If you can make some key turnovers by being physical in the offensive zone then it works!
zsswimmer said:
Yeah yeah my bad guys. But usually when I go into game 'rage' mode then I don't think rationally. Plus a frustrating Thrashers loss. Actually broke my controller last year because of something NHL 10 related.

I didn't even think about the AI defenceman (traffic cones on ice), so yeah that was a really shitty thing for me to do :(

all good brother, I'll still go to battle with you as my D-partner anyday of the week and twice on Sunday


zsswimmer said:
Yeah yeah my bad guys. But usually when I go into game 'rage' mode then I don't think rationally. Plus a frustrating Thrashers loss. Actually broke my controller last year because of something NHL 10 related.

I didn't even think about the AI defenceman (traffic cones on ice), so yeah that was a really shitty thing for me to do :(
No worries. We got the win in the end. Just remember that losing a fight isn't the end of the world. :lol

zsswimmer said:
Marvie, I liked what I saw on your power forward build. Not all offense is about scoring. If you can make some key turnovers by being physical in the offensive zone then it works!
I think once we get our legend cards(I'm off all day sunday until the packers/cowboys game), I'm going to beef up my shooting/passing stats. Everything else on my skater is perfect for me. Might make him a bit faster and check a bit harder though. :lol

Edit: I put Zak's video in the highlights section. Now we have 2 highlights!


TheVisualizer said:
nice goal btw, that last deke move before the shot was sweet

Heh, well, I was the guy clearing the puck. AI actually scored the goal :) The story of this game though is that we won while we were 2 vs 5 after you DCed during the 1st period. We were leading 4-2, but got scored in the last minute 2 garbage goals, among which my AI D passed to me in front of the net and puck deflected on someone's skate... Anyway, we won during a PK in OT. haha :)
TheVisualizer said:
the same could be said for about 15 other people on our roster, don't be shy we almost always need people, I want to see all you lurkers out there on the ice

I've been playing offline more lately, but nobody is ever on though when I get on.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
TheVisualizer said:
the same could be said for about 15 other people on our roster, don't be shy we almost always need people, I want to see all you lurkers out there on the ice
I will be on tonight.


zsswimmer said:
Most of the time on the weekdays its just me n Vis, hardly anyones ever on at night on the weekdays..
I'll probably be able to pop on tonight sometime after 11pm-ish. During the week is always a crapshoot for me.


come in my shame circle
TheVisualizer said:
the same could be said for about 15 other people on our roster, don't be shy we almost always need people, I want to see all you lurkers out there on the ice

Oh not shy, just I get so lazy. I work all day, come home and then all I wanna do is lay down and watch sports. I need to convert that little energy into playing Xbawks on a regular.


I'll be on around 11 tonight too. Hopefully we can keep this win streak going. My grades have been awesome as a power forward. Only one game where I haven't had all A+'s in everything was the last game last night, but I still salvaged a B+ despite taking 4 penalties. :D


Marvie_3 said:
I'll be on around 11 tonight too. Hopefully we can keep this win streak going. My grades have been awesome as a power forward. Only one game where I haven't had all A+'s in everything was the last game last night, but I still salvaged a B+ despite taking 4 penalties. :D
Yeah good thing about power forward is all you gotta do is throw some hits and get an assist and you pretty much got triple A's.
Kave_Man said:
Oh not shy, just I get so lazy. I work all day, come home and then all I wanna do is lay down and watch sports. I need to convert that little energy into playing Xbawks on a regular.

that's understandable, I'm only on so much because I'm in between jobs right now

gg earlier swim, ended the team's winning streak tho, we got like 30-40 shots to their like 10-15, a lot of them were good chances too but could only get 1 to go in and got beat in OT.


zsswimmer said:
Yeah good thing about power forward is all you gotta do is throw some hits and get an assist and you pretty much got triple A's.
Yeah it seems like its the ultimate build for scrubs like me. :D


Marvie_3 said:
Yeah it seems like its the ultimate build for scrubs like me. :D
You gotta do what you gotta do lol. I thnk if I ever play forward it will probably be power forward or of course tough guy winger. Being a small sniper or playmaker ain't my cup of tea.


zsswimmer said:
You gotta do what you gotta do lol. I thnk if I ever play forward it will probably be power forward or of course tough guy winger. Being a small sniper or playmaker ain't my cup of tea.
When I play real hockey, I'm sort of a tough-guy-playmaker, despite only being 5'7". I'm always getting in people's faces about anything and everything. None of us ever have pads on but I try to beat the shit out of guys anyway. I can't shoot very well but I love making a good pass. I'm like a Pat Kane(minus the talent) meets the bastard love child of George Parros and Sean Avery(minus the moustache and douchebaggyness). :lol


Marvie_3 said:
When I play real hockey, I'm sort of a tough-guy-playmaker, despite only being 5'7". I'm always getting in people's faces about anything and everything. None of us ever have pads on but I try to beat the shit out of guys anyway. I can't shoot very well but I love making a good pass. I'm like a Pat Kane(minus the talent) meets the bastard love child of George Parros and Sean Avery(minus the moustache and douchebaggyness). :lol
I wish I could've gotten in hockey when I was younger. I did swimming for about 10 years and I was really good at that so I didn't stop till I got in college. Now I'm trying to get back in shape for swimming again, or find a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu place around.

I think I would've made a good defenceman, I was naturally pretty big (6'3" about 220 now) and I could skate very well when I was younger.


zsswimmer said:
I wish I could've gotten in hockey when I was younger. I did swimming for about 10 years and I was really good at that so I didn't stop till I got in college. Now I'm trying to get back in shape for swimming again, or find a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu place around.

I think I would've made a good defenceman, I was naturally pretty big (6'3" about 220 now) and I could skate very well when I was younger.
I never played organized hockey. My school was way too small. All my hockey playing comes from pickup games and some half-assedly organized games. :lol


Marvie_3 said:
I never played organized hockey. My school was way too small. All my hockey playing comes from pickup games and some half-assedly organized games. :lol
Still better nothing, I'd love to pick up some hockey basics.


Marvie_3 said:
Just watch the Blackhawks crush the Thrashers tomorrow and you'll see some. :D
Blackhawks crush the .... Blackhawks? :D

You're probably right though, Atlanta will probably lose, especially if they play the way they did again CBJ. I know how hockey works when I am watching, just would like to experience it personally.


zsswimmer said:
Blackhawks crush the .... Blackhawks? :D

You're probably right though, Atlanta will probably lose, especially if they play the way they did again CBJ. I know how hockey works when I am watching, just would like to experience it personally.
Very true. You do have half our team from last year. :lol

This was my avatar on GAF for quite awhile after all the trades went down:


You guys should trade Ladd back to us. :D


Marvie_3 said:
Very true. You do have half our team from last year. :lol

This was my avatar on GAF for quite awhile after all the trades went down:


You guys should trade Ladd back to us. :D
No thanks lol. Ladd has been great and so has Buff.


Marvie_3 said:
I never played organized hockey. My school was way too small. All my hockey playing comes from pickup games and some half-assedly organized games. :lol
I'm actually trying to learn to ice skate right now with the hopes of picking up playing hockey at some point. I just turned 30 this year, but it's never too late to learn, right? :D

I've slowly been getting better at skating with the 4 or 5 times (an hour at a time) I've spent at local rinks with a friend of mine who plays hockey. I went from having to keep my hand on the boards -- holding on for dear life -- as I attempted to shuffle along to being able to push myself along slowly without holding the boards. I've been staying close to the boards just in-case, but for the most part I've been able to stabilize myself when I got off-balance without grabbing on.

So yeah, that being said, got any useful tips for a newbie?


bumpkin said:
I'm actually trying to learn to ice skate right now with the hopes of picking up playing hockey at some point. I just turned 30 this year, but it's never too late to learn, right? :D

I've slowly been getting better at skating with the 4 or 5 times (an hour at a time) I've spent at local rinks with a friend of mine who plays hockey. I went from having to keep my hand on the boards -- holding on for dear life -- as I attempted to shuffle along to being able to push myself along slowly without holding the boards. I've been staying close to the boards just in-case, but for the most part I've been able to stabilize myself when I got off-balance without grabbing on.

So yeah, that being said, got any useful tips for a newbie?
Yeah, don't be afraid to fall. :D


Well, we're back down to Pro. Hopefully we'll start playing teams that we're even with. A few of those games we were overmatched from the start.


Marvie_3 said:
Well, we're back down to Pro. Hopefully we'll start playing teams that we're even with. A few of those games we were overmatched from the start.
Dude that EASHL Elite Playoff Chump Team (AKA boosters united) was fucking unheard of. Their faceoff wins were faster than my slapshots. I bet that every player they had was probably a 95+ overall rating or something like 99 wrist shot accuracy and 99 speed. Fucking ridiculous.

At least I actually surprised myself with goalie tonight lol.
gg's to all I played with today (swim, Marvie, dmorr, Denogg, pheeniks, and CrazedArabMan)

as gratifying as last nights win streak was, today was pretty much the polar opposite, mostly frustration. Me and Denogg were able to put together a few nice games of 2-on-2's but once we filled up the room I lost my game and I started taking tons of tripping penalties and making bad decisions with the puck walking into crowds. The only game I played good was the one where swim was in goal. BTW you were a beast in goal swim as was the opposing team's goalie.

Yeah those Elite glitchers and their super faceoffs were hilarious, first time I've seen that...

the 1st big patch (title update) for NHL11 was scheduled to be deployed on Nov 9th, but it got delayed by Microsoft QA and will arrive about a week later now. Here's what's being addressed according to Redshirt from over at OperationSports.

Here are my notes on the changes for gameplay. This is not the full set of patch notes, just the stuff I'm directly involved with, i.e. just gameplay related stuff.

-Fixes for several rare crashes during gameplay.
-Fix problem that resulted in attributes of players who drop from OTP/EASHL games not being reset to the default attributes for AI players.
-Prevent push puck while holding the pass button (prevents an exploit).
-Prevent the face-off deke move from being done on a backhand face-off grip.
-Eliminated several situations where the puck could be poked out of the goalie's glove as he is getting up or covering the puck against the side of the net.
-Allow shots that are blocked without using the shot block control to count in shot block stats (but they will not contribute to teamplay scores in Be A Pro, Online Team Play or EASHL modes).
-Fix some situations where a puck off the skate was incorrectly being considered a deliberate kick and resulting in goals being disallowed that should not have been.
-Fix for cases where the goalie would sweep the puck into his own net when attempting to clear it.
-Fix problem that prevented the opposing team from being able to pick up slap passes in some situations.
-Prevent fake shot from being used when doing protect puck.
-Force self-boadplay pin to have a minimum duration to prevent an exploit.
-Fix for a case where broken or dropped sticks would disappear from the ice.
-Fix problem where the first powerplay forward line was being put out following a delayed penalty, regardless of what line the user selected.
-Prevent stick lifts from working on a player while he is doing the "jump over" deke.
-Fix problem where injured players could get stuck on the ice.
-Fix problem allowing hard passes off of a face-off.
-Fix problem that sometimes caused a defenseman to be positioned on the wrong side for short-handed defensive zone face-offs.
-Increase the effect of the stick checking attribute on stick lifts.
-Prevent flip dump from being used directly on a face-off.
-Prevent situations where a player could go directly from being down on the ice into a slapshot windup.
-Improve defensive awareness attribute effect on interceptions.
-Cause players to slow down more while skating using protect puck control.
-Add additional pass error to the AI players to balance the fact that humans players have imprecise controller input.

There are also several bug fixes made possible by the patch that will be activated through the next tuning update, these include:

-Enabling auto-backskate setting to work in online games.
-Reducing the ease of losing an edge and falling down while skating without the puck.
-Fix problem where players will fall easily again immediately after losing an edge a first time.
-Increase how aggressive AI defenders are on the rush making it less easy to gain the zone by skating wide on them every time.
-Increase friction when diving and reduce the effectiveness of diving poke checks at knocking the puck away from the puck carrier.
-Increase the acceleration and top speed of a player using push puck, which had been lowered to prevent the push puck exploit (mentioned above).

That tuning update will also include other gameplay tuning, details to follow. It is possible it will be broken up into two separate updates if the patches for PS3 and 360 do not come out at the same time because the auto-backskate fix has to happen for both at once because they get the same tuning file and without the patch the change will cause problems.


zsswimmer said:
Dude that EASHL Elite Playoff Chump Team (AKA boosters united) was fucking unheard of. Their faceoff wins were faster than my slapshots. I bet that every player they had was probably a 95+ overall rating or something like 99 wrist shot accuracy and 99 speed. Fucking ridiculous.

At least I actually surprised myself with goalie tonight lol.
You did awesome that game in net. I would have felt like shit if we lost that one given how well you played. Glad we won it in OT. :D

That one team was total bullshit. There's no way they weren't boost stacking, 99 glitching, and every other cheap fucking tactic in the book. I reported them to EA. The patch for this game can't get here soon enough.
ggs last night. god damn, i got my ass tapped by that opposing center. faceoffs are simply not my strong point :/ jacking up shots is!
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Anyone going to be on during the day today?

um...i'm down to play right now if you are lol

i'll be on live. i might leave to grab food (too lazy to leave my bed) but if i do i'll post here


shitting in the alley outside your window
bumpkin said:
I'm actually trying to learn to ice skate right now with the hopes of picking up playing hockey at some point. I just turned 30 this year, but it's never too late to learn, right? :D

I've slowly been getting better at skating with the 4 or 5 times (an hour at a time) I've spent at local rinks with a friend of mine who plays hockey. I went from having to keep my hand on the boards -- holding on for dear life -- as I attempted to shuffle along to being able to push myself along slowly without holding the boards. I've been staying close to the boards just in-case, but for the most part I've been able to stabilize myself when I got off-balance without grabbing on.

So yeah, that being said, got any useful tips for a newbie?
i started skating at 25, 29 now, so yea, never too late. just keep working on your skating, the next step should be crossovers and stopping/hockey stopping. the hockey stop took me a long ass time to figure out, get used to and then have the balls to actually use in a game. a lot of guys think initially that you dig the edge into the ice, but you actually use the center neutral part to glide over the ice and then shift your weight on the skates to 'slowly' cause friction in the ice and your blade edge and stop. the pros just make it look damn quick is all

be sure to practice your crossovers on both sides, a lot of times new guys will just go with the flow at the rink and only be able to do crossovers on one side. backwards skating is also important, lots of stop and go/transition in hockey and backwards skating will help you with the comfort level on your skates in general.

since you want to play hockey, if you're not going to crowded skates, as cheesy as it looks, pick up some hockey shin pads and pants, its a little different to skate in those and i feel way more comfortable wearing that stuff than just skating in jeans or whatever. plus you'll be less hesitant about falling with the padding on. and falling is necessary to really push yourself to the next level and learn. oh and bend your knees, trust me, as much as you think you're bending your knees, you're not bending your knees enough

probably nothing you didn't already know, but i figured i'd throw it out there.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
When there is only 2 of you playing online, is it better to go 1 Defense and 1 forward? Or does it not really matter?

i don't think it really matters. you should play offense if you want to
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