I hear you, I just don't feel quite so strongly about it. Leagues change crap all the time (NBA with the 3pt line, 24 second clock, NFL with the 2pt conversion, hell even Bettman tried the foot-in-crease rule), and when the average height and weight of your players increase pretty clearly over the years I don't feel like increasing the net a bit is quite so horrible.
That being said tradition counts for a lot in the NHL and I doubt they'd ever make the change unless every goaltender in the league was 6'5"+.
Anyway I'm mostly just surprised you didn't post a pic of oversized pads poster-child and Islanders GM Garth Snow. Goalie equipment has been out of hand for years.
I agree with marvie that NHL shouldn't change anything as big as that. As you say, tradition counts for a lot in the NHL. I wouldn't like to compare NHL with NBA and NFL that are much more of a buisness than a sport. NHL should be a hockey league and the best one in the world. They should try to do everything to stay true to what hockey is.(whatever that means since it is different everywhere). If you start to change everything to make it as entertaining as possible it tends to become more entertainment than sport.