I think he's been for a while now.
Also where's that table picture from Smiley?
All 3 picture I just posted are from the Bauer Pro Day
I think he's been for a while now.
Also where's that table picture from Smiley?
Oh sweet. Did you get to talk to them at all? I hear Kesler's a jerk, truth? >_>
I didn't... take... those pictures... I wish LOL. Saw them on reddit.
Ohh. While we're on that topic though any of you guys met any players? I remember reading CDC with a bunch of Canucks meetings and Kesler was getting ripped. One story I still remember was somebody asked Kesler for a high five after a game and Kesler looked at him, stone faced, and said "I don't do high fives". Other than that a lot of people seem to say Burrows is an awesome dude to meet.
This sounds like something a stalker saysI kind of met Stamkos
Bigots are one of the things that make me the most angry. I'll just be quiet before I end up like Marvie.
I met Jovo in the airport.
Worse. Bruins fan.
If they can fully realize the concept, and avoid any major exploits, this could be something really special. Hopefully gaffers who signed up for our NHL-Gaf league won't go inactive after 2-3 weeks. No point taking a team if you won't stick with it.GM Connected mode Feature Unveil:
aaand the blogpost: http://www.easports.com/nhl/news/article/gm-connected-revealed
aaaand the forum: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/8849625.page
I accidentally ran into Mason Raymond before work once. He was at a cross walk, going to a signing. I heard on Twitter Kesler was there too, so I took an early coffee break and ran there double quick.Ohh. While we're on that topic though any of you guys met any players? I remember reading CDC with a bunch of Canucks meetings and Kesler was getting ripped. One story I still remember was somebody asked Kesler for a high five after a game and Kesler looked at him, stone faced, and said "I don't do high fives". Other than that a lot of people seem to say Burrows is an awesome dude to meet.
Worse. Bruins fan.
Honestly I get the impression that Sanjuro is an anomaly when it comes to Thomas and Bruins fans.
Giroux said that Crosbys slashed his wrists at different faceoffs in the playoffs and it lead to a fracture and two surgeries apparently.
@AliciaLove: I wonder if #TimThomas knows he spent 8 hours in a cab w/ a lesbian filming this commercial http://t.co/aRsHOWzo I hope he didn't catch gay!
He did it in the brawl game on 4/1/12, too. Knocked the stick clean out of Giroux's hands with two slashes after a faceoff right in front of the ref. No penalty, of course.
Giroux said that Crosbys slashed his wrists at different faceoffs in the playoffs and it lead to a fracture and two surgeries apparently.
I'm an anomaly when it comes to Boston sports fans, I don't drink the Kool-Aid. Problem with Thomas, his Kool-Aid is entirely homemade. I can separate the laundry from the individual.
In this case though, I probably side with Thomas. Chick-fil-a's greatest offense is not being open on Sunday. I already knew that the owner was a wacky Christian, so none of this is particularly shocking to me.
If anyone's ever played ice hockey that stuff happens all the time during faceoffs.
Got one of my friends a stick and a helmet and we are going to a stick and puck tonight, first time he is going to actually using a hockey stick on ice, he has skated a bunch before but it should be interesting. Plus it has been a while since I have had the opportunity to get out on the ice as well, can't wait.
Crosby gets away with more and harder slashes because the refs are scared to call penalties on him. If everyone slashed like that at faceoffs every center in the league would end the season needing wrist surgery. Most players don't do it very often because they know they will get sent straight to the penalty box.
Got one of my friends a stick and a helmet and we are going to a stick and puck tonight, first time he is going to actually using a hockey stick on ice, he has skated a bunch before but it should be interesting. Plus it has been a while since I have had the opportunity to get out on the ice as well, can't wait.
Crosby gets away with more and harder slashes because the refs are scared to call penalties on him. If everyone slashed like that at faceoffs every center in the league would end the season needing wrist surgery. Most players don't do it very often because they know they will get sent straight to the penalty box.
In July?! Nice.
This always leads to good moments. Is he pretty new to hockey or just to the concept of playing?
Are we just going off his word that Crosby was the one that made him require this surgery? Maybe there is video evidence, I honestly don't know.
Yup, went to a play it again sports and they had a 20 dollar used CCM Helmet which fit him perfectly, then we went over to a Dick's Sporting Goods and found him a stick, only spent about 70 bucks all together but for someone who doesn't play, I say he made out well.
No, he isn't new to hockey (he is actually a Flyer's fan) and he has went with us skating numerous times over the years. I actually went out a few years ago and helped him get his own pair of skates. We also sometimes will shoot around street hockey style but as for ice, yeah he has never actually used a stick and puck before. Heck, it has probably been over a year since I have used a stick and puck, maybe even close to two years. So I'm interested to see how I will do considering I have also been working out and running since I was last on the ice. Either way I'm excited to get back on the ice, hopefully I can make this a more numerous occasion.
Its always a good feeling to jump onto some fresh ice. My buddy a and I were just talking about pond skating in the winter and trying to find a rec league.
Luckily found a small skating rink near my university so I can at least stay somewhat capable. Went a few times with friends. Was s blast except for the foreign kid who ran into me trying to turn around and skate backwards(poorly) and in the act of catching him he accidentally gave me an upwards karate chop to the balls![]()
If anyone's ever played ice hockey that stuff happens all the time during faceoffs.
I know that feel. My worst enemy are small children. At 6 and a half foot tall I can barely make out stumbling kids. And some parents are content with letting them skate own their own. I've been able to avoid anything bad but I feel I await a shrieking mother in my future. And everyone will look at me like hunchback of Notre dame![]()
I totallt disagree with you. this has nothing to do with him being a wacky christian. This is about the money that is spent at chick-fil-a being donated to hate groups. Chick-fil-a is my wifes favorite fastfood, and I also really liked it, but no way will we ever eat there again after what the owner said and finding out that he donates money to these terrible organizations. I also how that Thomas gets blacklisted from the NHL and never plays again. What a horrible person he is.
No comment on the Tim Thomas wackiness. Yeah yeah free speech and all that, but I'd love to see how he'd react when the media would press him on this if this was made during the season (if he was playing).
The Boston media would destroy him.
I accidentally ran into Mason Raymond before work once. He was at a cross walk, going to a signing. I heard on Twitter Kesler was there too, so I took an early coffee break and ran there double quick.
Missed out on Kesler![]()
Exactly, I'd love to see that. LOL
If that's how you see then you are damn blind. These groups are for denying basic rights for citizens of specific groups. They are peddling bigoted views and are hate groups. There is no problem with religious people extending their beliefs among their own. When they go out to oppress the rights of people that is problem.Most of those "hate groups" mentioned are organizations dedicated to strengthening marriage & family structure all around the core of religious beliefs. That's what I personally would describe as a "wacky Christian". I don't mean to put all people with faith down, but that's how I see it. Right now I'm in Texas, where that and some altered sense of American pride both seem to be the name of the game.
Hey what's going on in here, oh same old shit I see....
If that's how you see then you are damn blind. These groups are for denying basic rights for citizens of specific groups. They are peddling bigoted views and are hate groups. There is no problem with religious people extending their beliefs among their own. When they go out to oppress the rights of people that is problem.
Bottom line is if churches don't want to marry gay people, fine. They haveno reason besides bigoted hate filled views to make it so gay people can't be married anywhere.
Can't wait for the tears when the next mild hit keeps him out for 40 games.
So what do you believe in? Do think the government should just step in and stop them? Religion has always been a source of oppression.