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NHL 2011-2012 Offseason thread of Cash Rules Everything Around Me


Who needs a tag? It's not like I base my self worth on some words underneath my name. I'll go cry in the corner now.


come in my shame circle
hretc pls


How rude!
Welp we lost Sanjuro Tsubaki probably from that Chick-Fil-A thread for saying he ate at one and liked it in a sarcastic tone. :/

I really don't want to get into it with that thread but I have seen worse trolling or just overall worse things posted in other threads and people get away clean as a whistle. Though I never thought I would see people get banned for liking a restaurant because people on here don't agree with the views of the president of the company and what not. Of course he could have been banned for other reasons but who knows. But whatever, just stay in my bubble of this thread and everything will be fine, I hope...


Well my favorite player returning is great news, although Bettman and Fehr will make sure there will be no season :(

Sucks even more now that my kid is old enough to go a game.

If there is a season, I like our odds of picking up where we left off last year.

I may be overly optomistic but I still feel like the season will start on time or at worst start a bit late.
From DownGoesBrown today, comparing the NHL to the Summer Olympics:

The Olympics: We are constantly reminded that there is no more pressure-filled situation than having an Olympic competition come down to one single winner-take-all event, in which the eyes of the entire world focus on your every move and even the slightest mistake can make the difference between a crushing defeat and a career-defining gold medal win.
The NHL: Unless of course you're Roberto Luongo, in which case suck it you never-wins-the-big-game choke artist.


Welp we lost Sanjuro Tsubaki probably from that Chick-Fil-A thread for saying he ate at one and liked it in a sarcastic tone. :/

I really don't want to get into it with that thread but I have seen worse trolling or just overall worse things posted in other threads and people get away clean as a whistle. Though I never thought I would see people get banned for liking a restaurant because people on here don't agree with the views of the president of the company and what not. Of course he could have been banned for other reasons but who knows. But whatever, just stay in my bubble of this thread and everything will be fine, I hope...

Yeah, it's insane in there... Someone else got heavy heat for mentioning that he could still eat breakfast there or something like that.


I really don't want to get into it with that thread but I have seen worse trolling or just overall worse things posted in other threads and people get away clean as a whistle. Though I never thought I would see people get banned for liking a restaurant because people on here don't agree with the views of the president of the company and what not. Of course he could have been banned for other reasons but who knows. But whatever, just stay in my bubble of this thread and everything will be fine, I hope...
My personal GAF rules:

  1. You can be banned for saying dumb things.
  2. You won't always be banned for saying dumb things.
  3. Don't say dumb things if you don't want to be banned.
Siderule: Don't get involved in threads like the on Sanjuro was banned in.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
That's why I never typically post in threads like that, they're such a minefield, and there's not really that much discussion that goes on anyways.
Yeah, it's insane in there... Someone else got heavy heat for mentioning that he could still eat breakfast there or something like that.

Sometimes it seems that your opinion gets nuked and viciously ripped apart piece by piece in some of these threads if it goes against what most people believe is the "right" opinion (not saying anything in particular with that thread, just in general). Yeah I also saw you post in there and I was thinking, don't get banned Heretic!

My personal GAF rules:

  1. You can be banned for saying dumb things.
  2. You won't always be banned for saying dumb things.
  3. Don't say dumb things if you don't want to be banned.
Siderule: Don't get involved in threads like the on Sanjuro was banned in.

Pretty much, just avoid those threads and your GAF life expectancy should be in much better health.

hahahaha you should post that in the funny pics thread

I thought someone posted it in there already but I could be mistaken.


Sanjuro's post was pretty weird and if the mod knew that he agreed with Tim Thomas then it ends up looking pretty trollish.

Crazed, what's your opinion on CHA's decision?
Sanjuro's post was pretty weird and if the mod knew that he agreed with Tim Thomas then it ends up looking pretty trollish.

Crazed, what's your opinion on CHA's decision?

I really have no comment on the current situation at all if you are trying to bait me into something. I will just say that I will spend my money as I please and I don't take kindly to people harassing me for supporting or not supporting certain stances. Overall, I just don't care at all and I will buy products that I like whether or not the company spends its money on different campaigns that I may or may not care for.

Long story short: Don't tell me what to spend my money on and I don't care what the company does with my money if they offer a product that I like (this does not directly affect Chick-Fil-A, this goes for pretty much anything). That is all I will say on the matter.

Also FYI: I don't really eat at Chick-Fil-A anyways, my brother likes it and if he wants to spend his money there go ahead, like I said, I just don't care for the most part.


Sanjuro's post was pretty weird and if the mod knew that he agreed with Tim Thomas then it ends up looking pretty trollish.

Crazed, what's your opinion on CHA's decision?

What's CHA?

Edit: Never mind

Edit 2:
I really have no comment on the current situation at all if you are trying to bait me into something. I will just say that I will spend my money as I please and I don't take kindly to people harassing me for supporting or not supporting certain stances. Overall, I just don't care at all and I will buy products that I like whether or not the company spends its money on different campaigns that I may or may not care for.

Long story short: Don't tell me what to spend my money on and I don't care what the company does with my money if they offer a product that I like (this does not directly affect Chick-Fil-A, this goes for pretty much anything). That is all I will say on the matter.

Also FYI: I don't really eat at Chick-Fil-A anyways, my brother likes it and if he wants to spend his money there go ahead, like I said, I just don't care for the most part.


cause he wants Teemu and Bobby =(


I really have no comment on the current situation at all if you are trying to bait me into something. I will just say that I will spend my money as I please and I don't take kindly to people harassing me for supporting or not supporting certain stances. Overall, I just don't care at all and I will buy products that I like whether or not the company spends its money on different campaigns that I may or may not care for.

Long story short: Don't tell me what to spend my money on and I don't care what the company does with my money if they offer a product that I like (this does not directly affect Chick-Fil-A, this goes for pretty much anything). That is all I will say on the matter.

Also FYI: I don't really eat at Chick-Fil-A anyways, my brother likes it and if he wants to spend his money there go ahead, like I said, I just don't care for the most part.
Wasn't trying to bait you. Was just surprised at your militancy over this. But I guess you do seem to get sensitive when the issue is a right/left divide (gay rights, gun laws, religion, etc).

Also, CFA* - my bad
Wasn't trying to bait you. Was just surprised at your militancy over this. But I guess you do seem to get sensitive when the issue is a right/left divide (gay rights, gun laws, religion, etc).

Also, CFA* - my bad

I get sensitive mostly because I'm just tired of hearing about all of it because everything just seems to boil down to two extreme points on either side. I have over the years become a less political type of person, I have my opinions and still remain very opinionated, but my stance is that I'll believe what I want to, and you can believe what you want to and as long as nobody tries to push their opinions on the other, everything is fine. What starts to bother me is when people try to radically push their opinions on me or mention something similar in the gun thread or even with people calling anyone who eats at Chick-Fil-A a horrible person who supports anti-gay groups and what not. I mean can I do something that I want to with being called out for it these days?

Example: I am a religious person, but I don't go around trying to convert all I see, I respect what they believe and won't even bring up religion in any subject unless brought up by someone else. Even then I won't try to convert anyone or anything. Also a reason I don't care for the people that walk around campus trying to convert people despite how I may agree with something things they mention. I guess I'm more of a private opinionated person unless pushed. Guess that is the best way to describe it.

That's true...

Unban him, please!

Now that we're kind of opening this can of worms... I realized that I'm a heartless piece of crap. Don't want to go too into it but someone in another thread (not the CHA thread) posted something that hit really close to home. He mentioned that ever since his dad past away when he was young he stopped caring about everything. My dad past away when I was 12 and I stopped caring about everything too. Things I SHOULD care about, I don't. I'm pretty heartless. The whole CHA thing and the hate for it I find rediculous mainly because I don't care. I know that I should but I don't. I don't care if gays can't get married. If they change the law, good. If they don't, oh well. Will I help change things? Of course but I don't care one way or another. I don't care about the whole scientology being evil and they should be stopped. I simply don't care. I have gay family members and I love them to death but something inside of me just doesn't care.

Please don't kill me for this post.

My overall sense of not caring as stated is just me becoming tired of everything going on in the world politically.

Edit: if you want Heretic I can edit out your post as I see you did to yours.


My overall sense of not caring as stated is just me becoming tired of everything going on in the world politically.

Edit: if you want Heretic I can edit out your post as I see you did to yours.

It's fine. I just didn't want to derail the thread but there's really no thread to derail seeing as there's no hockey haha

Edit: I feel similar to you, Crazed.
It's fine. I just didn't want to derail the thread but there's really no thread to derail seeing as there's no hockey haha

True to that, in hockey news though Detroit has signed Frk (who they drafted in the 2nd round this year) to an entry level deal. This is strange since they usually wait a year before signing draft picks... hmmm...


My personal GAF rules:

  1. You can be banned for saying dumb things.
  2. You won't always be banned for saying dumb things.
  3. Don't say dumb things if you don't want to be banned.
Siderule: Don't get involved in threads like the on Sanjuro was banned in.

I live by the side rule, and in general it's a safe bet that I will never once click on threads like that. I simply avoid all the political/religious/controversial/trollbait threads here, partly because I don't want to get carried away and banned but mostly because so many years later I find them boring and pointless. Some people don't think the way I think, and even more annoyingly some people don't think the way I think and are really dumb/ignorant about it, but flinging shit back is never ever going to change their minds so why bother.

But I reserve the right to lose my shit in the next 'omg the moon landing was totally hoaxed you stupid sheeple' thread, because some times you can't just skate by. ;)


I hope you're kidding.

Sanjuro lied to defend himself. That post cannot be reconciled with this one. So, it just looks like he posted something trollish and then tried to take it back.

I like Sanjuro and think mods are definitely too trigger happy, but let's not make it seem like we're under such tremendous scrutiny.

So is internet explorer not compatible with the "link to post" feature? Everytime on click on it, nothing shows up. I have to click on the OTHER link that directs me to the actual thread and from there it jumps to the post.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
True to that, in hockey news though Detroit has signed Frk (who they drafted in the 2nd round this year) to an entry level deal. This is strange since they usually wait a year before signing draft picks... hmmm...

I think Holland finally realizes he needs to start appropriately developing his youth to stand a chance.


You use IE Heretic? You should get a tag for that man.....

Hahaha! I used to use firefox but that was a memory hog especially because of all of the plugins I added to it. IE works fine for me. All I really need are tabs. I do miss text to image, youtube embed, auto refresh, and the auto page loader where you never have to click on the next page.


This is what I see when I click on a linked post...


Then I have to click on the link on the top right. Oh well, no biggie.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hahaha! I used to use firefox but that was a memory hog especially because of all of the plugins I added to it. IE works fine for me. All I really need are tabs. I do miss text to image, youtube embed, auto refresh, and the auto page loader where you never have to click on the next page.

Do yourself a favour and get Chrome.
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