"Some people interpret a counter proposal to be 'this is within the framework of what the other guy said' -- It just moves some things around," Fehr said after a two-hour bargaining session in Toronto Monday. "This is a different kind of an approach. It's how the players see the world."
Details weren't available, but the broad strokes are clear:
The NHL's hard salary cap, a concession earned by locking out the players for a season in 2004-05?
Instead how about an NHL featuring a marketplace that allows rich teams to spend what they want and the best players to earn what they're worth?
Rather than an artificial drag on salaries by way of a hard cap, how about a voluntary tax -- a luxury tax -- on teams that see fit to invest in talent?
How about an NHL where, rather than weaker markets being propped up squeezing down the cost of labour, franchises that have unique advantages share some of their profits with those that don't?