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NHL 2011-2012 Offseason thread of Cash Rules Everything Around Me


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
At least you aren't Tabris?

TRUE. I feel better already.



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Tabris prefers cats over dogs? Not surprised.

Hey there, cats ARE better than dogs.

Nice apartment, I have to admit I'm a bit jealous. Good apartments are impossible to find at a reasonable price downtown -.-


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Interesting point I read on Hfboards, if there is a lockout, Canada could have a killer WJ team this year. RNH, Strome, Hamilton, Huberdeau, Scheifele, Murray, Reinhart, Rielly, Makinnon, Subban, Dumba...
Just tried downloading the NHL 13 demo off Xbox.com

This offer is not valid in your region."

Look, I know hockey isn't huge in the US, but...

Edit:Found it working through the Bing search on the dashboard, though.


Spent about an hour and a half with the NHL 13 demo and figured I'd post impressions up to this point:

+Skating feels excellent. Still a little too easy to stop & start but the superhuman agility shit from years past seems to be fixed for the most part.
+Pucks get deflected/intercepted far more than they did in 12. Cross crease passes are much harder to do and you can't force passes through half a dozen players like you could in NHL 12.
+Poke checks actually work. Knocking the puck away from a player is much easier. It's actually possible to play defense now.
+Puck control has been turned way down. No more skating through 5 guys and still hanging on to the puck.
+Passing is improved. It doesn't take nearly as long to charge up a pass.
+Goalies are very solid. Still get a little wonky after a rebound but they improved quite a bit. You have to work for goals now. They poke check really well if you get in close and slap shot cheese goals don't seem nearly as effective.
+Short side cheese goals (big problem in NHL 12) seem to be gone. (Sorry Red_Man. Now you'll never score)
+One timers aren't gimmes anymore. When a puck does manage to get through, it doesn't go in 100% of the time.
+A.I. is much better. CPU players still do some stupid shit but they're a lot better at reading players and being in position.
+After whistle shit is gone so you don't have to deal with a bunch of fuckin mouthbreathers running your goalie all game. Cuts down on unintentional fights too.
+Graphics and presentation are greatly improved. Arenas look much better. Game is beautiful.
+Menus don't seem to be the laggy, shitty mess they were before. It's only the demo so they might still be terrible in the full version.

?Playing goalie feels a little better in some ways and a little worse in others. I'll have to spend more time with it before I can fully judge it.

-Found an exploit goal in less than 10 minutes in the free skate. Already passed along the info to one of the EA guys on their forum so hopefully they can try to do something about it.
-Hitting still doesn't feel quite right. It's easier to hit guys than it was in NHL 12 but guys still bounce off of checks too often. Other times you'll get flattened after barely getting touched.
-Passes occasionally go to the wrong player or in the wrong direction
-Board play is still shitty, probably worse than it was in 12
-Goalie interference calls are still as broken as they were in 12
-Still the same recycled commentary from years past with a few new lines sprinkled in
-Soundtrack is fucking atrocious as always. Will be putting in all custom music as I do every year.

Gotta say, I like what I've played so far. It's by no means perfect, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
EA taking care of an exploit goal during the year?


What are they going to advertise as an upgrade for NHL '14?


Didn't NJ's local ratings go down like a quarter this year? And a Devils fan trying to defend their ratings/attendance to Sabres fan? :lol My neighbor is still on the season ticket waitlist. He's been on there since the last lockout.
I don't care who took the first shot. Sabres-GAF sticks together. ;)

Yep, it went from 32000 households to 25000 mostly because of how shitty 2010-2011 was

Buffalo despite getting a 6.55 rating is good enough for 42000 households. Not that big a difference.


Since you think losing a NJ-Philly playoff series in 5 games is so terrible, I'm surprised you didn't jump off a bridge after 2010 or 2004.

2004 I was hurt. 2010 I wasn't expecting much.

The thing about last year is that everyone in the media (look it up) had Flyers in 4,5, or 6. That made us winning in 5 so much sweeter.



Fuck. Opened up my first pack and it had Corey Perry in it, then lost my connection and had to start again, came back and got Stamkos. I dunno whether to be happy or sad.
You don't get to keep those cards in the final version.

Also is it just me or did Marty and Quick actually have their officially licensed masks on and not some generic shit?
I know Brodeur does. I didn't notice if Quick does or not.


*reads last two pages*


I didn't notice the Jim GIF until I was already in too deep. I laughed pretty hard. This new one was a great follow up haha

Didn't NJ's local ratings go down like a quarter this year? And a Devils fan trying to defend their ratings/attendance to Sabres fan? :lol My neighbor is still on the season ticket waitlist. He's been on there since the last lockout.
I don't care who took the first shot. Sabres-GAF sticks together. ;)

Christ, the lockout hasn't even started yet. Shit's gonna get ugly in here if there's no hockey by November/December.



I know this may be off topic,but is there any hope that the online franchise mode in '13 is going to be anything but shit? I've had bad experiences with online in past NHL games, just wondering. My friends and I are really hyped about it.


I know this may be off topic,but is there any hope that the online franchise mode in '13 is going to be anything but shit? I've had bad experiences with online in past NHL games, just wondering. My friends and I are really hyped about it.


It'll probably suck. It's EA.


The bedsheets are really girly though.

Part of me thinks he broke into some poor girl's apartment.

My bedsheets are actually grey, and so is the duvet, but if you're talking about the bed coverings and throw pillows, don't be hating on my amazing style :)

Also Marvie, I don't know what's up with the parents comment, I'm 30 years old, and I'm able to afford my apartment due to not needing a car in the city and becoming pretty successful in the last couple of years through hard work. Kind of an annoying comment to make actually, not knowing anything about me. We weren't exactly well off when I was a kid. I remember using a black feltpen to draw a nike swish on my zellers brand (canadian store) high tops so it was like I had air jordans.


New DownGoesBrown: What NHL negotiators can learn from the NBA and NFL lockouts

NBA: The players got 51% of league revenues, leaving 49% for the owners.
NFL: The owners got 53% of league revenues, leaving for 47% for the players.
NHL: Gary Bettman is pretty sure that both sides can make well over 50%, just as soon as he figures out how to implement the shootout and bonus point into a CBA.
NBA: One major problem is that the league has franchises in southern markets that attract a disproportionate number of top free agents, upsetting competitive balance.
NFL: One major problem is that the league has franchises in southern markets that have to compete with college programs that are enormously popular.
NHL: One major problem is that the league has franchises in southern markets.

Lol yeah. :sadface
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