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NHL 2011-2012 Offseason thread of Cash Rules Everything Around Me


Just me or is the game kinda glitchy? Anyone experiencing like framerate dips and crowd noise being all choppy? This was on HUT btw.

Cake Boss

All they have to do is fix up the passing, change the HUT edit lines and its clutter, make shootouts a bit easier and Ill be happy. Oh and the hitting if it could be fixed.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
All they have to do is fix up the passing, change the HUT edit lines and its clutter, make shootouts a bit easier and Ill be happy. Oh and the hitting if it could be fixed.

NHL14: True Performance Hits, Real Life Ragdoll hitting physics.

Or NHL15. Not 13 for sure.
I really hate that one-timers seem to be non-existent now, they needed to be tuned down but I think this is a little too far, seems like the AI reads every single pass and perfectly blocks it.


All they have to do is fix up the passing, change the HUT edit lines and its clutter, make shootouts a bit easier and Ill be happy. Oh and the hitting if it could be fixed.

NHL14: True Performance Hits, Real Life Ragdoll hitting physics.

Or NHL15. Not 13 for sure.

They need to fix the shooting physics before they do anything else.

I really hate that one-timers seem to be non-existent now, they needed to be tuned down but I think this is a little too far, seems like the AI reads every single pass and perfectly blocks it.

Make better passes?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
+Short side cheese goals (big problem in NHL 12) seem to be gone. (Sorry Red_Man. Now you'll never score)

Looks like I'm retiring then. Hitting seems to be overpowered, you get knocked off the puck if someone sneezes on you.

Also my go to Shootout move seems to work even better, excellent.


The hitting is overpowered, too many hits where the player getting hit gets cleaned out.

Skating is a big improvement and looks like dump and chase might be more important.

The one timers were pretty tough when you aren't close to the net but I was able to get a few tap-ins with cross crease passes.

Had a tie game with no overtime.

Playing on default difficulty.

I noticed more shots going wide which seems more realistic.

Are the nets smaller?

I'm going to play with player lock on tonight to see how the ai works when you're on the same team.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Soooooo happy to hear the game seems harder/better/more realistic, can't wait to try.
Some key tidbits from Gilman's interview with Team 1040 today:

- Confirms Doan wants to stay in Phoenix IF Jamison buys the team, keeps them competitive and stay in Phoenix.

- Kesler's hole will be filled from within the organization.

- Highly touted D-Prospect Frank Corrado is developing faster than expected.

- Sedin's $6.1 million is not the internal limit for players on the team. Salary can be negotiated as long as it fits team's cap structure.

- Canucks are sticking with the Wolves for next year.

- Mike Gillis likes Wine, Bicycles, and High End Mens Clothing


Good to see that EA is on top of this but just seeing people using that backskating to glitch is annoying.

It's pretty hard to do in game because the AI plays you real tight if you get in too close. That goal would be a problem during shootouts/penalty shots but not really a big deal the rest of the time.


Scored two top shelf goals with defensemen on Quick, won 4-3 after letting up a goal right away. Skating seemed heavier, but more realistic. Good puck movement seemed to be more important than it was in 12

Played on all-star


Eh, I've gotten used to all the demos feeling the same every year. I only seem to build my love/hate after diving into some franchise mode or online play.



Osorio, this game is pretty realistic, you should get it.

I just want everybody to know, I hate all of you.


I don't care about attendance jokes because if you cloned me 17,624 times the Devils would have the greatest fanbase in the world bar none.


NHL 13 demo is pretty cool, all the LA shit everywhere made me turn it off after a while.

Skating is super heavy, I found myself pushing and pulling the sticks really hard as if it would do anything. Made my thumbs sore after a bit.
NHL 13 demo is pretty cool, all the LA shit everywhere made me turn it off after a while.

Skating is super heavy, I found myself pushing and pulling the sticks really hard as if it would do anything. Made my thumbs sore after a bit.

Yeah..... you push and pull those sticks... yeah....



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Skating is super heavy, I found myself pushing and pulling the sticks really hard as if it would do anything. Made my thumbs sore after a bit.
Takes some getting used to it, but it will be a lot better online and in EASHL, so we don't have 6'6 265 pound guys skating around like they're Datsyuk.
He always gets ahead. He knew the Rangers were going to lose in the first round so he stopped watching them in January.

According to "Marvie's Law", this joke has been used past it's expiration date. Please refrain from any further uses. Thank you.

Is he from the Tri-State area? I feel like he's from like Rotterdam and has seen the Rangers 3 times in his life.

Queens born and raised Braj. Where you at? Probably someplace where the majority of the people care about the Rangers or the Flyers no doubt.


I like the menu and presentation. I could be wrong, but did they do more work on the players' faces? They seem more lively (in terms of skin tone), but still a bit robotic in expression.

Skating does feel a lot different from 12. I like how it looks in motion (especially when a player makes a turn), control-wise, it'll take some getting used to. "Heavy" seems like the right term. It's literally like controlling a bowling ball that's thrown on the ice.

Can't really judge the goalies yet until the actual game comes out, but I've seen one diving save so far from Quick. Scoring goals seem tougher, but I can't really judge that from a demo, I think.

Presentation is pretty good. I'm assuming the whole roster pops up in the menu background eventually. And I'm assuming those update reflecting trades or signings. I like having the goalie cam in the net for the highlights, but I'll probably skip those when the game comes out. Everything in-game seems "warmer" in colour. More depth of field, just blur in places, too.


I like the menu and presentation. I could be wrong, but did they do more work on the players' faces? They seem more lively (in terms of skin tone), but still a bit robotic in expression.

Skating does feel a lot different from 12. I like how it looks in motion (especially when a player makes a turn), control-wise, it'll take some getting used to. "Heavy" seems like the right term. It's literally like controlling a bowling ball that's thrown on the ice.

Can't really judge the goalies yet until the actual game comes out, but I've seen one diving save so far from Quick. Scoring goals seem tougher, but I can't really judge that from a demo, I think.

Presentation is pretty good. I'm assuming the whole roster pops up in the menu background eventually. And I'm assuming those update reflecting trades or signings. I like having the goalie cam in the net for the highlights, but I'll probably skip those when the game comes out. Everything in-game seems "warmer" in colour. More depth of field, just blur in places, too.
I'll take this over the stop & cut on a dime shit in past games. Skating in 13 feels pretty realistic to me.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Dustin Brown actually looks like Dustin Brown! Crowds are still garbage copy and paste the same 4 people though. Hoping they have every goalies individual masks, seems like something so simple.
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