Someone likes to not remember when the Avalanche beat the shit out of Vancouver for 9 years and won 2 cups. 96-2004 the golden years.
Did you really just quote from the first page?
Someone likes to not remember when the Avalanche beat the shit out of Vancouver for 9 years and won 2 cups. 96-2004 the golden years.
Who are you.Someone likes to not remember when the Avalanche beat the shit out of Vancouver for 9 years and won 2 cups. 96-2004 the golden years.
The league didn't exist to Tabris until 2006.Someone likes to not remember when the Avalanche beat the shit out of Vancouver for 9 years and won 2 cups. 96-2004 the golden years.
it is late and I read tabby's posts because he is my broncos homie. *shrugs* lolDid you really just quote from the first page?
.....what is he even looking atBut he has such lovely eyes:
it is late and I read tabby's posts because he is my broncos homie. *shrugs* lol
.....what is he even looking at
Yes, we Defend Peyton Manning and Eli together.I find him funny. He hates on all the NFL teams I do not
We find him funny too. Because he's a fucking idiot.Yes, we Defend Peyton Manning and Eli together.I find him funny. He hates on all the NFL teams I do not like.
Yes, we Defend Peyton Manning and Eli together.I find him funny. He hates on all the NFL teams I do not like.
Haha, it is like I am being associated with worshiping Satan or beating puppies.
Haha, it is like I am being associated with worshiping Satan or beating puppies.
I'd rather beat a puppy with Satan than talk to Tabris.Haha, it is like I am being associated with worshiping Satan or beating puppies.
Ansar Khan ‏@AnsarKhanMLive 29m
Babcock said DeKeyser, White and Quincey will play tomorrow.
Welp, we suck. Can't wait to lose to another team lower than us in the standings tonight too. I swear we have the most (or top 3) back to back games out of all the teams with most of those being on the road in two different cities.
After last nights embarrassment, only way I'll think about watching this games is if DeKeyser plays which is doubtful, so I guess Mass Effect 3 it will be!!!
edit: Dang it...
I guess I'll have to keep it streamed in a side window or something now.
I honestly have never seen a team give up more of those end-to-end passes that go behind the defensemen and result in a breakaway. Unbelievable.
And Colaiacovo was on the 1st power play! WHY?
I did that, then I found out that Kave Man's black. NHL-GAF is a mosaic.
Yeah, that one's fine. It's probably Minus fucking up again.
Last I checked, I decided to not show my GIF collection.
Now he can't.
Kave Man's black?
Man. I always just assumed he was some pale-ass white guy.
What's next? Marvie's not 80 years old?
So Flyers have won four in a row. Couturier has a point in each game. That is all.
So Flyers have won four in a row. Couturier has a point in each game. That is all.
So Flyers have won four in a row. Couturier has a point in each game. That is all.
So Flyers have won four in a row. Couturier has a point in each game. That is all.
Now there's a whole month where he can't be traded he's probably feeling a lot more relaxed.
breaking news! the canes still suck!Sometimes I feel kind of bad for Bryz. He probably just thought it was a bear. Leave him alone! He even got a win out of that game!
Huge road trip begins today. 3 games, 4 days. Pens, Canes, and Leafs. And I don't think I'm going to be able to watch any of them. Oh well.
One piece of fantastic news, though: Marc Staal is traveling with the team on this road trip.
After the last few sens games I'm seriously jonesing for a win. Hopefully Conacher lives up to his end of the trade since Big Ben is apparently tearing it up.
Go Rangers! Beat out the Devils and Flyers for 8th please.
I think every deadline trade so far has had an immediate payoff, so now it is our turn.
He should fit right in, it's great timing since Hoffman is hurt so we needed a player.
Pittsburgh seems ironically to be the exception.
NO! 9th or 10th would be the worst season EVER. Tank or playoffs.
Go Rangers! Beat out the Devils and Flyers for 8th please.
8th? Any points tonight get us back into 7th (which is just as bad a fate if Montreal wins the NE given our ineptitude at Bell Centre, but whatevs). You want to talk to TeethMummy!
I was trying to help you guys with 8th. I think the Rangers beat the Crosbyless Pens in the 1st round. Not sure sure about the Habs or Bruins though.
I am totally on board the tank train. The Rangers beating out the Devils for 8th doesnt affect the Flyers at all.
Whatever it is, I like it.
So we're Penguins fans now?
That is the 2nd worst thing you could have said. I am just realistic. Even if the Flyers do make the playoffs I dont believe they have the D of goaltending to do anything in them. Maybe they could get into another crazy highscoring series with the Pens and win that, but they would get stomped by the Bruins or Habs.
Looks like 6-6 Bjugstad will get his chance on the 3rd line between Skille and Howden. I don't remember since when we a center so big. Kid is going to beast.
Why waste an ELC on him when the season is done anyways, only 13 games left, seems useless.