It's seems quite amazing that the pattern with Sens coaches seem to continue time after time.
First, you have the new coach brought in after the team perform below expectations. Then the team seems to have renewed focus proceeds to perform at or above expectations. The new coach gets credit for the team performance and gets promptly renewed. This then gives the coach a sense of validation of his coaching philosophy and proceeds to implement full-scale. This naturally leads to a series of baffling coaching decisions that everyone seems to grit their teeth and bare it as long as the team keeps winning until they don't. Finally, once they've lost enough, the coach is promptly fired and the process begins anew again...
I got an idea, how about we stop hiring inexperienced head coaches?
How many coaches has Murray gone through in his tenure as GM?
Before Murray was a GM, we had 6 coaches since the expansion in 1992.
That averages out to
3.1 years for each head coach tenure here.
After Murray was GM, the average is
1.16 years.
As a player, how the fuck can you find any consistency in your game if the turnout of your coach is as much as a call centre employee, and always having to change systems.
Not to mention, ever since Morray was GM, we have won 1 playoffs series during his 8 years here. This whole approach of lets just get into the playoffs and see what happens is the reason why we the club is so mediocre.