This is a bold move.
This is a bold move.
Red, Kave, I'm on that TLOP shit.
Album is so fire and so fucking wavy, I can't stop
A bit of everything from Kanye's best.Ultralight Beam is an epic intro.
Father Stretch My Hands is a reminder that Cudi needs to get back and make good music again. Wzrd and everything after were a mistake, nothing but trash.
Famous throws me back to MBDTF.
Ultralight Beam is an epic intro.
Father Stretch My Hands is a reminder that Cudi needs to get back and make good music again. Wzrd and everything after were a mistake, nothing but trash.
Famous throws me back to MBDTF.
A bit of everything from Kanye's best.
When Fade comes on I have to stop whatever I'm doing
Once you get to Waves - FML...Feedback is some Yeezus shit.
Low Lights is like a skit from College Dropout or Graduation. lol
That game went just about perfectly for us. Got revenge in just about every way we needed to. The only negative was losing Hank's shutout, but I'll take that.
That game went just about perfectly for us. Got revenge in just about every way we needed to. The only negative was losing Hank's shutout, but I'll take that.
Couturier being hurt really fucking shows how important he is.
I enjoy TLOP. I'm not balls to the wall excited about it though. I like Famous, Fade, 30 Hours. Off the bat. I'll have to give the others more listens. Real Friends, No More Parties In LA and Facts I already knew, obviously.
But I'm not a supermassive fan or anything. I just like good hip hop. I gotta ignore everything else about the dude. Though some of it bleeds through in his lyrics unfortunately.
They should release a "clean" version of some tracks, but rather than take away the swearing, take away the craziness. =P
Waves is a legit epic track though.
But it's been weird/crazy so far. Not in an off-tangent way like Yeezus.
Whaaaaaat, ESPN is showing rugby
Maybe them getting part of the NHL broadcast rights wouldn't be that bad after all.
This thread is.... interesting to say the absolute least
Hoooly shit I need to get out of there while I can.
Hoooly shit I need to get out of there while I can.
Yeah I see you in there lol I am staying away from the main convo for the most part.
Welcome to OT GAF
Oh I know. I've been burned before.
I like this avatar more than your last one already lol