Had an engineering friend of walk me through it. We've established that I can't picture things in my head. And 8 hours isn't enough time to change the way I think.
are you doing fucking Calc 2 already or something?
Had an engineering friend of walk me through it. We've established that I can't picture things in my head. And 8 hours isn't enough time to change the way I think.
are you doing fucking Calc 2 already or something?
Hahaha, nothing nearly that complex.
Then you're doing the same math you'd be doing if you did Marketing, sorry. :/
Sigh. Should probably look for a math free program.
Sigh. Should probably look for a math free program.
There's always art school.
Pretty sure he has higher ambitions than a job at Starbucks.
You haven't seen Daddario have you? Perfection.Someone needs to serve all you thirsty motherfuckers in here
I don't think I would have survived the years of IT jobs without an 82 game season. Sure, it makes the individual games more interesting when every game matters more, but the NHL is a gauntlet.
Not to mention that an NFL game is roughly 11 minutes of action padded by 2-3 hours of commercials and 1-2 hours of listening to poor commentary waiting on the snap. That isn't enough to scratch the itch on a weekly basis.
Nothing out there beats the pacing of hockey.
I dunno, it's got (an incredible) Don Quick and CrazedArabMan bitching about Cleary without any provocation. Seems pretty much like an NHL thread to me!Tried not to read that fighting thread but I caved and......just.......
I dunno, it's got (an incredible) Don Quick and CrazedArabMan bitching about Cleary without any provocation. Seems pretty much like an NHL thread to me!
Really? *Runs to thread*
The Seattle Seahawks are the Ottawa Senators of the NFL.
It's funny that the perception of hockey dying or becoming a minor sport probably comes from sports fans who believe that ESPN is the sports world.
ESPN hardly ever covers the business side of things, so they'd never mention that hockey's ratings and revenues have been going in an upward trajectory for years now.
Maybe that makes NHL an "alternative" sport in the US. I know that at my job, being a fan of MLS and NHL, I'm never involved in any of the water cooler conversations except with the two Rangers fans that we talk shit with.
lol handegg. Some guy claims he's the best and everyone goes crazy. They must have a lot of time to get their panties in a bunch during all those commercials and stoppages.
I wish there was a Leafs player that acted like that tbh.
lol handegg. Some guy claims he's the best and everyone goes crazy. They must have a lot of time to get their panties in a bunch during all those commercials and stoppages.
The downtime is filled with analysis of each play, replays, speculation of what to run next, etc etc etc.
Can I just punch almost everyone in the Titanfall threads? Some comments are absolutely stupid considering this was a closed Alpha.
I didn't even bother with that thread haha.
With all the abuse football players take, I'm surprised they get through most plays unscathed. Seems really easy to get injured badly.
I was a much bigger NFL fan when I lived in NZ and only got to watch a couple of games a week. After I moved here and could watch it all weekend long I found I didn't really want to. And I never found a team I liked enough to become a fan. So now I only pay attention once they get deep in the playoffs.
If the Blues can't beat Cleary and the Boys tonight I'll be sad.
And Frank might be out with the flu. Butts.