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NHL January 2014 |OT| Bobby Orr, Bathroom Stalls, and the Battle at the Big House

You're finally coming to terms with the fact that you now hate hockey because the wings are fucking terrible and won't be good again for a long time so you're going to create your own beer league and are inviting all of us and the name of your team is the Detroit Dan Cleary's and Dan Cleary is slated to be captain of that team.

Wow, that was closer than I expected. I don't know if I should be happy or sad.


So apparently Howard left because he had diarrhea / shit himself?
Nah, injured left knee. FSD guys were speculating it could be a flu bug when it happened.

I'm so pissed off right now, it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You don't want to watch and you know the end result, but you can't help but just peak out and see the suffering and explosion. I hate everything right now. They just need to tank now, pointless even trying at this point for this team, every game they try to give you a glimmer of hope only to have it come crashing down in a fiery mess. If we are going to lose, just lose and don't even try.
We just ran into the worst injuries right as we're going through the most difficult stretch of our schedule. Doesn't help that we're the worst team in the league at home. Like WTF. That doesn't reflect well on Babcock.
I still have hope though, we've been playing well, but if Howard's out a while that would suck.


Unconfirmed Member
Lundqvist is sick, so Cam Talbot is starting tonight. Hank is not on the ice for the morning skate but is apparently going to dress tonight.


Unconfirmed Member
Strike that about Lundqvist being the backup tonight, he's totally out. No idea who the Rangers are going to dress as backup tonight. They're also not sure if anybody from Hartford can get down to NYC in time due to the weather.


Going to (hopefully make it) the Blues game tonight at the Prudential.....got tickets for my Birthday being a transplanted Blues fan now living in Connecticut, and of course the weather doesn't cooperate. Any tips for a first timer going to the Pru are appreciated...


Strike that about Lundqvist being the backup tonight, he's totally out. No idea who the Rangers are going to dress as backup tonight. They're also not sure if anybody from Hartford can get down to NYC in time due to the weather.

We're getting the worst of it. It's only going to be 1-3" up there.


Going to (hopefully make it) the Blues game tonight at the Prudential.....got tickets for my Birthday being a transplanted Blues fan now living in Connecticut, and of course the weather doesn't cooperate. Any tips for a first timer going to the Pru are appreciated...

Take NJ transit from Penn station. It's $5 each way but it's a smoother faster ride (15 minutes) and you can openly drink on it.

To avoid the mess that'll be outside there's a connector from Penn Station to Mulberry Street that you'll see called Gateway. Follow the Devils jerseys until you're outside again and you'll be a block from the stadium.

I'd recommend places to eat and drink but in this weather proximity might be best and that pretty much leaves you with Dino BBQ which you'll see as soon as you step outside the Gateway building and Edison Ale House which is on the closed street where the box office is.

And I dunno if this is your thing but they only wand you when you come in so if you carry a non-metallic flask you can get drunk on the cheap.
Moved to top of page so people can see it better and it is farther away from my daily Cleary rage post.

SUPER SERIOUS POST (Seriously I mean it!)

So with the Wings in shambles yet my love for hockey as a whole at an all-time high, I thought I would renew the interest of having a GAF pickup hockey game. I know we had discussed it a long time ago and we had thought that Columbus area might be a good neutral spot, however that may have changed and I'm curious on people's actual interest in this as something to do. So read the below information, fill it out and copy and paste it and send it to me via PM (please highlight your answers in red!). I will see if there is any serious interest in doing this and where everyone falls. I will post this every few days over the next 2 weeks or so to see if we have enough people interested in doing this.

DISCLAIMER!!!: This is most likely a ways away (I would prefer we do it in the summer months like May/June/July August) so keep that in mind when filling out the form. If you have comments you can reply to this post or send to me via PM/or post them in the form.


NHLGAF Pickup Game Information Sheet (Put your answers in red please!):
  • GAF pickup game interest:
    - Through the roof​
    - High​
    - Fair​
    - Poor​
    - Never​
  • Skill Level (1-10):
    (Skill: 1-2) Dan Cleary: No organized hockey experience at all, just started skating and learning the basics of playing/stick handling/shooting​
    (Skill: 3-4) Beginner: Some organized hockey experience, can skate/stick handle/shoot decently​
    (Skill: 5-6) Amateur: Have played organized hockey (serious or pickup) but can skate/stick handle/shoot good​
    (Skill: 7-8) High School: Have played serious organized hockey (more likely high school). Can skate/stick handle/shoot pretty good​
    (Skill: 9-10) College/Juniors: Has played serious college/junior hockey (this can be on a club or full college team). Can skate/stick handle/shoot very good​
    (Skill: Infinity) Dan Cleary x1,000,000: You have taken the power of Dan Cleary and multiplied them by a million. You are the pro'ist of the pros and can skate faster than Grabner, shoot harder than Chara, and stick handle better than Datsyuk. You are known as Dan “Greatest Player Ever” Cleary​
  • Full Equipment? (if no, put what you are missing and what size you would need, people may have gear to borrow):
  • Team Affiliation (since people switch too much and I can't remember half the time):
  • Preferred Neutral Location for Game (Columbus was the original location):
  • Preferred Month for Game:
  • Comments (if you say anything about the Wings here, I will hurt you):



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

Look at me, I'm a genius.

Habs D lines at practice today :

Emelin- Diaz

Holy shit, Therrien reads NHL-Gaf! About time that idiot clued in. Let's see if they last longer then 3 shifts.


Unconfirmed Member
We're getting the worst of it. It's only going to be 1-3" up there.

Current winter storm warning is saying 6-10" for Hartford, though that is through tomorrow morning.

Either way, should be interesting. Mike Richter is playing at the game in Bryant Park in a few minutes, maybe he wants to wants to put on a blue shirt tonight.

Cake Boss

Kind of funny how the fans of all 3 eastern canadian teams hate their coachs but the western canadian fans dont even though the eastern ones have the best chance to make the playoffs.


Unconfirmed Member

Meanwhile, in Midtown...



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Kind of funny how the fans of all 3 eastern canadian teams hate their coachs but the western canadian fans dont even though the eastern ones have the best chance to make the playoffs.
The difference is all 3 eastern Canadian teams are grossly under achieving, while all 3 eastern coaches continue to make ridiculous coaching decisions.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Kypres talking about whether Bozak can become the next Krecji lol......

he does have a lot of skill, particularly because he has a very high hockey IQ

but unfortunately he just generally plays like an average player which is kinda disappointing

at least the one thing with bozak is he usually isn't prone to awful giveaways or dumb penalties... that and he's great at faceoffs and somehow became a shootout god

and it's krejci damnit


he does have a lot of skill, particularly because he has a very high hockey IQ

but unfortunately he just generally plays like an average player which is kinda disappointing

at least the one thing with bozak is he usually isn't prone to awful giveaways or dumb penalties... that and he's great at faceoffs and somehow became a shootout god

and it's krejci damnit

No goddammit don't you dare insult the great Tyler Bozak!
Teams don't need #1 centres to succeed!
He backchecks!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Oh dear god shoot me now
The fact that Kypreos referred to Bozak as a #1 is such a fucking joke, these are our new national broadcasters guys. They cover the Leafs for a living and didn't even know JVR was on a such cheap contract fucking christ.

i dunno what is worse

that we're paying bozak $50,000 less than JVR or that we're paying clarkson $1 million more


i dunno what is worse

that we're paying bozak $50,000 less than JVR or that we're paying clarkson $1 million more

Oh Clarkson by far
He has like 6 fucking points

He should probably aim for 60 points in a season first. Baby steps.

Damn 60 dude? Slow down, he's never even hit 50.
Oh and he may want to try having a season where he's a plus as well, never had one of those either.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I remember hearing Kypreos saying that even if Clarkson never scored another goal this season, as long as he brought his grit and intangibles it would be worth it.

12 more years of this brilliant analysis.


Oh Clarkson by far
He has like 6 fucking points

Damn 60 dude? Slow down, he's never even hit 50.
Oh and he may want to try having a season where he's a plus as well, never had one of those either.

Hey hey hey, Bozak is on pace for 69 points this year if it weren't for injury. ;-)


I just want O'reilly to make the Leafs look awful so people on HF boards stop making low-ball trade proposals. I'd prefer they stop making proposals at all, but that's too much to wish for.

Also, check out this digram of how the Lindros trade affected our franchise. http://i.imgur.com/jk0uw6g.jpg

If the Avs were to trade him to the Leafs, which players would make it a fair return?
I know you're probably tired of seeing Kadri + gardiner proposals...
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