I'm all for shitting on a guy that hangs his hat on win totals playing a trap over real success like beating your rivaling contemporaries in the post season but Giguere over Brodeur? dstrdl pls.
I mean it's pretty much confirmed that Brodeur is one of the greatest tenders of all time. And he's accomplished a lot more in both the recent active NHL seasons as well as the early days of butterfly/hybrid. A true pioneer of goaltending with an amazingly long list of contributions he's made. He took goaltending to a new level.
But Terry Sawchuk is the greatest of all time.
And Giguere, while working with fantastic teams and also contributing to modern goaltending in tremendously huge ways, has shown that he can't overcome mental adversity. His work ethic however is completely unmatched. He works for everything and never rests in his laurels.
Who he is as a goaltender gives him more value in my eyes than someone who may have the resumè and the accolades but doesn't have the resolve, work ethic and teamwork/communication of Giguere.
And Giguere never married his sister in law sooo