One of the worst games of the season for sure. As soon as I saw Bishop in net, I knew what was gonna happen. Too bad this was probably the only game I go to this season.
Lupul was a beast though...and Reimer barely had to do anything.
CBC literally can't believe the score
Wait what, how do you not realize how annoying the Leafs and their fans are?
Well trust me, a youth spent watching terrible Leafs teams in HNIC be showcased nationally while actually good Canadian teams were ignored would embitter any fanbase. And then TSN comes along and makes it worse ugh.
This man speaks the truth. IT'S NOT 1993. SHUT UP ABOUT DOUGIE AND CLARKIE.
I've hated the Leafs since about the time I realized that CBC and later TSN would have a collective circle-jerk over the team every night that the team was even mentioned. Especially during the Leafs/Kings series back in 93. The love-in that the whole network had for Gilmour was just sickening. But then again, that's what the Leafs tend to do. Take players from other teams who were moderately decent before and make them out to be the 2nd coming of Gretzky. Especially that douchebag, Bob Mackenzie, back when he had his afro in the early to mid-90's. Like I've said in a post years ago here, I always remember TSN. I had really good tickets to a Jets/Flyers game and it was near the end of the year, and the Jets were not in any chance of making the playoffs (94) and neither were the Flyers. The game was supposed to be televised but at the last minute, TSN cancelled it, saying that it only wanted to show teams that were in playoff contention.
And yet... The Leafs have been shown on a regular basis. Yes, yes, I know biggest market and all that, but it still pissed me off to no end back then. Not to mention Cherry and his constant talk of Gilmour on national TV. The one episode on CC where he gave him a kiss, yeesh, enough already.
Never mind that many of the Leaf fans I know in real life act like some entitled little jerkwad of whom I have to listen how THIS IS GONNA BE THE YEAR and KESSEL and now it's all about the apparent Hall Of Famer, Kadri...
I realize that this is not every Leaf fan, and actually most of the Leafs fans here at least are very reasonable to deal with, but you can understand some of my venom towards this team, no? I hate whenever they win and without a doubt, they are my most despised sports team, bar none. Doesn't matter when the teams actually play each other or not, and I've had plenty of time to hate on them minus a local team here in Winnipeg for some 15 odd years. It's very cathartic to see games like the last one when the Leafs here here and have the Jets destroy them.
I'd support ANY other team in Canada (And the NHL, actually) over them, in a heartbeat.
Lupul had a 7 minute hat trick in 2011 so take that.
Really all it boils down to is the Leafs have the biggest market in the biggest sport in Canada. We are going to get the most coverage because we generate the most press. Is it fair? Of course not but deal with it.
Haters gonna hate and so forth.
Truly, the only rational Leaf fan reaction to the hate/disdain their team generates. Own that shit, god knows I would.
Really all it boils down to is the Leafs have the biggest market in the biggest sport in Canada. We are going to get the most coverage because we generate the most press. Is it fair? Of course not but deal with it.
Haters gonna hate and so forth.
lolFucking Bieksa.
Mike Brown needs to kick his ass in the 2nd.
Yeah you really don't have a choice.
I've had people want to fight me in Calgary and Montreal just because I was a Leafs fan.
All I did was point out I was one during a Red Wings/Flames game in Calgary. And another time just because I asked if one of the TVs in a restaurant could be put on the Leafs game in Montreal.
Granted, I honestly think the Jets will screw things up and lose the lead of the SE
That's a bit... excessive. When I meet people who are Leafs fans I usually start with "You have my condolences." Or "Oh, I'm so sorry." lol But I usually just joke around and whatever with them. Nothing serious. The ones that go to Jets games though when the Leafs are in town, they are another story. It's like they leave their brain at home and just have some type of rabies or something because I've never had such obnoxious people near me in games, ever. That NYE game against them in 2011 was really bad for that. Had so much beer spilled on me and they were so pissed that their team was losing. But it happens in any sport I guess.
Wild go 3 for 3 in shootout and win after being down 2. Suck it queens.
That's a bit... excessive. When I meet people who are Leafs fans I usually start with "You have my condolences." Or "Oh, I'm so sorry." lol But I usually just joke around and whatever with them. Nothing serious. The ones that go to Jets games though when the Leafs are in town, they are another story. It's like they leave their brain at home and just have some type of rabies or something because I've never had such obnoxious people near me in games, ever. That NYE game against them in 2011 was really bad for that. Had so much beer spilled on me and they were so pissed that their team was losing. But it happens in any sport I guess.
Yeah, it is tough to truly believe they won't huh. Really any faith I have is less in the Jets and more in the fact I don't think any other SE team can do much better than scuffle along at .500 the rest of the way.
i think that's every fan ever that's not in their home turf
So the Leafs are Canada's Yankees...
So the Leafs are Canada's Yankees...
I thought the West was supposed to be more defense-conscious?
Wild go 3 for 3 in shootout and win after being down 2. Suck it Kings.
So the Leafs are Canada's Yankees...
More like the Cowboys.
Cowboys have 5 championships since '67
NY Jets have 1 championship since '67FINE
We're the Jets.
Re Leafs hate: It's the only thing Quebecois have in common with the ROC. We carrying this cross for the unity of the Dominion.
F#ck! Poor Crosble.
always love it when the leafs beat the sens in ottawa!
The CBC post game with Cherry, Kadri, Orr, and McLaren makes it so easy to hate the Leafs. All I can think is "Let's not start slapping each other on the backs quite yet."
But man I LOVED it. Cherry kissing Naz hahahahaha.
You need to find better names to steal.Kadrupul! I like the sound of that duo.
stolen from hf