Dirty ass hit on Gudbranson
I guess the loss against Carolina did absolutely nothing to wake us up, or were actually this bad.
I won't panic until Kulemin, Fraser, and Clarkson are back. Also shoot Ranger into the sun.
Ranger didn't screw up on that PK, McClement did.
On a completely random note, Marvie, what happened to the salt on the ice podcast?
Smart play by Lupul. He's aware of Kostka's offensive prowess and did what he had to do to get him off the ice.
I give Kostka 25 games before he's run out o Chicago.
Not checking, not attacking the puck handler, not pinning, not shooting, not passing, not doing goddamn anything.
Goddamn pylons out there. If it wasn't for Bernie, it'd be much worse
Don't know what any of those guys are supposed to really do, they aren't single handedly fixing our D.
Whatever our system is right now is dirt.
They're waiting for one quality chance. Thats how you win games right?
why couldnt you be the guy representing leafs fans at our home opener ;_;FUCK THIS SHIT. PLAYING PATH OF EXILE!
No energy. I don't care if they lose, but not like this. Why bother even showing up to play? Might as well have saved the money on the flight.
Hell, just buy a bunch of seats in the stands for the team. Might as well since they're about as effective on the ice as they are on the bench!
Avalanche will have to sign some good D to be elite. Like when Roy was signed to complete the team in 95.
Dat hot Panthers offense is just so tough to contain!Harding for Vezna
Franson for O'Reilly!
You will take Stastny and be happy about it.