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NHL Off-Season 2013 |OT| Celebrate Good Times Come On


Comes down to taste I guess.

I was stoked they showed a fighting game at a press conference even if KI has always been kind of trash.

Project Spark looked like something I wouldn't be interested in. Minecraft, who fucking cares? Titan Fall looked cool but shooter fatigue and all that. Dead Rising 3 looked hugely disappointing if that's the tone they're going to be making that whole game with. Cool trailer for the Insomniac game. Dragon game looked cool. Ryse looked like a mess.

The only exclusive I was truly like FUUUUUUCK over was D4. It has been a long time since I've even felt like discussing games like this. This generation soured me on a lot of stuff. dat E3 effect tho.

I do.

Sure they were. They just didn't colour their presentation with buzzwords and frequent us/them distinctions (that don't necessarily exist in reality) as Sony did. Don't get me wrong. It was very smart of Sony and as I listened I knew it would be effective in capturing gamers' hearts, both those already sold as well as those spurned by MS. And here we've already got you parroting the mantra. :p But in terms of games I think the two consoles are still going to be pretty damn similar.

Cool AC pic btw. Gotta get a pic of the four (?) jerseys he's made in one spot
Four so far. I still have several I need to make for other people. I have the 4 I made in my shop right now though.


Sure they were. They just didn't colour their presentation with buzzwords and frequent us/them distinctions (that don't necessarily exist in reality) as Sony did. Don't get me wrong. It was very smart of Sony and as I listened I knew it would be effective in capturing gamers' hearts, both those already sold as well as those spurned by MS. And here we've already got you parroting the mantra. :p But in terms of games I think the two consoles are still going to be pretty damn similar.

Once again, you know what impressed me more than anything else in that Sony conference? The price and two games I'm more excited about playing than anything else shown today(well, three I guess if you count GT6). Not buzzwords or tablet functionality.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
As far as the XBone conference goes, it was clear that they still weren't really speaking to the game enthusiast crowd. Sony catered more to that crowd by a long shot. They had an entire segment about indie games(speaking of which the new Super Giant game looks FANTASTIC). I like Sony's message and I don't like Microsoft's. The lower price helps too.

And sorry Heretic, GT>Forza ;). That GT6 trailer got me HYPED.

Honestly, this is what I don't understand. You can say that the PS4 is this and that and Sony is this and that, but as far as the press conference itself goes, MS clearly had a more games-oriented Press Conference. Hell, Sony talked about the Vita and about Playstation Network for a bunch, then showed a couple trailers for already-announced games. It took them more than an hour before the first on-stage gameplay demo, and that was for a couple weird indie games. With how you disliked all the MS games (fair enough), I now really want to see how Sony's exclusives (... which ones are the exclusives here?) are so much better :p

Also, Forza 3 and 4 shat all over GT5. If I end up getting a PS4 (better hardware for cheaper price and more consumer friendly it seems), Forza and Halo are franchises I will miss very dearly.

Also, you say "tablets suck" when Sony spent a bunch of time talking about the Vita. Vita doesn't suck but tablets do? It's another extra thing, same/same. It's not like you'll be forced to use it, and MS didn't even spend much time talking about it.


And sorry Heretic, GT>Forza ;). That GT6 trailer got me HYPED.

I don't know about cars :(

MS showed better games. Sony stole the show with the price and DRM stuff which is good but it's all about the games and MS had them. KH3 and FFXV are coming to the XOne too.

All of Sony's great games are coming to the X1 and on top of that, I get to play Halo.


Once again, you know what impressed me more than anything else in that Sony conference? The price and two games I'm more excited about playing than anything else shown today. Not buzzwords or tablet functionality.
No, I understand we're going to be impressed with different things for different reasons. Not trying to discuss your preferences. I was just specifically explaining how this:

"As far as the XBone conference goes, it was clear that they still weren't really speaking to the game enthusiast crowd. Sony catered more to that crowd by a long shot."

.. is exactly the narrative that Sony was working to foster, despite the fact that MS fired off a long list of games and focused on practically nothing but games during their conference.


Honestly, this is what I don't understand. You can say that the PS4 is this and that and Sony is this and that, but as far as the press conference itself goes, MS clearly had a more games-oriented Press Conference. Hell, Sony talked about the Vita and about Playstation Network for a bunch, then showed a couple trailers for already-announced games. It took them more than an hour before the first on-stage gameplay demo, and that was for a couple weird indie games. With how you disliked all the MS games (fair enough), I now really want to see how Sony's exclusives (... which ones are the exclusives here?) are so much better :p

Also, Forza 3 and 4 shat all over GT5. If I end up getting a PS4 (better hardware for cheaper price and more consumer friendly it seems), Forza and Halo are franchises I will miss very dearly.

Also, you say "tablets suck" when Sony spent a bunch of time talking about the Vita. Vita doesn't suck but tablets do? It's another extra thing, same/same. It's not like you'll be forced to use it, and MS didn't even spend much time talking about it.
MS got all of their TV/Music/Movie stuff out of the way already so, yeah, it makes sense that their conference didn't have much of that. Sony had to cover all of that stuff because they really hadn't revealed any of the specifics for the console. I don't think they lingered on it too much. I'll concede that it was a pretty weak point for me to argue. Still, just watching those two conferences gave a pretty clear indication of what direction they're trying to go in. Felt like Sony just showed a larger variety of stuff and that interests me, exclusive or not.

Forza is great but I've always preferred GT. Call if bias or whatever, don't really care. Stoked for GT6, I hope it gets a PS4 port.

Vita and tablet comparison isn't really valid. They weren't inserting the Vita into every game demo saying: "put down that controller and do something completely inconsequential with this other device! Cool right?!?!?!" That wasn't just a MS problem either. Them, EA, and Ubi were waaaaaaaay too focused on that garbage. Sony spent a small amount of times talking about Vita games because, you know, it's a portable console and not a tablet. Can hardly see how you can compare the two.

No, I understand we're going to be impressed with different things for different reasons. Not trying to discuss your preferences. I was just specifically explaining how this:

"As far as the XBone conference goes, it was clear that they still weren't really speaking to the game enthusiast crowd. Sony catered more to that crowd by a long shot."

.. is exactly the narrative that Sony was working to foster, despite the fact that MS fired off a long list of games and focused on practically nothing but games during their conference.

I guess the difference is this: Microsoft focused on very big games throughout. Stuff like Halo 5, TitanFall, Ryse, Crytek game(whatever it was called). I don't think they mentioned one thing about downloadable or indie but I could be remembering it wrong. Sony had a whole focus on downloadable, indie titles. Games that don't have the big budget, mass marketing of the games MS showed.


Honestly, this is what I don't understand. You can say that the PS4 is this and that and Sony is this and that, but as far as the press conference itself goes, MS clearly had a more games-oriented Press Conference. Hell, Sony talked about the Vita and about Playstation Network for a bunch, then showed a couple trailers for already-announced games. It took them more than an hour before the first on-stage gameplay demo, and that was for a couple weird indie games. With how you disliked all the MS games (fair enough), I now really want to see how Sony's exclusives (... which ones are the exclusives here?) are so much better :p

Also, Forza 3 and 4 shat all over GT5. If I end up getting a PS4 (better hardware for cheaper price and more consumer friendly it seems), Forza and Halo are franchises I will miss very dearly.

Also, you say "tablets suck" when Sony spent a bunch of time talking about the Vita. Vita doesn't suck but tablets do? It's another extra thing, same/same. It's not like you'll be forced to use it, and MS didn't even spend much time talking about it.

Forza 2 > all


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I guess the difference is this: Microsoft focused on very big games throughout. Stuff like Halo 5, TitanFall, Ryse, Crytek game(whatever it was called). I don't think they mentioned one thing about downloadable or indie but I could be remembering it wrong. Sony had a whole focus on downloadable, indie titles. Games that don't have the big budget, mass marketing of the games MS showed.

Let's see, in terms of gaming-talk...

Sony's exclusive announcements, straight from the E3 Summary thread in gaming-gaf... I copied all the PS4 exclusives (that aren't Indie/Arcade games). I excluded titles that are also coming out for PS3 (like GT6) or Multi-titles. I bolded those that showed on-stage gameplay.

● The Order: 1886 has been revealed by Ready at Dawn with Sony Santa Monica partners, and it's some crazy steampunk monster romp through an alternate timeline. Insane graphics. (Link, Thread)
● Killzone: Shadow Fall had a new tease at the Sony conference. Looks pretty sick, you ask me, like a more open-ended take on the series. (Link)
● InFamous: Second Son has a new trailer for E3, and it looks hot as hell. Unfortunately, that also came with the announcement that it's just barely going to miss launch, as it is slipping to Q1 2014. (Link, Thread)
● Drive Club will be available FREE on PS+ for a year on PS4! (Link, Thread)

MS, same deal as above:

● Sunset Overdrive, a crazy open world multiplayer shooter from Insomniac, has been announced as an exclusive for the Xbox One. (Link, Thread)
● Ryse, the previously Kinect-only game from Crytek, is now a vicious brutal beat em up with copious amounts of QTE. Looks gorgeous, at least. (Link, Thread)
● Dead Rising 3, developed by Capcom Vancouver and published by Microsoft, is an open world game with no load times, where anything can be used as a weapon and upgraded to better effect. Has campaign co-op, November 2013. (Link, Thread))
● Killer Instinct rumour turned out to be correct, only it's by Double Helix games, not RARE. What a twist. Lots of classic characters returning, and the visuals look pretty swell. (Link, Thread)
● Titanfall, announced through Game Informer only a few days ago for XBO/PC/360, has had its real coming out with a trailer and more. Looks really sick, gameplay-wise. (Link, Thread)
● Halo 5 from 343 Studios is obviously coming to the XBO and will be 60fps. And it wouldn't be a Microsoft system party without a teaser video for the next in the series. Check this bad boy out. (Link, Thread)
● Quantum Break, which debuted at the May 21 XBO reveal, has an E3 2013 Demo to check out. With its interesting time based mechanics and TV-like story integration, this is one to watch. (Link, Thread)
● Black Tusk's AAA Game - so named because they don't have a title yet - was nonetheless teased in a 30 second clip. In it, we see a man scaling a building, espionage-style. (Link, Thread)
● Project Spark is a bizarre Smartglass-and-Kinect assisted videogame for XBO/Win8 wherein everything in the world can be created by the player. When you finish making the world, other players can jump in and start playing in it. (Link)
● Forza 5 has had a flood of info, but now we get word on how it will be using cloud servers. Your data is synced over cloud, and then the game tweaks the AI based on how you and others are doing... your data is called a 'driveatar.' (Link, Thread)
● Crimson Dragon, Yukio Futatsugi Panzer Dragoon spiritual successor, has been moved to Xbox One. And we get a new E3 trailer! (Link, Thread)
● World of Tanks is coming out for the 360. As a free-toplay MMO action game with millions upon millions of players, seems a good win for Microsoft. (Link)

Now... how exactly did MS not try to speak to the gamer-crowd?

Again, I think the only thing MS has going for it right now is that their conference was literally all games. If you think GT>Forza then that's fine, but you can't really say MS didn't do anything to try and show games at their press conference.

I'd love to hear from you how the PS4 exclusives mentioned beat the XBone exclusives mentioned.

(WatchDogs is Multi, Destiny is Multi, Mad Max is Multi, Elder Scrolls is Multi, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy weren't announced as exclusives so they're probably not, because if they were Sony would most likely rub it in everyone's faces)

If you argue that "speaking to gaming-enthusiasts" = "showing indie-games" (which is a point I'd argue in and itself), then MS showed some of those too, albeit definitely not in as much detail as Sony did. They showed Below (from the Swords&Sworcery makers) which looks good, D4 as well as others. Also, Schuey will beat you with a bat if you don't like State of Decay :lol.

Forza 2 > all

Obviously, but Forza 2 came out quite a bit before GT5 so I didn't list it. :p Forza in general > GT.

No, I understand we're going to be impressed with different things for different reasons. Not trying to discuss your preferences. I was just specifically explaining how this:

"As far as the XBone conference goes, it was clear that they still weren't really speaking to the game enthusiast crowd. Sony catered more to that crowd by a long shot."

.. is exactly the narrative that Sony was working to foster, despite the fact that MS fired off a long list of games and focused on practically nothing but games during their conference.

This is my post summed up less fanboy-ish than what I'm trying to ramble together here. :lol


We're arguing different things Smiley. I already acknowledged it was a weak argument on my part and modified it a bit in the quote you have up there which you didn't really respond to.

If you're arguing that this number>that number then great, you win! The Xbone has more exclusives. Technically I guess that wins. Which showed more games that I actually want to play? Sony. Which can I get for less money? The PS4. And it's not just that Sony showed indie games, they seem to be dedicated to them. Lorne Lanning was out there for fucks sake.

Care to respond to the Vita/tablet comparison you were so dismissive of? :p


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
We're arguing different things Smiley. I already acknowledged it was a weak argument on my part and modified it a bit in the quote you have up there which you didn't really respond to.

If you're arguing that this number>that number then great, you win! And it's not just that Sony showed indie games, they seem to be dedicated to them. Lorne Lanning was out there for fucks sake.

I wrote that post before I read yours and didn't wanna delete everything after I had already written it. :( I had to cut that list, for god's sake! :D I just wanted to drive home the point that you can't really make the argument that MS's conference wasn't about games. And if you say MS has lame ass games, then... feel free, but at least they have some games. :p

Also, I see quite a bit of variety in that MS list... Not sure how you don't, but sure. It's all personal preference in the end anyway.

Also, I agree that the tablet thing can get a bit weird. In Dead Rising 3 especially :lol. But I actually like tablet-companion apps (NHL 13 had a pretty cool one, so did ME3), so I'm not averse to them.

That post was really just for Schuey to come in and laugh at me because of how long it took me to finish Forza 2.

Define "finish"? The only racing game I ever fully "finished" was I think PGR, which I played through twice to get every platinum medal...


Yeah, I don't think there's going to be much difference in terms of focus on indie games. Sony were just more deliberate in carving out a shout out for them, while they were seamlessly included by MS. Again, it comes down to Sony wanting to capture the narrative while MS is vulnerable and saying WE LOVE INDIE GAMES! (as if MS doesn't) is just another way of doing that.


The furthest I've gone with a racing game is Midnight Club 3 on PS2. It was actually pretty awesome.

MC3 is awesome. The PSP version was dope too besides the literal 90 second load times.

Yeah, I don't think there's going to be much difference in terms of focus on indie games. Sony were just more deliberate in carving out a shout out for them, while they were seamlessly included by MS. Again, it comes down to Sony wanting to capture the narrative while MS is vulnerable and saying WE LOVE INDIE GAMES! (as if MS doesn't) is just another way of doing that.

MS didn't have Lorne Lanning. My heart follows Lorne. Do you have a heart Soc or are you just cold inside :(

And if skuttlebutt is to be believed, MS is actually being rather cold to developers these days, especially smaller ones.
MS clearly brought it with exclusives, especially with Titanfall, which looks like it's gonna be awesome. Nothing else really interests me too much though. Maybe Insomniac's game, but they've been hit and miss lately. Ryse looks like absolute shit. Pretty graphics but LOLworthy game play. None of it really mattered though with $500 price tag and the DRM elephant in room.

Not worried about the PS4 though in terms of exclusives...just look at the PS3. They will bring it. I guess they don't want to blow their load all at once. And who knows, FF15 and KH may be exclusive, at least to some extent, according to some insiders on the gaming side. Too bad about paywall online though. Paying for online is BS, but thankfully PS+ is a good deal.

MS can get fucked though with their DRM horseshit. If MS weren't such assholes, it would've been a really tough choice now that there is a paywall for the PS4. Sony killed it.


Ill admit Microsoft has more exclusives, Titanfall looks great, Insomniac game looks interesting. At the end of the day I dont mind missing any of them to support the policies I believe in with regards to games ownership. If Sony had done the same thing as MS I would not be buying a console from them period.


MS clearly brought it with exclusives, especially with Titanfall, which looks like it's gonna be awesome. Nothing else really interests me too much though. Maybe Insomniac's game, but they've been hit and miss lately. Ryse looks like absolute shit. Pretty graphics but LOLworthy game play. None of it really mattered though with $500 price tag and the DRM elephant in room.

Not worried about the PS4 though in terms of exclusives...just look at the PS3. They will bring it. I guess they don't want to blow their load all at once. And who knows, FF15 and KH may be exclusive, at least to some extent, according to some insiders on the gaming side. Too bad about paywall online though. Paying for online is BS, but thankfully PS+ is a good deal.

MS can get fucked though with their DRM horseshit. If MS weren't such assholes, it would've been a really tough choice now that there is a paywall for the PS4. Sony killed it.

Yeah, paying for online is a huge bummer but it wasn't going to last forever. There's too much money there for it to be ignored. Like you said the thing that makes that blow lessen is that PS+ has definitely given more value to the consumer over what you get paying for XBL.

Ill admit Microsoft has more exclusives, Titanfall looks great, Insomniac game looks interesting. At the end of the day I dont mind missing any of them to support the policies I believe in with regards to games ownership. If Sony had done the same thing as MS I would not be buying a console from them period.

Totally. Was prepared for Sony's policies to be very similar to MS's. Really, really great surprise that it wasn't.


The most interesting games are usually multi-platform anyhow. It's been that way for several years now. Publishers don't benefit enough from exclusive partnerships. So even though I find the XBone exclusives more interesting (right now), I think I'll be perfectly happy with a PS4.

ALSO, the price difference probably won't matter to people who wait ~6 months before buying a new console. MS can afford to have the price high for launch since they'll sell everything they produce regardless. Both consoles won't meet demand initially. But once that tapers off, MS will probably try to match Sony in price.

Also, I see quite a bit of variety in that MS list... Not sure how you don't, but sure. It's all personal preference in the end anyway.
Ever read The Believing Brain? Acid sees the libraries at such extremes for the same reason that we value Nicklas Jensen so highly while ignoring the 100 or so prospects that are probably better than him. We've already made our choice. Now we have to feel good about it. :D


Titanfall looks cool. It's kind of like the ideal Gundam game I want, minus the badass Gundam design and it's in first person.


Also I hooooooooope they're not going to go with that dark and gritty tone all throughout DR3. The best part of those games is the weird, lighthearted goofiness :(

Also fuck shooters so over it.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
The most interesting games are usually multi-platform anyhow. It's been that way for several years now. Publishers don't benefit enough from exclusive partnerships. So even though I find the XBone exclusives more interesting (right now), I think I'll be perfectly happy with a PS4.

Ever read The Believing Brain? Acid sees the libraries at such extremes for the same reason that we value Nicklas Jensen so highly while ignoring the 100 or so prospects that are probably better than him. We've already made our choice. Now we have to feel good about it. :D

butbutbut Nicklas Jensen is a future 1st liner! ... right?

Also I just found out that TitanFall is coming for 360 (and PC), too. So now I only have Forza and Halo to mourn if I switch boats... Mhmmm. Dead Rising 3 will probably come for PC too.


Ever read The Believing Brain? Acid sees the libraries at such extremes for the same reason that we value Nicklas Jensen so highly while ignoring the 100 or so prospects that are probably better than him. We've already made our choice. Now we have to feel good about it. :D

Did you just compare me to a European. Fuck you.


butbutbut Nicklas Jensen is a future 1st liner! ... right?

Also I just found out that TitanFall is coming for 360 (and PC), too. So now I only have Forza and Halo to mourn if I switch boats... Mhmmm. Dead Rising 3 will probably come for PC too.

Im guessing Xbone drops in price holiday 2014, I don't think we see Halo until 2015, or heck maybe holiday 2014 if they really rush it. You could wait till next E3 to make a decision, Sony games lineup from a first party perspective would be more clear as well.


The DRM stuff was the backbreaker for me. Otherwise the consoles aren't too different.

Really glad that Titanfall is coming to 360, too. Not willing to plunk down the cash for a highland PC. Don't care if it's not as pretty. The gameplay looks fantastic, and I say this as someone who's really tired of futuristic shooters.
Ugh. The Sony Conference just reminds me about why I hate "gamers".

Everyone's already calling Microsoft dead on the console wars. For fuck sakes, neither of those consoles are even out yet!

The whole DRM issue is negligible at best because most people don't or even know about it. The vast majority of people who buy consoles, don't follow E3 or even video game news. They want their sports games, their shooters and that's about it. They don't care about DRM, or always on.

The only thing Sony has over Microsoft is price point, and the one thing Microsoft has over Sony is big exclusive blockbusters like Minecraft, Halo and Gears of War. Sony didn't win this generation. Both systems are going to split the market as usual. The DRM stuff just doesn't matter in the long run.


Ugh. The Sony Conference just reminds me about why I hate "gamers".

Everyone's already calling Microsoft dead on the console wars. For fuck sakes, neither of those consoles are even out yet!

The whole DRM issue is negligible at best because most people don't or even know about it. The vast majority of people who buy consoles, don't follow E3 or even video game news. They want their sports games, their shooters and that's about it. They don't care about DRM, or always on.

The only thing Sony has over Microsoft is price point, and the one thing Microsoft has over Sony is big exclusive blockbusters like Minecraft, Halo and Gears of War. Sony didn't win this generation. Both systems are going to split the market as usual. The DRM stuff just doesn't matter in the long run.
You're totally right that it isn't over yet. But this could be meaningful for the big picture. Video games are an incredibly social experience and therefore a social purchase (ie, word of mouth and friends' decisions mean a lot). Sony has 5+ months to market the differences and exploit their advantages. The DRM and always online stuff could be positioned as complicated/confusing, which could deter people.

Microsoft, though, is going to target non-gamers and try to revolutionize the living room. So if they're successful there, the gaming side of things would matter less.


The DRM stuff was the backbreaker for me. Otherwise the consoles aren't too different.

Really glad that Titanfall is coming to 360, too. Not willing to plunk down the cash for a highland PC. Don't care if it's not as pretty. The gameplay looks fantastic, and I say this as someone who's really tired of futuristic shooters.

For some reason, TitanFall doesn't excite me in the slightest. Graphically it looks weak. Gameplay looks generic; all about who sees who first. Along with them adding a jump pack and some wall running to "put a spin on it". And least of all, the mechs. Honestly don't see the logic behind giving every other person an armored suit with amplified damage plus rockets when kill times are already fast. Obviously the game revolves around those Mechs and I guess my dislike for the game stems from me never being a fan of mechs...Either everyone has them or nobody does has been my mindset with those things. One thing I'll give this game is how smooth it runs. That's about it.

Overall, I've never owned a Playstation in my life so I don't see that changing with the PS4. The hardware/specs don't really matter to me so there goes that argument for the PS4. I've always been about games, and with BF4, Halo 5, The Division, Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, Dark Souls 2, Witcher 3 all being available on the Xbox, seems like a nobrainer.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
For some reason, TitanFall doesn't excite me in the slightest. Graphically it looks weak. Gameplay looks generic; all about who sees who first. Along with them adding a jump pack and some wall running to "put a spin on it". And least of all, the mechs. Honestly don't see the logic behind giving every other person an armored suit with amplified damage plus rockets when kill times are already fast. Obviously the game revolves around those Mechs and I guess my dislike for the game stems from me never being a fan of mechs...Either everyone has them or nobody does has been my mindset with those things. One thing I'll give this game is how smooth it runs. That's about it.

Overall, I've never owned a Playstation in my life so I don't see that changing with the PS4. The hardware/specs don't really matter to me so there goes that argument for the PS4. I've always been about games, and with BF4, Halo 5, The Division, Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, Dark Souls 2, Witcher 3 all being available on the Xbox, seems like a nobrainer.

Who hurt you?


Overall, I've never owned a Playstation in my life so I don't see that changing with the PS4. The hardware/specs don't really matter to me so there goes that argument for the PS4. I've always been about games, and with BF4, Halo 5, The Division, Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, Dark Souls 2, Witcher 3 all being available on the Xbox, seems like a nobrainer.
Those are all on PS4 apart from Halo, of course. But I know that some people basically see their XBox as a Halo Box.

Destiny could change that, but I guess it's not really the same thing.

K this is the most I've discussed games in years. Fuck you, E3. Gotta sleep now


Who hurt you?

Haha, from a somewhat competitive gamer, mechs just fuck up everything that stands in the name of balance.

And yeah Soc, Halo is basically the seller for me. Plus all the other cool little feautures like perfected voice commands, skype, twitch, snap mode, etc help too.


Those are all on PS4 apart from Halo, of course. But I know that some people basically see their XBox as a Halo Box.

Destiny could change that, but I guess it's not really the same thing.

K this is the most I've discussed games in years. Fuck you, E3. Gotta sleep now

Which console are you leaning towards?
Ugh. The Sony Conference just reminds me about why I hate "gamers".

Everyone's already calling Microsoft dead on the console wars. For fuck sakes, neither of those consoles are even out yet!

The whole DRM issue is negligible at best because most people don't or even know about it. The vast majority of people who buy consoles, don't follow E3 or even video game news. They want their sports games, their shooters and that's about it. They don't care about DRM, or always on.

The only thing Sony has over Microsoft is price point, and the one thing Microsoft has over Sony is big exclusive blockbusters like Minecraft, Halo and Gears of War. Sony didn't win this generation. Both systems are going to split the market as usual. The DRM stuff just doesn't matter in the long run.

I don't think you realize how important lending games is. I think half of the games I played this gen are either used, or borrowed from friends. And thats definitely the case for a lot of people. Plus, the Xbox has been getting terrible word of mouth, and that won't stop anytime soon. All of that really does count.

Sony has Japan and Europe in the bag with their policies and price, in the US it'll be closer. I think it would be pretty damning for MS if they end up losing in the US given how well the 360 does there and how US centric the xbone is.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I don't think you realize how important lending games is. I think half of the games I played this gen are either used, or borrowed from friends. And thats definitely the case for a lot of people. Plus, the Xbox has been getting terrible word of mouth, and that won't stop anytime soon. All of that really does count.

Sony has Japan and Europe in the bag with their policies and price, in the US it'll be closer. I think it would be pretty damning for MS if they end up losing in the US given how well the 360 does there and how US centric the xbone is.

Single person accounts don't mean much. For comparison, none of the games I've played this gen I've borrowed and I only lent out one game to a friend.
Single person accounts don't mean much. For comparison, none of the games I've played this gen I've borrowed and I only lent out one game to a friend.

Of course not, but considering the uproar over DRM and used games alone being a multi-billion dollar industry...I think it sort of speaks for itself.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Of course not, but considering the uproar over DRM and used games alone being a multi-billion dollar industry...I think it sort of speaks for itself.

There was a huge uproar over Kony, there was a huge uproar over Wall Street, and in the end nothing happened. Can't really say "Everybody's upset right now so obviously Microsoft will be doomed in the fall", when the mentality of people is generally "We're so upset right now! ... omg shiny new thing!"

Also known as the "EA Sucks so much, look at Simcity, never buying a game from them again" - "OMG BATTLEFRONT I LOVE YOU EA" phenomenon.
There was a huge uproar over Kony, there was a huge uproar over Wall Street, and in the end nothing happened. Can't really say "Everybody's upset right now so obviously Microsoft will be doomed in the fall", when the mentality of people is generally "We're so upset right now! ... omg shiny new thing!"

Also known as the "EA Sucks so much, look at Simcity, never buying a game from them again" - "OMG BATTLEFRONT I LOVE YOU EA" phenomenon.

lol very true, but comparing one off DRMs to something that is system wide is kinda apples to oranges. We`ll see how much it really matters to people and how long it lasts, but usually when money is involved, shit hits the fan.
I thought MS had the better conference up until Sony did the no DRM and price. That was a direct kick to MS's balls. Can't believe the company that came up with the 360 could screw up so bad in so many areas for this gen. Though I am more interested in the Xbox One exclusives compared to PS4, I really want to learn more about Quantum Break, TitanFall, Dead Rising 3, and others. Still put my pre-order down on an Xbox, but just to have it in-case anything transpires over the next few months and to see what happens.

Also screw the people saying how awesome the PS4 looks compared to the Xbox One, both consoles look way too identical, as in they both look stupid. At least this gen we had some variety, now we have a giant DVD player and a slanted DVD player.

Also I never realized how bias GAF can be on the gaming side at times, dang.

So we sha'll wait and see, but Sony delivered some crucial blows at the end of their conference with DRM and price, sadly it is far too late for MS to realize what an idiotic move they have made to try and fix it.


I like both console designs. Very simple, very sleek.

We'll probably start seeing a difference in design when they eventually make slim models for each one. The original PS3 is still, in my opinion, the best-looking console.


Unconfirmed Member
Ugh pay to play online too, Sony could have convinced me to pick one up but I'm still on the fence, Tretton milking the used game policy was hilarious though. Thankfully it seems as though every game I thought looked fun is also coming to the PC.

I think it's also hilarious how both companies decided on nearly the same two shade colour design. The PS4 looks weird as fuck on the side, but nice in the promo shots standing up.
I'm getting a PS4 at some point. I like Sony's exclusives more and I don't want Steve Ballmer snooping on me via webcam.
The price and less anti-consumer DRM seals the deal.


PS+ is actually awesome. I downloaded so many games from the Instant Game Collection, and took advantage of so many discounts. I got about 10 months for free, and I'm definitely renewing my subscription for it.
Is it me or was the Ryse mission literally a D-day mission from Medal of Honor. Like every single tick was in the MoH D-day missions. The ships at the opening, the carnage on the beach, getting to the bunker, taking out the artillery it all seemed completely interchangeable with WW2.

Also the price + DRM advantage Sony has is huge. MS can't compete with that. They were already getting flak from gamers, mainstream media and smaller retailers. Now there is an easy alternative with less confusing policies, and a lower price. MS dropped the ball in epic fashion and Sony just took the ball home. If you can't see the difference that will have in this age of social media and word of mouth you are crazy.

T.M. MacReady

PS4 is awesome, will acquire one this year.

Sidebar: the Killer Instinct "rape joke" thread makes me embarrassed to be on this message board. Pathetic. This manufactured outrage is just pathetic.


I like both console designs. Very simple, very sleek.

We'll probably start seeing a difference in design when they eventually make slim models for each one. The original PS3 is still, in my opinion, the best-looking console.

Sometimes I just don't understand you, Quick.
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