Unhandled Exception
Why would you say "Alex with a x" anyways? Is there some other common spelling of Alex?
Why would you say "Alex with a x" anyways? Is there some other common spelling of Alex?
Why would you say "Alex with a x" anyways? Is there some other common spelling of Alex?
I actually know an Alyx lol
I would share my name but you wouldn't believe me...
I would share my name but you wouldn't believe me...
First name Forza, last name Italia?I would share my name but you wouldn't believe me...
Pretty sure this StylesClash guy is legit, guys.
smelly pls respond
how you gonna out-simp the grandmaster simp
How long till hockey?
It's really weird in here right now.
Has it always been weird in here or is it just me?
Has it always been weird in here or is it just me?
Step aside Kirilenko. Your beat up pussy looks like a catcher's mitt circa Babe Ruth era. Time for Ovie to stretch some tender 19 year old box:
Box Stretching
I've seen after hours. I know how it can get. Was just making sure I wasn't adding to it.
O'Reilly's arbitration is in 2 days so that'll be something. You can all laugh at my anguish, it'll be like last season never happened!
O'Reilly's arbitration is in 2 days so that'll be something. You can all laugh at my anguish, it'll be like last season never happened!
The Leafs won't get anything handed to them. You know that pick is going to Arizona.The one year term makes it not the worst thing ever. This year is going to be such a mess anyway, I just hope it's enough of a mess that we get a good shot at the lottery.
someone should fight him irl
smelly i might move to vancouver next year
I've been completely underwhelmed by Destiny, but that's probably because I've been hooked to Counter-Strike again. Best FPS ever.
I'll buy you a beer
Well let's look at this scientifically:
and then Clyde's neighborhood:
While I'm here I might as well post a picture of my home course:
That's how we roll in the OC. We can't fly together as efficiently with smog in the air
Vanek is apparently involved in some gambling ring from his Buffalo days
Did he bet against his team?
Did he bet against his team?