Appreciate everything guys. Yeah the jokes are hard to get when you're new as in sure some of my jokes are hard to read.
Just remember, they never let anything go. I know. :/
Appreciate everything guys. Yeah the jokes are hard to get when you're new as in sure some of my jokes are hard to read.
Just remember, they never let anything go. I know. :/
Just remember, they never let anything go. I know. :/
I learned that when I said I was from Calgary. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate (fortunate?) yiffing.
I tried but failed at searching it.Somebody needs to link you what ACTUALLY happened. It's one of the most hilarious things to ever happen here :lol
That's because maple syrup doesn't shoot very far out of the bottle so you need to be super close to kill someone.
It is. I'm so bad at it though.Shovel Knight is awesome.
Shovel Knight is awesome.
Pls, we have the chicken cannon.
It's too bad that dude parked that yellow car in front of your new ford focus.bought a new car a few weeks ago !
bought a new car a few weeks ago !
those cheap stars season tickets..!
It's too bad that dude parked that yellow car in front of your new ford focus.
It's too bad that dude parked that yellow car in front of your new ford focus.
Lotus evora?
fuck you guys im going back to anime
dallas out
It's too bad that dude parked that yellow car in front of your new ford focus.
you bought it for the creepy smile, didn't you
So when is the right time to introduce a girl to After Hours?
So when is the right time to introduce a girl to After Hours?
.... seriously
Have Kat&Leeness ever seen After Hours? I'm not sure.
What's the worst/best thing out of after hours ever?
What's the worst/best thing out of after hours ever?
What's the worst/best thing out of after hours ever?
So people post some obscene things and get banned?
What's the worst/best thing out of after hours ever?
So people post some obscene things and get banned?
There weren't any Bans during After Hours AFAIK
Bish just told us it was over. :'(
That's two nights I've seen that gif...what's the deal with that?
I hate this place.
Did I do something again? Like if I am doing something wrong just tell me.
never before has any group of misfits so desperately needed a sporting competition to resume