I wonder if the Blues look at trading Backes in a lateral-ish trade as well?
I know exactly what you're thinking.
I wonder if the Blues look at trading Backes in a lateral-ish trade as well?
I'm confident that the Habs do not plan on starting the season with Desharnais and Plekanec as their top two centers..
I believe management doesn't see him as a top two center any more..and want to upgrade.
This is the Phil that we know, and the media doesn't seem to pay attention to.
Ugh ;_____;
Please cherish him Pens-Age. More than this garbage fanbase and media did.
i can't even watch that
this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you phil
From the same scout / source as before
Re: Desharnais
I'm becoming aroused
From the same scout / source as before
Re: Desharnais
I'm becoming aroused
Quiet you.Welcome to Montreal, Tyler Bozak
I know a couple of Leaf fans that I have to deal with on a regular basis and I'm really getting worried about them.
A few weeks ago they were so optimistic about the rebuild. They were coming up with lists of Oiler's prospects and picks that they expected to get for Kessel. Trying not to laugh I politely tried to explain that they probably won't get much for him. But the mere mention of a salary dump sent them into a frenzy about my insanity.
So I stayed out of their conversations after that. I understand that the Leaf kool-aid is extremely strong and makes them delusional. I didn't want to ruin their high and destroy their dreams.
Now that the Kessel deal has gone down they're in complete shock. Naturally they come to me for an explanation.
"What went wrong? Phil is elite."
Sorry guys, no he's not. He's a weirdo full of hot dogs that very few can afford. He's a terrible two-way player and nobody wanted all of that horrible contract in the cap era. Hell, even the Leafs don't want him anymore and desperately tried to get rid of him. How could you possibly think that he was worth a stack of top prospects? Please try to understand this, guys.
Now they're just wandering around in a complete daze and I'm really getting worried. Surely there must be some sort of therapy or rehab for these poor lost souls.
Parch will officially be known as Reek from now on.Those "insane Leafs fans" are actually probably sane, and Parch is actually fucking retarded.
Jesus Christ, this whole post reeks. How is it that some of the Oilers fans here have this much smugness?
Those "insane Leafs fans" are actually probably sane, and Parch is actually fucking retarded.
Jesus Christ, this whole post reeks. How is it that some of the Oilers fans here have this much smugness?
Those "insane Leafs fans" are actually probably sane, and Parch is actually fucking retarded.
Jesus Christ, this whole post reeks. How is it that some of the Oilers fans here have this much smugness?
did you forget that parch is a habs lifelongHow is it that some of the Oilers fans here have this much smugness?
I know a couple of Leaf fans that I have to deal with on a regular basis and I'm really getting worried about them.
A few weeks ago they were so optimistic about the rebuild. They were coming up with lists of Oiler's prospects and picks that they expected to get for Kessel. Trying not to laugh I politely tried to explain that they probably won't get much for him. But the mere mention of a salary dump sent them into a frenzy about my insanity.
So I stayed out of their conversations after that. I understand that the Leaf kool-aid is extremely strong and makes them delusional. I didn't want to ruin their high and destroy their dreams.
Now that the Kessel deal has gone down they're in complete shock. Naturally they come to me for an explanation.
"What went wrong? Phil is elite."
Sorry guys, no he's not. He's a weirdo full of hot dogs that very few can afford. He's a terrible two-way player and nobody wanted all of that horrible contract in the cap era. Hell, even the Leafs don't want him anymore and desperately tried to get rid of him. How could you possibly think that he was worth a stack of top prospects? Please try to understand this, guys.
Now they're just wandering around in a complete daze and I'm really getting worried. Surely there must be some sort of therapy or rehab for these poor lost souls.
Don't worry. The insanity in Edmonton has never been higher. People are scared to be optimistic until the anger fully subsides. So many mixed feelings.
And trust me. Half of Alberta are transplants from Ontario and Newfoundland. It's impossible to avoid Leaf fans, and after having to put up with their bullshit for the last decade, they deserve some of their own medicine. We recognize the early symptoms of rebuild grief. With such a sad foundation to start a rebuild, Leaf fans should be prepared for a very long and painful journey.
But then again their journey has been painful for the last 50 years so it's probably just business as usual.
So is Alberta a province full of assholes (and zedge), or...
I've said all along that Kessel and Phaneuf would be difficult to trade unless the Leafs eat a significant amount of their contracts. And that any deal would mostly be a salary dump without much of significance in return. Sorry if it's coming true.Your post would have resonated so much more if, a few weeks ago when these conversations took place you actually mentioned it on here and gave everyone your excellent analysis of all things hockey. As it stands you seen like a hindsight Harry.
Never seen Quick so distraught, shit sucks man :'(
Phil's gonna get his Cup in Pittsburgh, not something he ever had a chance at in this cursed-ass city. He's getting what he always needed to thrive, a legit centre -- two in fact! Dude will finally get the appreciation he deserves.
Wrong. BC and Alberta have the highest percentage of atheists and "non-religious" people in Canada.It's the Southern US/bible belt of Canada
I know exactly what you're thinking.
From the same scout / source as before
Re: Desharnais
I'm becoming aroused
I think they have a much better shot than most people believe. Their D is underrated. Losing Despres was a bad decision but with some smart moves it's manageable.I don't think Pens will get out of the East to be honest. Phil will have some amazing seasons no doubt, but this upcoming season the Pens won't be winning the Cup. Remains to be seen what changes they make after that.
It would not surprise anyone if they moved Plekanec over DD. This is the first sign I've seen from anyone related to the organization that they're ready to move on from DD, if true it's massive. I'd give up a lot for Couture too.???
Well duh, Galchenyuk and Plekanec are different from Desharnais and Plekanec.
But seriously, it would not surprise me at all to see them go after Couture, who is apparently unhappy in San Jose. I remember reading about it somewhere.
I've said all along that Kessel and Phaneuf would be difficult to trade unless the Leafs eat a significant amount of their contracts. And that any deal would mostly be a salary dump without much of significance in return. Sorry if it's coming true.
So is Alberta a province full of assholes (and zedge), or...
See now I'm confused. Are you trying to suggest that Oiler fans are jealous of Leaf fans? Jealous about what exactly? Successful better brother? Was there a recent Leaf dynasty that I missed somewhere? Because the Oiler dynasty is still really fresh in my mind. (Old-GAF representing)So you're a jealous Oilers fan who acts like the hated brother who'd always fail after the successful better brother, and now that the better brother's seeing some tough times, you finally found your chance to be better at something than him.
See now I'm confused. Are you trying to suggest that Oiler fans are jealous of Leaf fans? Jealous about what exactly? Successful better brother? Was there a recent Leaf dynasty that I missed somewhere? Because the Oiler dynasty is still really fresh in my mind. (Old-GAF representing)
Source pls.I've said all along that Kessel and Phaneuf would be difficult to trade unless the Leafs eat a significant amount of their contracts. And that any deal would mostly be a salary dump without much of significance in return. Sorry if it's coming true.
'We all see Jared play, and sometimes we all want to strangle Jared too" - Sens AGM Pierre Dorrion. @SensChirp
Little bro, it's okay.
Mom and dad love us equally, I'm sure.
He helped that girl change her tire once after a game, Bergevin would be all over a character guy like that.Caps should find a way to dump Brooks Laich to the Leafs.
He helped that girl change her tire once after a game, Bergevin would be all over a character guy like that.
I have some friends in Edmonton, they're not nearly as arrogant or condescending as this dude. He's just trying to get you going. Let it go quick, we don't need you getting a match penalty for leaving the bench to fight.
Williams won't allow itIt will be even more lol when the Caps lose another game 7.
Hell ya. Couture signed until 2019 too. First I've heard he might be unhappy, but if SJ is looking to mix things up then Montreal would be a good fit to swap around some forwards. Sometime this year Montreal will have to decide if they want to trade or resign Plekanec.It would not surprise anyone if they moved Plekanec over DD. This is the first sign I've seen from anyone related to the organization that they're ready to move on from DD, if true it's massive. I'd give up a lot for Couture too.
“Montreal is a good, deep team. Anywhere I can fit in and help the team win, I’m more than happy to do so,” said the 2010 Memorial Cup champion, who has 25 goals and 66 points in 198 career NHL games. “I don’t look at it as Top 6 or Bottom 6; if you look at the teams that are winning nowadays, they have four lines that all play. Anywhere the coach wants me, I’ll thrive in that role and try to make the team better.
I never asked for a trade, but obviously I was open that if a team wanted me, I was more than welcome to going somewhere I was wanted. I really feel like Montreal is a great fit for me. I’m ready to do everything to help the team win,” he underlined. “No one wants to get traded two times, but it’s a learning curve. I’m excited to be a Montreal Canadien and I really want to make this home.”