Unhandled Exception
I'm currently back to trying to reduce my pop intake. Other than today, I haven't had pop in a few days. And before that, probably almost a week. I was successful a couple of years ago in cutting down my pop intake by a lot in comparison to before (one/two cans a day) - I'd only drink pop once a month or whenever I'd watch a movie, but half the time I'd just get a bottle of water (or sneak one in).
There are a ton of restaurants around my office, and it's hard to resist sometimes.
I hear you dude. I end up going to Noodles & Co a lot. I also go hot and cold with soda but I've kind of allowed myself to drink a diet soda whenever as long as my food for the day is right. Carbonated drinks help me feel fuller so it does serve a purpose other than being a vice.